They were already organizing a nationwide protest for tomorrow September 5th.

Their website says more cities have “joined” and provides us with a list:

Obviously Antifa/BLM does not need and excuse to do their crimes, but they will use Michael Reinoehl’s memory to add to the piñata.  So plan accordingly if you are near one of the locations. If you are not at the time you are reading this, come back later just to make sure your town did not get added.

Stay safe.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

26 thoughts on “With Michael Reinoehl gone by LEO hands, tomorrow may get nasty”
        1. Atomic Ammo subsonic tactical .308 plus a decent suppressor. Shoots like a dream and sounds like a Hollywood suppressor … And it will cycle an AR-10. (Won’t lock the bolt back, though, that might be fixable with a tweak to the gas block.)

    1. Joseph – yeah, I might stay out of downtown tomorrow. I don’t think that the protesters got a permit. I expect that the Sheriff’s Department will be ready with their rubber bullets. I think that Mayor ‘Take a Knee’ Tommy Battle (R) learned a lesson about kneeling to the mob last time – they still protested at his house.

      1. [img][/img]

        Downtown Huntsville Alabama ‘Mass Protest’, a couple of hours ago.

          1. Argh, one more time…


  1. Was thinking the same about Inverness. Guess if they f*ck around they’ll find out really quickly, like mr. Pantyfa-all-the-way. LOL!

    1. Inverness stuck out to me, too. I mean, Inverness instead of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, or one of those deep blue cities??

      Thankfully, they didn’t pick anywhere over here on the “Space Coast”.

      1. Oh, I’m sure the usual commietard enclaves in Floriduh will eventually make the list.
        It would be unthinkable that leftards in Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, Gainesville & Tallahassee be left out of the looting opportunities… uh, I mean the “peaceful protesting.” 😉

      2. It dates to 2003 when Miami was host to the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) in 2003. The Antifas back then had made a hast of the WTO in 1999 and had announced they would come down to Miami.
        The FTAA was not interrupted and even the Unions protesters were treated with the utmost respect and help.
        Antifa and assorted assholes? Not so much.

        This documentary sides with the protesters heavily, but gives you an inkling of what happened. It did not go far because the media had choppers flying and it was hard to say they did not deserve what they got when 10 seconds earlier were tossing brick or shooting steel balls with slingshots.

        It was may day off and I watched the whole thing on TV, bird’s eye view.

        That has been the way things have been done since and South Florida has a imbedded dislike for looters since Hurricane Andrew. That does not make for a good place for Antifa to cultivate their brand of bullshit.

        PS: Also lots of guns and machetes. 😀

        1. I remember that. I was clerking for my dad’s firm in downtown Miami. After the WTO “battle of Seattle” MDPD had exactly zero slack for anyone who wanted to riot at the FTAA.

          If you looked like you were gonna cause shit the cops had you eating pavement in cuffs.

          I was a college intern so I had to be on my best “don’t fuck around” behavior.

          They blew up a pizza dude’s car on Brickell Ave because his delivery took too long and someone suspected it might be a bomb. So bomb squad did a controlled demo.

          Fun times.

        2. “That has been the way things have been done since and South Florida has a imbedded dislike for looters since Hurricane Andrew. That does not make for a good place for Antifa to cultivate their brand of bullshit.”

          Bravo! If only all of Florida had had. 😉

      3. You got to remember that Inverness is between the scalloping area of Crystal River/ Homassasa and Central Florida- and there’s a LOT of pickup truck driving good old boys waving Uuuuuge “Trump” flags who want to get in their last bit of scalloping before the season ends.

      4. Orlando is close enough. I’ll be staying away for more reasons than the ChiCom virus in Orange Co. Demings will probably lick their boots.

    2. If there is a way to hack the site and say the protest was moved from Inverness to Lakeland.
      I mean, we all know Sheriff Grady will tolerate mayhem and looting…

      1. ROLF! Based on the vids I saw last time the commietards tried them shenanigans in Lakeland, wouldn’t surprise me at all if Sheriff Grady were to just deputize a bunch of locals and bring them a long for the “festivities.” LOL!

        If that happens then I better double my order of store popcorn… 😀

  2. I hope there is body cam of this, not that I expect it to make one ounce of difference but it will be nice to have video evidence when we hear the inevitable “they let a 17yr old kid who killed blm protestors go free but killed this guy who killed a trump supporter blah blah blah”

  3. Why am I NOT surprised Houston is in this mix… I wouldn’t be surprised if Acevado isn’t out there with them, along with Shelia Jackson Lee. I guess Austin and Dallas learned they don’t want to deal with DPS. LOL

  4. I don’t see anything scheduled for this little corner of East Tennessee, but here it is the morning of the 5th, and I started hearing gunfire (pistol and rifle, not all from one direction) around 0810.
    Think the neighborhood watch is maybe warming up, Just In Case?
    (This seems an unlikely area for a riot, not to mention an exceedingly unwise one.)

  5. Looks like the FL protest were pretty much duds. Orlando’s was met by a large crowd of Trump supporters, and I can’t find a thing about Lakeland.

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