Trough Google Translate and some fixin’ of my own:

A few meters from the bank branch where he withdrew Bs 12,000 ($200) located on Avenida Romulo Gallegos, opposite the television station Televen, Ricardo Sarmiento, 48, was killed yesterday morning.

He was shot in the head in front of a partner, when a thug tried to rip him of the money he had withdrawn from the agency.

The victim was an electrician and was doing work in Boleita.

When intercepted by the gangster, who demanded the exact amount of money he had, he wrestled and disarmed him. His partner helped him, but both were unware of another criminal who was near with own his gun. The man shot Ricardo in the head and rescued his accomplice. Both fled on a motorcycle and the money was not taken.
Lo matan aunque desarmó a hampón que quiso robarlo (Killed even after disarming the criminal that triied to rob him)

Take it as article of faith that bad guys have friends too or at least accomplices. We have read so many times that those “friends” run away when they see their buddies take one that we might forget that there might be one or two of them that decide not to follow that script and get instant payback.

Tunnel vision is hard to break. Our sight and concentration gets reduced to a cone of attention with an angle of about 25 to 30 degrees and fixed on that immediate threat, even when the threat is no longer one.

My particular way to try to break the tunnel vision anchor is: turn and consciously scan 45 degrees to my left (or right), vision back to initial target (confirm is still down) then consciously scan 45 degrees to my right (or left) returning once more to original target followed to a scan to the 90 degree….and you get the picture. I have to force myself to do it slow  to be sure I am consciously scanning and not just looking but not so low that Granny McMaria can reach me and smack me in the head with her cane.

And yes, please remember to breathe. Amazing how we can forget about that under stress.  Even if it sounds stupid, say something out loud to force fresh air into your lungs..”scanning left…clear! (or not)….scanning right…clear!” or whatever strikes your fancy.

One more thing: anybody noticed in the article where the robber asked for the exact amount of money the victim was carrying?  Unfortunately it is not unusual down there to have an accomplice inside a bank of calls or texts the description of the target and the money withdrawn.

Do you have any techniques to break tunnel vision you want to share with the rest? Go crazy in the comment section.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Wolves travel in packs – Tunnel Vision”
  1. re: “One more thing: anybody noticed in the article where the robber asked for the exact amount of money the victim was carrying? Unfortunately it is not unusual down there to have an accomplice inside a bank of calls or texts the description of the target and the money withdrawn.”

    I think that’s an artifact of translation – an alternative to “the exact amount of money” could be “all of the money.”

    It sounds like this happened at an ATM. My bank branch, after much prodding, changed the lock on the door to the ATM booth so that you have to swipe your card to get in and no other swipes are recognized until the crashbar is pushed to get out. (Yes, the booth is bullet-resistant acrylic – they made that move several years ago.) Next on the agenda of improvements to lobby for is a panic button that will call 9-1-1 (something along the lines of a fire alarm pulldown that squirts dye on your fingers if you pull it). Either that or a pulldown that opens access to a firearm. :>)

    stay safe.

    1. Nope, it has been confirmed that they have either watchers inside the bank or cashiers are accomplices. It is frigging crazy down there.

  2. Not to make light of the crazy crap down there and that poor dude, but when you described your method of scanning 45s left and right, while very valid, had me giggling as I remembered a spoof video of Operators doing their thing…”Searching and assessing, always searching and assessing, and yes, more searching and assessing!” hopefully it’s new to you but I’ll wager you’ve seen it 🙂 The bit I remembered is at 1:18, but watch it all.

      1. Does the video not show up in my post? I can see it…hope you can?
        Otherwise – here’s the molested link so it won’t auto pick it up in the post
        http://www. youtube .com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=E5fBwYsnMUc

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