Anybody who can give me a step by step instructive on how to update this thing? I am running WordPress version 2.6.1 and I am supposed to be messing with 3.2.1. The problem is my version is so old it will not do automatic update and there is a big chance I might screw up my database and over 1,200 posts. When I upgraded to this version, I lost everything I had posted but back then it was like only 20 or so posts which I recovered via Google cache and I do not feel like going through that again.

so… heeelp!?!?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “WordPress Update help!”
  1. I’m stuck in midterm hell, but could help out after this weekend. But really, what JoeG said is good advice.

    Here’s what I’d do.

    First, go here: and download each of the versions between where you are and current. You could probably skip the minor releases. So since you’re on 2.6.1, download 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2.

    Then follow these steps.

    1. Shut everything down and take a cold backup of your WP installation, database, etc.

    2. Apply the lowest version that you downloaded which you haven’t yet installed.

    3. After it’s done, bring the site back up and test it, making sure everything’s fine.

    4. GOTO 1 🙂

    Yeah, it’s overkill, but you’ll be able to restore back to a working site at any point, and you’ll get caught up quickly. Each of those shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to apply. More than likely once you get to the 3.x you’ll be able to auto update. Maybe even sooner. But still, do a cold backup before you do that.

  2. I’ll start a short vacation in about a week. I’ll hold till then so I can have 24/7 chance to cray and go crazy upgrading this crap and beg for help like a blonde in a Tarzan movie from the 40s

  3. To make the WordPress update, you will first need to upgrade your MySQL database.

    Your ISP/Hosting service will have to provide the upgrade on the server side.

    I think WordPress will then detect the change and again offer automatic updates for your site.

  4. I will not be able to help directly much over the coming few weeks, but what the other folks have suggested should work perfectly. Ideally, your hosting company allows you access to your MySQL panel and you know how to make a backup from there, but barring that, there are alternatives that will keep you afloat, and WordPress actually does a pretty decent job of providing instructions and guidance.

    Should all your other options fail, feel free to drop me a line :).

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