By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “WTF is the Gun Range Loophole?”
  1. I suspect this has to do with the ability to go to a gun range and rent a gun to shoot without a background check. Because a background check would have prevented this from happening.

    1. I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what the “loophole” is.

      As for how to prevent this sort of thing from happening: GET OUR VETERANS THE PSYCHIATRIC HELP THEY NEED!

      Of course, that’s not in any way, shape, or form an endorsement of Bernie Sanders. He’s the president of the VA, he should be able to fix the problems without resorting to political campaigning. If anything, he’s part of the problem.(Of course he is. If there aren’t any problems at the VA, then he can’t campaign on the platform of getting them fixed.)


        After we get a Republican in office, of course. Until then (and even perhaps after), if a veteran seeks psychiatric care, they are branded “mentally defective” and stripped of their rights. So naturally, many who need it feel discouraged from seeking it.

        Fix that, and the problem will largely fix itself.

        (Oh, and if this particular veteran had ingested a whole bottle of acetaminophen, you can bet we wouldn’t be hearing about the “drug-store loophole” and how we should need prescriptions and background checks to buy Tylenol.)

        1. “if a veteran seeks psychiatric care, they are branded “mentally defective” and stripped of their rights.”

          I’d say that qualifies as a part of “not the help they need,” and I blame Sanders for that, too.

  2. DavidY has it. I remember seeing that argument once in an article addressing those who go to gun ranges, rent a gun and commit suicide. And as DavidY said, “because a background check would have prevented this from happening.” Indeed.

  3. I would think what they mean is that renting guns at a range should be playing it’s illegal and touching a gun at a range is not yours should also be like it illegal. Just like touching a gun that isn’t yours in Oregon and Washington

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