Even the Miami Herald has to do a left-hand admission.

My guess it has to do partially with this:

And actually, it is worse than just that if geography is taken into consideration. I recognized immediately the location of the caravan: East 49th street in Hialeah (A.K.A NW 103rd Street). A couple of miles West you get Little Nicaragua.  The African American communities of Opa-Locka and Miami Gardens are but about a mile North East from there. The industrial neighborhood of Medley is just across the palmetto Expressway and the upper Middle class Miami Lakes, old Democrat stronghold is due north, also about a mile or so away. How Democrat? Former US Senator Bill Nelson’s  Governor Bob Graham’s family owned and developed the land actually creating Miami Lakes, Bill Nelson had been running for State and the Federal office since pretty much 1980 and constantly winning till Republican Rick Scott beat him.  Bob Graham has been in almost every elective post in Florida (including governor and US Senator) on a Democratic ticket since 1970. This is supposed to be safe Democratic country, nobody would dare wave the flag, much less do a caravan for Trump.

This is not a 3 Stooges poke in the eyes to the Democrats, but a sharp stick driven all the way to the back of the brain pan. And it has to hurt.

No wonder the Miami Herald has to announce the creation of another “grassroots” group to demonstrate that “it ain’t so, Jose.”


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Yes, there is a sense of panic among Democrats”
  1. This is the inevitable outcome of identity politics. When you start dividing people up into groups, you are going to alienate at least half of the people, probably more.

    The Dems just do not get it. By blindly supporting one group, you ignore the other groups. BLM has lost the Dems more black votes than any other action they could have taken. There are examples across the board, in every possible demographic.

  2. Vietnamese Americans for Trump in Clearwater Florida.

    I love THIS ??❤️? #RedTsunami #MAGA2020 Vietnamese For Trump held Boat Parade at Clearwater Florida, Tampa Bay Rally

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