Staring today, I am offering the chance to be a supporter of the blog and have the right to bitch an moan about the content (not the ideas), spelling, photos, video, etc.

Since it seems a month cannot go by without somebody trying to tell me how to run things, I decided that telling them to go eff themselves is not only counterproductive but fiscally irresponsible.  So, what I am offering a three layer Bitch Mode with different monthly amounts or just three yearly payments.

Introducing the “My Name is Karen And I Want To see The Manager About This Blog” website support and patronage.

Level One: $100 a month (or $1,200 a year) gives you the chance to bitch in the comments about the blog’s spelling and grammar without getting an insulting reply on my part.

Level Two:  $200 a month (or $2,400 a year) gives you the chance to bitch in the comments about the blog’s spelling and grammar, complain loudly abut the photos and videos if they are too violent and specially if I forgot to issue a warning without getting an insulting reply on my part.

Level Three: $400 a month (or $4,800 a year) gives you the right to bitch as much and as loud as you want about anything in the blog. From Spelling to Graphic design, you get to go crazy and have your say without fear of being banned from the site. (It does not include the heated exchange of idea as normal people do) and a special prize, I may change something you don’t like.

You can use the Fundraiser or the Paypal link at the right of this blog to transfer your monies.

And tank you for your patronage.

PS: Regular bitching is still free and no charge for positive corrections as usual.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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