Cubans (Mostly in Florida) have fallen from the graces of the Left because they supported Trump in the elections. Why,

Let me jus paste the screen caps of what she says:

First, one clarification: Ms. Hudson is making the typical Liberal mistake/ignorance/bigotry comment by concentrating different branches of Hispanics and non-Hispanics Immigrants under the Cuban umbrella. It was not only Cubans who voted for Trump, but Venezuelan, Colombians, Brazilians, Haitians, Jamaicans etc.  But for Democrats, Hispanics only represent the captive west Coast Mexican and Chicano groups and I would not be surprised if 75% of the Liberals do not know AOC is actually Portorriqueña rather than Mexican cholita.

And the point she is making is very clear to us: We as sub-human and unenlightened peoples, love to be under the subjugation of a Caudillo (a Strongman) , a dictator.  They pushed the Narrative that Trump is a dictator so therefore, anybody following him must love dictatorships and specially Latin Americans who have gone through that.

I know, it does not make a lick of sense, but you need to see it from this point of view: For the Socialists, Dictatorships only come in Right Wing flavor. It does not matter if what they do is a duplicate of the crap Pinochet pulled because it is sanctified with the hammer and sickle stamp of approval and therefore it is a good thing. That is the reason why Keith Olberman demanding mass incarcerations and kangaroo courts is a good thing and we suing for a recount is an attempt to destroy Democracy. And, of course, people like Cynthia Hudson can be utterly racist against Latin-Americans but be hailed as a good White person and still keep her job at CNN.

Some say Liberalism is a mental disease. I am starting to believe that is a mass self-induced lobotomy.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “You too could be Racist if you work for CNN.”
  1. We as sub-human and unenlightened peoples, love to be under the subjugation of a Caudillo (a Strongman) , a dictator. They pushed the Narrative that Trump is a dictator so therefore, anybody following him must love dictatorships and specially Latin Americans who have gone through that.

    Well, the Democrats love them some amnesty for illegal immigrants, since those immigrants tend to vote Democrat by a ~70/30 margin.

    Since that’s their motivation for open borders, why wouldn’t they think Trump does the same thing?

    See, Latin Americans who emigrated from Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, etc., where they lived under socialist dictatorships … they didn’t come here to escape socialism; they came here to bring it with them!

    Just like good little fascist peons.


    Gah… the mental contortions these people go through to maintain their faith…. Orwellian double-think is thriving in the American Left.

  2. The most evil act the progressive leftist in this country have pulled in the 20th Century was to convince everyone that Latinos were somehow or another different from “White People.”

    Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, and Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte-Andrade y Blanco would all be absolutely shocked to learn that they weren’t part of the same culture as Thomas Aquinas, Leonardo da Vinci, Aristotle, and Ovid…

    It’s utterly ridiculous that if your great-great-grandfather was born on the northern slopes of the Pyrenees and moved to North America in 1900 you and your family are now “White People” but if your great-great-grandfather was born on the southern slopes of the Pyrenees and moved to North America in 1900 you and your family are now “People of Color.”

    1. Don’t underestimate the willful ignorance of the Progs. To them, anything vaguely Hispanic is ‘Mexican”, including all South America, Spain, Portugal, and so on. And anyone in the USA that has any kind of Hispanic heritage is an illegal Mexican. Even those people who’s family has been American for generations.

        1. Of course any Official Minority that refuses to toe the party line is actually somehow White and evil.

      1. I s–t you not, I once had a college professor* try to explain to me that His Majesty The King of Spain, Felipe VI, was a Latino.

        The man was born in Madrid and historians can trace his lineage, unbroken, back to Chrodobert I, Count of Hesbaye, who founded the Robertine dynasty (which would eventually become the House of Borbón) in the late 8th Century CE… and not a single member of his family had ever set foot in the Americas until King Juan Carlos in 1976!

        *I graduated university with a BA in history (with an emphasis on medieval economics) in 2005. In 2007, I decided to enroll at the local community college to earn an Associates Degree and certification as a paralegal… But to pad out my class hours, I opted to take classes in silly things like modern literature and fencing. It was an adjunct lecturer in my class on modern literature that had this argument with me about Felipe VI’s ethnicity.

          1. I’ve told the story before, but this same adjunct lecturer who had apoplectic fits accusing me of all sorts of –ism’s and –ist’s when I told him that Zorro wasn’t an Mexican folk tale, but rather the throughly modern, throughly American, and throughly commercial creation of a Scottish-American pulp novelist: Johnston McCulley.

            The really weird thing was that this conversation occurred during the otherwise excellent lecture on Edgar Rice Burroughs. The first place Burroughs work ever appeared in print was the pulp magazine The All-Story in 1912; this is the same magazine where the first Zorro stories were printed in 1919… Shrug.

        1. That reminds me of something I read recently, an example of “unintended consequences” from the early days of affirmative action. Some government minion was complaining about all those immigrants from Spain who had the nerve to claim the benefits of affirmative action by registering themselves as “hispanic”.

    2. Close to the point about Hispanics being non-white is the idea that just being a woman is also good for membership in the Oppressed Minority Club. Which is why you have Daddy’s Little Spoiled Princess shamelessly progsplaining what poverty, racism, and oppression is to various poor minorities.

  3. There’s nothing like reading the words of a Woke White Woman of Privilege Progsplaining the facts of Oppression to those minority people she sees as her inferiors.
    Because it’s not racist when the woke do it.

  4. Joe: “progsplaining”!

    Utterly delicious!

    Sums up in one neologism how Our Betters “communicate” with us.

    Thank you!

    Reminiscent of the WWWOP hectoring the placid appearing, and thoroughly professional, Black cop, accusing him of racism. Photo from, I think, Portlandistan.

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