Yesterday I was doing my due diligence and preparing to vote when my wife pointed out the following ticket.
By the time this post appears (yes, I scheduled the post) I should be in line for early voting. And no, the Barr/Sheehan ticket is not the option.
I’d vote for them. I’d love to see the chaos that would ensue about three weeks into their terms. Then again, they probably wouldn’t make it that far; their heads would explode during the transition meetings.
Yeah, I would hate to see how they handle the whole terrorist thing. Set them all free and surrender? Funny thing is, these two idiots would be the first ones killed by the terrorists.
What irks me the most about this ballot, is the Spanish instructions. If the voter needs a bilingual ballot then the odds are very good that the the voter is uninformed on a variety of topics (and is voting straight Democrat ticket). Stupid or selfish people vote Democrat.
What, no Ebonixinstructions?
English, Spanish & Creole instructions. Welcome to Babel in The South.
anyone who votes the Barr/sheehan ticket has not a single brain cell in their heads.
You sure that image didn’t originate on The Onion?
Miami Dade Elections Department…. This is South Florida after all.
It’s legit. I laughed myself when I absentee voted the other week.
I see a hanging chad!
Beautiful thing about the US. Pretty much anyone has the freedom to run for president.
And I have the freedom not to vote for them 😀