Month: October 2019

Can the other be too far away?

The more the Democrats kept at this Soft Coup/Impeachment effort, the more it reminds me of what they did in Venezuela. Every day it passes, I see the increasing of a No-Way-But-Bullets exit of this problem. The Democrats will do their outmost not to allow the President to get to the November elections because I believe they know not only he will be reelected but by such a margin  it will give him even a bigger Bully Pulpit with a huge side of Mandate. And who knows? Maybe the House reverses back to Republican.

And if that happens, History tells us the leaders of the failed take-over end up in prison or posing in front of a pockmarked wall  for 5 minutes or so. Yeah, this is America, we don’t do that.


The great American divide laid bare

There are two Americas.  We do not speak a common language or have common values.  We are so different we even experience reality differently.

Take the case of the resignation of Congresswoman Katie Hill.

Go read the comments on this Tweet.

The fall into two camps.

Camp One: Hill had sex with a subordinate, she admitted to that, and was accused with evidence of having sex with another subordinate.  This is in clear violation of House Rules.  She resigned to avoid punishment and probably to keep other skeletons locked in her closet that might have come out during the Ethics investigation.

Camp Two: Hill is the victim of revenge porn.  Women are shamed for having the kind of sex men get high fives for.  Its sexism, the patriarchy, and anti bisexual bigotry that made Hill resign and she should rescind her resignation.

Camp Two is unable to acknowledge even the existence of the “don’t bang your subordinates” rule.

We can debate should a member of Congress step down in naked pictures from some college party get put online.  I will recognize that this will be more and more necessary in the future.  Also, leaking revenge porn should be a crime, I’d support that.

But if one side cant face the fact that Hill groomed an employee into sexual servitude and paid her off with campaign funds, we can’t have a rational conversation.

There is one America for who the laws and facts matter and another America for who only feelings and identity matter.

Those two Americas are incompatible.


Background checks for truck rentals?

The only way I imagine this came to happen

Scene: Inside a congressional office, late one Friday night. an opened pack of zigzag lays open on the desk, also a Bic lighter with image of Peter Tosh. Two men are across a desk inhaling from individual “artisan” cigarettes containing a controlled green substance: 

Josh: Brian, dude….I have an idea (Toketoketoke…cough)
Brian: What is it? Are we out of Pringles already? Oh man!
Josh: (exhaling) Listen, I have an idea for a anti terrorist bill.
Brian: ( Toketoketoke…hold…cough hard) What?
Josh: You know them raghead in France used a truck to kill a shitload of people?
Brian (munching on goldfish crackers) Don’t call him that, call him Towel-American (both giggle) Yeah I remember, like totally uncool.
Josh: I am thinking we do a Red Flag law so we don’t rent trucks to dangerous people and shit. No UHauls of death, dude! What do you think? ( Toketoketoke…hold…exhale), pass the fishies.
Brian: (tosses bag) That is totally awesome! You write that bitch and I co-sponsor!
Josh: Cool bro, thanks! You wanna go get som fish tacos?

Hat Tip Eve’s Hubby

Second Amendment Rally in D.C. this coming Saturday

This Saturday, November 2, 2019, on the Capitol Lawn in Washington D.C. there will be a Second Amendment Rally with a long and distinguished like up of speakers.

If you are in the area or can make the trip, I urge you to go. This is a good and necessary thing.

§16.16.10 Pursuant to 40 U.S.C. Section 5104(e)(1), firearms, dangerous weapons, explosives, or incendiary devices are prohibited on Capitol Grounds.

But I expect to see several of Florida’s Chest Thumpers ignore this and truly have the Rosa Park moment they keep saying they do. I mean, you guys are plainning on going, right? Ar 15 strapped to your chest as you walk the streets of DC?
Send video and pictures and video. I will gladly publish them.

Tucker doing good things for CCW

Tucker Carlson has done segments on Tuesday and Wednesday extolling the virtues of concealed carry in the city of Detroit.

I invite you to watch:

The average police response time for a high priority 911 call is 14.5 minutes.  That is the average, in poor neighborhoods, some people can wait for more than an hour for the police to respond.

Without a way to defend themselves, these people have little to no chance of being helped by the police.

While Detroit has its problems and is often picked on, it’s conditions are not unique.  Other major Democrat cities have the same issues on the “bad side of town” and have the same impending budget shortfalls that have caused Detroit to have one third the police the city needs.

Detroit is simply a glimpse 10-20 years into the future for many deep Blue cities.  Los Angeles is one that is starting to catch up.

What is unique is the Detroit Chief of Police acknowledging the problems and encourage concealed carry for self-defense.  I doubt many if any other Blue cities will do the same as their descent into perdition accelerates.