Month: December 2019

Well, that sound like a threat.

Ms Thunberg was speaking after her arrival in Lisbon, Portugal, after a two-weeks-plus journey across the Atlantic from her starting point in Virginia, US.

“People are underestimating the force of angry kids,” she told reporters.

Greta Thunberg: People underestimate ‘angry kids’

This smells like a Red Flag moment if I have seen one.  She should be red-flagged the next time she sets foot in the UD, maybe even Baker Act her upset braided butt.

On Jury Nullification

A reader sent me this video:

I have been hearing about Jury Nullification since before the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994.  Initially I found it an interesting concept: Somebody gets prosecuted because of a bad law and the Jury comes to the rescue, ignores the evidence and the law and frees the Defendant. Ain’t that a story worth being part of?

But what the proponents of Jury Nullification do not tell you is how it can be used to abuse your fellow man. How many cases do you think we had in which the evidence against a defendant was so weak and the prosecutor failed to prove his case, but the defendant was found guilty anyway because he was black? The obvious verdict was ignored and a decision via Jury Nullification was given.

I know, the official definition is when it returns a Not-Guilty verdict only. That is a self-serving and naive view to obscure the fact that the process can be used to actually find somebody  guilty with the same procedure. The process is simple:  a Jury ignores both the law and the evidence (for reasons) and  delivers a verdict outside the legal expectation of the trial. As painful and slow as it is, the best way (til somebody finds a better one) is to kill a bad law in the same location it was created: The legislature.

Queer Progressive Doublethink

As I was writing my post about Out Magazine’s coverage of Pete Buttigieg’s fascist antics I came across a couple of articles.

Videos Surface of Brutal Attack of Palestinian Gay Men, Trans Woman

A transgender Palestinian woman and two friends were brutally attacked by a group of men near Ramallah in the central West Bank on Monday.

According to reports, the trans woman — whose name is Sammy — was with friends in the West Bank to attend a doctor’s appointment in the village of Kafr ‘Aqab. A group of men reportedly from the Kalandia refugee camp attacked, robbed, and destroyed the vehicle in which the three were traveling.

According to a friend of the victim, the altercation started when a group of young men began recording Sammy and a friend in a clothing store. Afterward they went out to their car and attacked a male friend waiting outside.

“The girls heard the screams, and when they came out of the store to see what was going on, the group of men assaulted them as well,” Miriam told the Israeli news outlet ynetnews. “They stole 52,000 shekels [or $15,000] from Sammy, took her and her friends’ phones, and then told them to run away.”

The group was able to make it back to the checkpoint at the entrance to the village, where they medical attention for their injuries back in Israel.

After videos of the attack were posted on social media by Mark Halawa, a businessman whose parents are Palestinian refugees, LGBTQ+ people and allies condemned the local police, who stood by and watched as the victims were assaulted [sic].

“Two gay Palestinian youth were spotted in Ramallah and brutally attacked by people while police stood by idle,” Halawa wrote on Monday. “There are no laws to protect [LGBTQ+] people under the Palestinian Authority, where homosexuality is a punishable crime.”

The response from police is unsurprising, however, as Palestinian authorities have previously threatened to “crack down” on LGBTQ+ events in the West Bank.

Sammy was thrown out by her family after they discovered her gender identity and currently lives in Jaffa, where she is currently receiving gender affirming care from the LGBT Center in Tel Aviv, ynetnews reports.

Note the bolded parts.

There is no legal protection for LGBT people in Muslim territories.  The Muslims who attack suspected LGBT people are not arrested.  The victims of Muslim anti-gay violence were given medical treatment and sanctuary in Israel.

To be a good Progressive, you have to support the Palestinians over Israel, to be a good gay you have to be Progressive, so to be a good gay you have to support the people who savagely attack gays in the street over the people who give them refuge from their attackers.

Want more proof?  How about this article:

Stop Asking Ilhan Omar to Condemn Palestine’s LGBTQ+ Crackdown

Why?  She advocates for Palestine statehood, largely by way of the destruction of Israel.  Shouldn’t’ she as a Progressive explain how she can advocate for social justice for Palestinians while Palestinians murder gays?

Omar has been a leading critic of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, a stance that recently led to the lawmaker — in addition to fellow House Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) — being banned from Israel after Donald Trump tweeted she hates “Israel & all Jewish people.”

Clearly siding with the president, right-wing news website Washington Examiner claims Palestine’s “vicious anti-gay intolerance betrays everything the progressive women claim to stand for.”

“The merits of Israel’s decision to deny the congresswomen entry are ripe for debate, but one thing is no longer disputable: the blatant hypocrisy of supposedly progressive Democrats supporting an illiberal Palestinian Authority government over our Israeli allies,” says the conservative online rag, which incidentally has a long history of transphobic reporting.

Absolutely, 100%, spot-on, accurate.

While it’s great that Omar is using her platform to amplify the voices of LGBTQ+ Palestinians, she is not obligated to respond every single time a brown or Muslim person does something wrong — just as we don’t ask all white people to condemn mass shootings perperated by Caucasian males, the group most likely to be mass shooters.

Actually, you fuckers do.  All the time.  Every time some tragedy happens you blame the NRA and want all of us to be thrown in jail or murdered.

This controversy harkens back to the weeks and months after the September 11 attacks, which were used as a McCarthyian litmus test to prove Muslims’ loyalty to their own country. If they didn’t condemn the horrific acts of terrorism committed by Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, Muslims were viewed as suspect and possibily seditious. Even if they did denounce the attacks, they were expected to do so again and again — and sometimes it still wasn’t good enough.

Asking people to condemn the murder of 3,000 of their fellow citizens is just shameful.

Also, cry me a river.  When Muslims and Progressives accuse Jews of dual loyalty, the Left just can’t muster up that condemnation of anti-Semitism.

This expectation isn’t just racist and xenophobic; it causes Americans to create fallacious connections between Islam and mass terror in their minds, even when they’re more likely to be blown up by someone who looks like Donald Trump than llhan Omar.

It’s racist.  Of course, it is.  Also, the assertion of the risk of terrorism here is patently false.  Show me the Conservative with a Chic-Fil-A sandwich in one hand and an AR in the other shooting up a Pride Parade.  I must have missed that story.

Omar has herself spoken out on this issue. During a panel at the Muslim Collective for Equitable Democracy, she was asked by a member of the audience to censure female genital mulitation (FGM). Omar responded that she had made her position on the issue clear many times and was tired of being interrogated on the subject.

“So today, I forgot to condemn al Qaeda, so here’s the al Qaeda one,” the Congresswoman said in July. “I forgot to condemn FGM. Here that goes. I forgot to condemn Hamas. Here that goes.”

The problem with Omar is that when she speaks, she says things that show support for terrorists and she has to be reminded to condemn them, and when she does condemn them, she does it sarcastically.

Maybe we question her motivation because she’s given up ample reason to question her motivation, like some people who did something.

Let’s be clear: LGBTQ+ Palestinians absolutely need all the support they can get. But according to the fact-sheet Omar herself tweeted, alQaws says one of the ways onlookers can best support queer and transgender people on the ground is to resist “pinkwashing”: the idea that Israel’s support of LGBTQ+ rights makes all its humanitarian actions virtuous or that Palestine’s lack of support makes everything it does bad.

“Perpetuating tiresome tropes of presenting Palestinians as inherently oppressive and Israel as a liberal state that protects [LGBTQ+] rights is counterproductive and factually baseless,” the organization says. “[…] We ask you to steer away from these lies that are intentionally used to justify their colonization of Palestine.”

And there is the doublethink.  The Palestinians are murdering gays and the Israelis are saving them, but they have to hate the Jews and support the Palestinians so they come up with some SJW jargon to stave off the cognitive dissonance and make this illogic hold in their minds.

It’s sound advice, but something tells me no one will ever expect every white person who has criticized Omar to respond to it.

See, you are a racist if you expect one of the strongest supporters of a Palestinian state to support gay rights in that state.

That’s how you stop Progressive gays from seeing that there are only four lights and acknowledging the truth about the condition of LGBT people in Muslim countries.  If they stray from the orthodoxy, beat them back with the stick being called a racist.

Lastly, there is this story:

Teenage Boys Plead Guilty to Brutal Attack on Lesbian Couple

A group of teenage boys have admitted to harassing and attacking a lesbian couple during a late night bus ride in London.

The altercation took place on the upper deck of a double decker in the North London residential district of Camden. A group of teenage boys began harassing Christine Hannigan and Melania Geymonat and pelting them with coins after Hannigan claims they demanded the couple show them “how lesbians have sex.”

The three assailants — whose names have not been released to the media but are aged 15, 16, and 17 — pled guilty to “public order offenses.” Two reportedly laughed as CCTV footage was screened in the courtroom showing them physically assaulting the couple, who were badly bloodied following the scuffle.

We all know what the text in bold means.

According to a report published in The Guardian earlier this year, the number of hate crimes in England and Wales has doubled in the past five years

I wonder what has happened in the last five years?  Want a clue?  Look at this other excerpt from the linked Guardian article.

However, hate crimes against Jewish people more than doubled, with 18% of religious hate crime offences targeting Jewish people (1,326 offences), compared with 672 in the previous year.

What demographic hates both Gays and Jews and has significantly increased in London in the last five to ten years?

I can give you a few more hints.

How about this article from The Independent:

Woman charged with homophobic hate crime after Pride marchers verbally abused in London

Jamila Choudhury is accused of a public order offence during the Waltham Forest Pride event on 27 July.

Footage widely shared on social media showed a woman wearing a black niqab shouting at a marcher draped in a rainbow LGBT+ flag.

Or maybe this article from the Huffington Post:

Can We Finally Talk About Muslim Homophobia in Britain?

The most detailed opinion survey of British Muslims was carried out by Gallup, who correctly predicted the result of the last general election. In their extensive polling, they found literally no British Muslims who would say homosexuality is “morally acceptable.” Every one of the Muslims they polled objected to it. Even more worryingly, younger Muslims had more stridently anti-gay views than older Muslims.

It would seem that Islamic violence against gays is a worldwide event, from beating them in Palestine to shooting them in Florida to beating them in London.

But… to be a Progressive means that fact can’t be acknowledged and you have to promote anti-Zionism/anti-Semitism.

This is the Queer Progressive Doublethink.

The long rainbow knives come out for Buttigieg

Out Magazine is an LGBT lifestyle magazine.

Until recently, Out supported the presidential campaign of Pete Buttigieg.  Then old pictures of the Mayor of South Bend surfaced of him goose-stepping wearing a swastika armband.

No, that didn’t happen, but close…

Just look at that fucking fascist…. collecting charity money for the homeless.

The only problem I have with this picture is that the Mayor of South Bend looks like he’s 13-years-old and his mom is making him do this for Sunday school.

But to the gay internet, he’s a turncoat harming the LGBT community.

Having spent long enough in the Midwest, I can tell you that the Salvation Army red kettle is a Christmas time institution.

Furthermore, this is something of a tradition for the Office of the Mayor of South Bend to do every year.

But never mind all of that.  Their chosen gay did something once that sided with the enemy, those dastardly, mild-mannered Christians, and he must be destroyed.

The LGBT community says it wants a gay president but then it turns on Buttigieg for acting like a regular Midwesterner and not a militant gay activist.

This is the one hope for us normals.  The far Left will destroy their own for the most insignificant violations of ideological purity before they have the ability to gain power over the rest of us.

New York Post video editor doe not understand hunting ethics

Generally, I like the New York Post.  It is one of the more conservative news outlets in New York City, and its coverage of most topics is good.

However, it is still a news organization in New York City and cannot fully escape the NYC bubble.

Case in point, the commentary they added to this video from two hunters freeing an injured immature buck from a fence.

“When a deer became trapped in a fence, it became a sitting duck for these hunters… but the men showed compassion for the trapped animal instead of opening fire.

This is what you get from people whose only exposure to hunting is watching Bambi.

Despite what is shown in Disney movies, hunters are not deer murders.

Part of the code of ethical hunting is “fair chase.”  Shooting a deer stuck in a fence if an unethical act.

Furthermore, judging by the rack on the buck, it was an immature juvenile.  It would not have been legal to take that buck anyway.

The caption for this video says:

When these hunters in Warrensburg, Missouri, encountered a young deer with its leg caught in a fence, they stepped in to save the animal. Although the duo often hunt deer, they believe in treating wild game with respect and kindness. “We are very ethical hunters — we would never kill a distressed, captured or trapped deer or any animal,” Buck Tranbarger explained. After being freed, the animal thanked the men with a sweet gesture of its own. It was seen on camera nuzzling up to one of the hunters, who was happy to comfort it with some relaxing petting.

Note the phrasing in bold.

Part of ethical hunting is a quick kill to minimize suffering.  This is part of having respect for the animal.

Hunting and respect go hand-in-hand, they are not mutually exclusive.

I get that the New York Post has to have some sort of hook to tag their video, but this was clearly a hook written by someone who knows nothing about hunting or outdoors sportsmanship and used every opportunity to push their prejudices.

They will be missed

From The Daily Mail UK:

Bill Clinton was Jeffrey Epstein’s closest ‘celebrity mate’ and a frequent guest at his New Mexico ranch with wife Hillary, staying at the pedophile’s cowboy-themed village, say estate workers

Bill and Hillary Clinton stayed at Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious ‘baby-making ranch’ almost every year after they left the White House, according to the disgraced financier’s estate manager.

The estate manager will be missed after his suicide on Wednesday.

The former president was Epstein’s closest ‘celebrity mate’ and the Clintons, along with daughter Chelsea, visited Zorro Ranch ‘a whole bunch of times’, a former contractor who ran the IT system at the property told DailyMailTV in an exclusive interview.

The family visited the 10,000-acre estate in the New Mexico desert often, but never stayed in the main house.

Instead, the Clinton family bunked down in a special cowboy-themed village created by Epstein, which is a mile south of his own luxury mountaintop villa. They’d use one of the two guest houses, which look like they’re straight out of the 19th century.

The IT manager will be missed after his suicide on Thursday.

The mass suicide of Epstein’s former staff over the weekend will be shocking.

There will be no survivors of the tragic fire that destroys The Daily Mail building.

My condolences to their families.