Month: February 2020

Claiming Self-Defense: That is not how it works.

Seen thiscase just now over Confessions of a Street Pharmacist. .

ORLANDO, Fla. – Markeith Loyd’s attorneys have filed a new motion that says Orlando police ignored evidence that suggests Lt. Debra Clayton fired first when the pair encountered each other in a Walmart parking lot in 2017.

Attorneys said authorities failed to look into Clayton’s actions the night of the shooting, claiming her actions could be against policy and change the course of his case.

Markeith Loyd attorneys say new evidence suggests Orlando officer fired first

Here is part of the description of what lead to the death of Orlando Police Lt. Debra Clayton

Clayton ran approximately 10 feet behind Loyd as he ran between two concrete pillars. Loyd looped around one of the pillars, drew his gun and pointed it at Clayton, the report said. Clayton pulled out her gun and turned to run toward the parking lot when Loyd fired three rounds at her, according to police.

Clayton was struck four times: one bullet in the hip, another going through her buttock and shattering her hipbone; one in the thigh and one going through her neck and lodging in her shoulder. (Bold are mine)

IANAL warning and proceed.

Dear Bad Guys, I have bad news: What your boy Loyd did pulling the weapon and aiming at the cop is called Aggravated Assault (F.S. 784.021) which includes intent and is considered a forcible felony. Legally it does not matter if he shot first of not because the legislators, in a strange moment of common sense, decided that it would be rather stupid to give a criminal a chance to shoot somebody first in order to prove intent and make a  Self Defense shooting legal.

The simple display of the firearm in what seemed to be a threatening gesture is enough and that is why it is classified as a forcible felony and that brings us to F.S. 776.08 Justifiable Use of Force against a Forcible Felony.  And if there were any doubts, we can always refer to F.S. 776.012 (2):

A person is justified in using or threatening to use deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony. A person who uses or threatens to use deadly force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground if the person using or threatening to use the deadly force is not engaged in a criminal activity and is in a place where he or she has a right to be.

Now comes the question: Is Mr. Loyd’s lawyer dumb or does he know something about the judge that will make him buy this new “self-defense because I did not shoot first” tactic?



Because Stupid Must Hurt (Aerosol Can Version)

Potential Energy
po·ten·tial en·er·gy
the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors. (bold mine)

The contents  inside a spray can are under pressure and thus stressed.

I need to create the Miggy Principle: If you shoot at any vessel or container that Is under or will create pressure , it will come right at you and try to kill you.
And you deserve it.


Hat Tip Ziegfried W.

The Coronavirus situation is why I think McKinsey is guilty of crimes against the United States – Updated

I’ve been watching the financial news as it relates to the Coronavirus.

Companies are having shortages of raw materials or vendor-supplied parts from China.

There is the beginning of a drug shortage from Chinese supplied pharmaceuticals.

The stock market is going down.

What are the talking heads on TV saying?

The next thing to happen is layoffs or reductions in force as companies try to cut costs as values take a dip.

This is the exact opposite, 180-degrees from right, absolutely wrong thing for companies to do right now.

The lesson that we should be learning is that we are overly dependent on China and South East Asia outsourcing.  That has put our economy in a precarious position.

It could be another flu, it could be a war, it could be social upheaval, it could be a local economic collapse, nobody knows, but the next time that China has a major shakeup (which will happen eventually) it will topple our house-of-cards economy.

What American companies should be doing is spending money hard and fast to onshore supply.  They should be dumping money into building stateside production and switching to stateside vendors.

They should be building economic breakwaters against a future Chinese economic typhoon.

After Hurricane Andrew, despite a major hit to the South Florida economy, billions were spent on infrastructure and upgrading buildings to new codes, to make sure the next time a Catagory 5 hurricane hit Miami, it wouldn’t wipe it off the map.

Subsequent hurricanes to hit Florida have, compared to Andrew, been minor inconveniences.  The after-effects of Hurricane Andrew are a lesson in how to recover from a disaster correctly.

We should be applying exactly the same lessons to the Coronavirus economic disaster.  We need to look at everything we are falling short on and immediately prioritize priority production of those items.

But we are not going to do that.  Why?

Because since the rise of McKinsey, the idea of long term corporate stability has given way to an all-consuming focus on stock value.

Spending money today to prevent a company from tanking five or ten years from now when the next virus in China takes out its sweatshop slave labor force doesn’t boost this quarter’s stock value, so it won’t get done and instead, people will get laid off.

A smart CEO would say:

“We’re running out of just-in-time vendor-supplied parts from China.  We need to build a machine shop, hire machinists, and start making those parts right now.  This Coronavirus shit is only going to get worse.”

A CEO trained by McKinsey will say:

“Our stock value dropped 20% as we announced delays in production due to a parts shortage.  RIF 20% of the company and let the shareholders know we’re cutting costs.”

Chasing stock values at a time like this is only going to worsen the economic crisis because you cannot fire your way to prosperity when the problem is sick Chinese workers not making parts overseas.

You would think that would be abundantly clear, but I guess that is the difference between learning Engineering Econ at a small midwestern tech school and earning a Harvard MBA.

If America ever gets to the point where we break out the guillotines to the C-suite executives, it’s because some company responded to running out of Chinese made parts in the middle of a virus outbreak in China by stopping production and firing its entire workforce instead of paying it’s machinists overtime to make the parts in house, because that’s what’s best for the shareholders.


Here is an actual economics expert says exactly what I just did:


Deputy update – this is not a cop show

I watched Deputy Episode 10 – School Ties, last night on the DVR.

It is crystal clear by now that this is not a cop show.  It is a vehicle for woke politics.  The first few episodes had some woke in them but were still police procedurals.  This last episode made the switch.

The plot of the episode was that there were break-ins in a rich neighborhood and the usual methods of stopping them were not working.  It ends up that the robberies were not being done for money but for social media likes and the robbers were some rich kids from the neighborhood.

The robbers were getting around the homes’ wi-fi security cameras long enough to get inside and deactivate the wi-fi systems.  They do not explain this well, and only by knowing the name of the episode do you get the idea that the kids were robbing the homes of their school friends so knew where the cameras and routers were.

This whole mystery takes about half the episode and is poorly carried out.  There are no real twists or anything like in Law & Order or CSI or any other real cop show.

The major arc of the episode was the Sheriff’s Assistant’s (Bishop) love life.

Bishop came out as non-binary last episode. This episode, she came out as non-binary to her lesbian girlfriend.

The girlfriend reacts poorly and after some scenes of struggle, breaks up with Bishop.

The girlfriend’s rather logical argument is that she’s a lesbian, which means she’s a woman who likes and is sexually attracted to other women.  If Bishop isn’t a woman, but something else, then as a lesbian, Bishop is not the girlfriend’s cup of tea.

The girlfriend feels betrayed by the revelation that Bishop is something other than a woman and is hurt.  Bishop says they (Bishop makes it very clear that their pronouns are they) were still trying to figure out exactly who they are.  Bishop is hurt that the girlfriend doesn’t instantly come around and accept Bishop for who they are.

Here is the thing.  The girlfriend is portrayed as the bad guy.  She is wrong and intolerant of the non-binary and Bishop is the victim for not being able to be honest bout “their truth.”

Bishop freaks out in an Uber and gets dropped off on the side of the freeway and the Sheriff shows up to rescue them.

Then, in an amazing show of weakness, this hard-charging old cowboy of a Sheriff, who wears cowboy boots, carries a wheel gun, drives 1978 Ford Bronco black and white, rides horses, and can track a kidnapper through the mountains like an old Indian, askes “so what do I call you?” and says “you have to live your truth.”

A while ago I read an open letter in The Guardian A letter to … my transgender husband: why did it have to be all about you?  It struck a chord.

I’m glad you figured it out, and started down this path. I have always wanted the best for you. Our relationship ended not because you were trans, but because as you explored this new side of yourself, it felt as if the only person who mattered to you was you.

You told me you spent years trying to deny the truth to yourself. I think that’s why it was so hard for me to face your hurt when I said I needed time to come to terms with it. If it took you years to accept something that “felt right” to you, how could I instantly accept it? I asked for time, and you refused.

I have read several other internet posts that are similar.

This is the central issue with the trans/non-binary situation.  You may have your truth, but you cannot make us give up our (objective) truth to accommodate your feelings.

Consider that most of us have a hard time wrapping our minds around this to begin with.  I am a man.  I know what it is like to feel like a man.  I do not know what it is to feel like a woman or anything else but a man.  That is because I’ve lived my entire life as a physical man.

For someone who is a man to say “I feel like a woman” or “I feel like something other than a man.”  All I can say is “how do you know how to feel like something other than what you are?”

If you didn’t grow up from a girl into a woman, if you didn’t experience a first period and all the physical symptoms that go along with that, or developing breasts and having to buy the first bra, and all of the emotional struggles that go along with both of those, then how do you know what it means to be a woman?

For the non-binary, it’s even more difficult.  Especially because when non-binary people are asked what it means to be non-binary, their answers are enigmatic and the representatives of the non-binary community all look like weirdos.  Seriously, on both sides of the pond, just weirdos.

Deputy has jumped into this fray on the side of “just instantly accept us for exactly what we say we are, without question, and if you are not instantly on board with it, you are a bigot.”

This is the most extreme fringe of the non-binary/trans movement.

I think this is exactly where Deputy lost any chance at a renew.

The cases that they are solving are boring and clearly an afterthought to being a vehicle for a non-binary agenda.

I also watch 9-1-1 on Fox (9-1-1 Lone Start was awful, but the original in LA still holds up).  In the first season, the black female LAPD officer’s husband comes out as gay.  He says essentially that he always knew he was gay but he couldn’t be gay and a black man, but now that it’s socially acceptable he wants to come out.  There is some emotional struggle but they get an amicable divorce and have joint custody fo the kids, who eventually come around.

For something that is a woke topic, it didn’t feel like it was handled in a woke, heavy-handed moralizing way.  All the characters were sympathetic.

Deputy just shoved a bunch of woke bullshit in your face.

I have a feeling I’m going to ride this train wreck into its inevitable conclusion.  I don’t know why.  I guess it’s for the same reason some people watch some doctor pop pimples on TLC.


The “Parent Heroes” of LBGT Support

In George Orwell’s Magnum Opus, 1984, a child hero was a child who turned in his or her parents for thoughtcrime.

The idea of the “hero child” was based on reality in the Soviet Union.  good Soviet Citizens were supposed to put Soviet ideology over such banal things as familial love.

This is happening in the West at the current moment, but not in the way that Orwell thought.  Parents are putting their Progressive ideology over the wellbeing of their children.

I do not know what the context is here, but some people recorded a little girl who was placed on a chair to be danced at by a Drag Queen at a party, surrounded by cheering adults drinking wine like it was the little girl’s bachelor party in Vegas.

Look at the look on this little girl’s face:

I have two children.  That is not a happy face.  She is not sure what is happening and is uncomfortable.  That girl is scare of what is going on.

I have no idea how not one single other parent in that room couldn’t see that and realize what was going on was very, very wrong.

Because they had put their ideology over support for Progressive ideology over the comfort of that child.  It was more important that they show support for a Drag Queen than protect a little girl’s innocence.

Watching this made my fatherly instincts kick into overdrive.

It’s said that nursing mothers will spontaneously lactate at the sound of a baby crying.

Seeling that look on that little girl’s face made me want to punch the fuck out of that Queen and carry the girl away on my shoulder.

Then again, I’m not a “hero parent” who would willfully harm my child to show how woke I am.

Bernie’s Democratic Socialists getting more thuggish with opposing politicians

This story from Illinois:

Bernie Sanders supporters stalk, harass Democratic congressional candidate

A handful of democratic socialists who support Senator Bernie Sanders for president stalked Democrat Betsy Dirksen Londrigan outside of a campaign event in Champaign on Monday night and attempted to block her car from leaving the event.

“It was a non-violent protest,” Smith wrote, “and if Betsy can’t handle a few people demanding a conversation about the life or death issues facing many of is [sic] in this district, she should quit now because she will not be able to handle Davis and Trump.”

It was “non-violent” in that nobody was hurt.  It was physically intimidating and borderline threatening.  Blocking somebody in is not the first step in a peaceful conversation.


Right now, they are doing this to other Democrats in Blue states.  Other Democrat primary candidates are the primary threat to them and they can generally get away with this sort of stuff in Blue states where the police go soft on Leftist thuggery and Democrats are unarmed.

Once the Primaries are over, what do you think will happen next?

Hitler was elected with the help of his Brown Shirts (Sturmabteilung) and Mousilini was elected with the help of his Black Shirts (Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale).  Stalin had the NKVD and a whole bunch of unofficial thugs to do his bidding.

American Democratic Socialists are borrowing from the great socialist tradition of getting what they want with goon squads.

Places like Alabama, where the district I live in is R+18, are probably not going to see much violence since a little thuggery might not turn the tide of an election.

What I fear is that swing districts are going to be targeted with hard violence by the Left, where any little bit of intimidation and violence that scares moderate Republicans away from the polls will make a difference.