Month: April 2020

Bill de Blasio is Jew-hater, this proves it – Update

This is a Tweet from New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio:

Let us be clear on this.

The Coronavirus spread like wildfire in New York City because of the New York City subway system (and other forms of public transportation).

It’s easy to see why.


Cramming millions of people per day into a cold, small, metal tube underground with no sunlight or fresh air creates the ideal conditions to spread a respiratory virus.

But what did Bill de Blasio do?

He went after Jews praying in Synagogues.

Millions of people breathing into each other’s faces in a giant coffin on wheels is an essential service, but praying Jews are what pose an existential danger to New York City.

This Sandinsiata-loving, Jew-hating, Marxist can get fucked by the Empire State Building’s spire for all eternity.


A buddy sent me this screen grab from de Blasio.


So if you are keeping track, the Mayor of New York is threatening to arrest worshiping Jews but Muslims get free Halal food to break the daily fast.

A search of Bill de Blasio’s Twitter account doesn’t show any offer of Kosher food to Jews who couldn’t attend a Synagogue Seder because of the Coronavirus.

The First Amendment says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

We’ve been focused on the “prohibiting the free exercise thereof” part because of the states and cities shutting down churches and synagogues.

I suspect this is a violation of the “make no law respecting an establishment of religion” part as the lockdown harmed celebrants of Passover, Easter, and Ramadan, but NYC only handed out food for Ramadan.

The Mayor of New York really is a 6’5″ pile of shit.

Why I own guns – because I used to rent out my house edition

The shutdown and lockdown has been hard on people, I understand that.  I am empathetic to peoples’ strife.

Some people, however, do not engender a feeling of empathy from me.  They engender the desire to throw them out of a fucking helicopter.

Enter Ilhan Omar:

Now exactly how do we do that?

Who eats the cost?  Does the property owner still have to pay their mortgage?  Does the bank that lent the mortgage eat the cost?  How long until the bank then raises prices on all the other customers to cover its losses on the mortgages not being paid?

Even the most cursory thinking about this idea shows just how bad it is.

But take a page out of her brother’s playbook and screw her.  It’s her followers that really scare the shit out of me.


This is Marxist and Maoist propaganda.  Marx and Mao denounced landlords as parasites.

And thus begins the murderous hatred of landlords.


One of the most horrible things that Mao did was the mass executions of landlords under his Land Reform policies.

These people knot this and are advocating for the classicide of landlords like what happened under Mao.

Then there is this guy, and boy do I feel sorry for him.

That is a legitimate question.  The Progressives answered it.

Really, helpful.

I was a landlord once.  I was relocated by my job and the housing market in Chicago was flooded with foreclosures.  Rather than lose my entire savings selling my house at a loss, I rented it out for the cost of my mortgage.  I lost money on my rental because one year I had to replace the water heater and the other I had to replace the garage door opener.

The rent I collected was just enough to pay the mortgage and taxes so I could afford my place in Omaha.

But according to the progressive Left, that made me a rich parasite that could die.

I have a buddy here in Huntsville that went through something similar after his layoff.  He rented out his place to afford a place in Miami for his new job.

That makes him a rich parasite too.

I’m familiar with the stories of the slum lords of New York City, San Francisco, and other progressive places.  That is a product of the rent control of those cities that makes it impossible for a landlord to turn a profit and do upkeep and renovations.  It’s the fault of the politicians that housing is so bad there.

But most landlords are not that.  The guys I rented from in Omaha and later Huntsville were small landlords who hired a property manager to collect the rent.  The guy in Omama was military who bought a house near Offutt AFB and then was deployed so put up his home for rent.   Most landlords in this country outside of a few big cities are small owners.

But to the socialists who love Ilhan Omar all of them (us) should be driven to destitution and death because we rented out a place that we own.

Forgive me if I don’t want to submit to a struggle session before being executed because I owned a rental property for a little bit.

These people are the reason I own guns.

Florida cannot be held hostage to three counties.

More than half of the deaths by Wuhan V. are concentrated in three counties in the Southwest of the state.  You guys know I live in Miami-Dade county which is running 302 at time of posting.

Key West and Monroe County opened beaches, recreational facilities and parks to the locals. They are still not allowing anybody else come in but they pretty much decided that the locals need to get some sanity back.  I cannot but support them and say that other counties many without a single death,  should do the same and open up with or without restrictions according to common sense.

As much as I hate it, I have to chew on the fact that Miami-Dade is still in a delicate situation. Maybe not as extreme as we were 30 days ago, but we still have a high concentration of patients in nursery homes (at least 161 facilities) and old folks living at homes with the family that are easy targets for the Wuhan V.  and that means to design proper ways to open up without unnecessarily endangering their lives.

The Three Counties cannot be Hostage Takers just because of demographics. I say let the Other Counties open and have them livestream their days out so we can live vicariously through them.


More on Americans vs Europeans from The Guns of August

I’m still working my way through the fantastic WWI history book, The Guns of August.

In Chapter 13, when describing the Germans in Belgium, the author writes about the German First Army executing civilians en masse and burning villages.  Their goal was to cow the Belgians into submission through terror.

The author states that in many cemeteries in Belgium there are rows of headstones marked with a name, the date 1914, and the words “shot by the Germans.”

She goes on to write in many of these cemeteries, there is a second even longer row of headstones marked with a name, the date 1944, and the words “shot by the Germans.”

History repeated itself one generation later.

It amazes me that the Belgians, having been the victims of German atrocities in 1914, reacted to the Germans in the 1940s essentially the same way.

I’d think that in America, had we been the victims of invader atrocities, when the invaders returned, the children raised on the stories of what the invaders did last time would proactively massacre every invading soldier that stepped foot over the border.

Tell me that the Germans shot my grandfather in 1914, in 1944 I’m going for a Nazi kill count high score.

If you want to understand Europe today, understand that the the children raised on the stories of German atrocities responded to another German invasion by surrendering even harder and getting massacred in greater numbers.

This is why so many Americans and Europeans never truly, deep down, understandeach other.  We are fundamentally different in very significant ways.

We need economic what?

There is no way the Democrats will allow debates for the presidential campaign. The Democratic Convention ends in August 20th, I have no idea, but I figure after that, they can’t be changing candidates just because they can. If Biden does not quit and the Democrats perceive he is gonna crash and burn, they may try to force a new candidate during the Convention (the magic of the Super Delegates) but they run the risk of pissing the voters that elected Biden in the Primaries because it will feel like a coup de etat.


How to identify an opposing force

How to identify an opposing force:

Direct a few rounds of small arms fire in the direction of the opposing force.

If they respond with a single volley of precisely aimed rifle fire they’re British.

If they respond with a a two minute fusillade of high cyclic rate machine gun fire they’re Germans.

If they respond with a hundred round ripple fired barrage of 120mm rockets they’re Russians.

If they unleash a thousand man human wave attack on your position they’re Chinese.

If they retreat they’re French.

If they surrender they’re Italians.

If, after five minutes of dead silence, your entire position is obliterated by a massive airstrike they’re Americans.

The first thing we do, let’s kill all the law professors

This is an article published in The Atlantic:

Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal
In the debate over freedom versus control of the global network, China was largely correct, and the U.S. was wrong.

Here are the authors:

Jack Goldsmith
Harvard Law School professor

Andrew Keane Woods
Professor of law at the University of Arizona College of Law

Harvard Law School is currently the No. 2 ranked law school in the country.  The University of Arizona College of Law is ranked as No. 47.

Today, [social media] platforms are proudly collaborating with one another, and following government guidance, to censor harmful information related to the coronavirus. And they are using their prodigious data-collection capacities, in coordination with federal and state governments, to improve contact tracing, quarantine enforcement, and other health measures.

This is beyond dangerous.  By “collaborating” with the government, social media has turned over personal information to the government that under normal circumstances would require a warrant for the government to obtain.

It should worry Americans that they voluntarily hand over information to social media that they think is private, just for social media to hand it to the government.

We need “to make sure that, when we’ve made it past this crisis, our country isn’t transformed into a place we don’t want to live,” warns the American Civil Liberties Union’s Jay Stanley. “Any extraordinary measures used to manage a specific crisis must not become permanent fixtures in the landscape of government intrusions into daily life,” declares the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital-rights group. These are real worries, since, as the foundation notes, “life-saving programs such as these, and their intrusions on digital liberties, [tend] to outlive their urgency.”

I disagree with the Electronic Frontier Foundation.  These intrusions are not urgent or even useful, they are usually counterproductive.

But the “extraordinary” measures we are seeing are not all that extraordinary. Powerful forces were pushing toward greater censorship and surveillance of digital networks long before the coronavirus jumped out of the wet markets in Wuhan, China, and they will continue to do so once the crisis passes. The practices that American tech platforms have undertaken during the pandemic represent not a break from prior developments, but an acceleration of them.

And that is very, very bad.  China should not be the model for our internet, either by government diktat or by social media acting as its own digital political entity with its own laws.

The Coronavirus turning American social media into China’s social credit system is a horrifying, dystopian future.

One of the greatest lies Americans have been told is that oppression comes only from the government.  It doesn’t.  In America, oppression most often comes from the collusion of big private industry and corrupt government.

If you don’t believe me, just look up the Battle of Blair Mountain or the Ludlow Massacre.  In both cases, powerful local mining companies oppressed the people and committed murder because they had corrupted local government officials into letting the companies run their company towns essentially as feudal lordships.

Rather than respect free speech, social media has been given a pass because “they are the private sector.”  The private sector should not be allowed to impose Chinese like censorship on the people, especially when they are allowed to operate as de facto monopolies.

In the great debate of the past two decades about freedom versus control of the network, China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong. Significant monitoring and speech control are inevitable components of a mature and flourishing internet, and governments must play a large role in these practices to ensure that the internet is compatible with a society’s norms and values.

Two law school professors arguing that Chinese like censorship of the internet is right and the sign of a mature and flourishing internet.

Because when I think of “flourishing” I think of the oppressive boot of government and social media internet censor crushing the life out of every unapproved opinion posted online.

I guarantee you this blog would not survive the censors.

China was not right.  China’s internet censorship and disinformation campaign on the Coronavirus outbreak has cost the lives of possibly millions.  At least more than a hundred thousand in the Western world, we still don’t and may never know how many Chinese died.  Chinese censorship exacerbated the Coronavirus, not helped stop it.  Had the Chinese been able to post what was happening to them online, the world would have had a much better understanding of the situation far earlier.

Law professors arguing against the First Amendment on the greatest library of information the human species has ever created is obscene.

It is incredible that American lawyers and law school professors would ever defend turning our internet into China’s internet, but this is where we are when it comes to liberty in the United States in 2020.  Especially how the model that they want to impose here is responsible for so much death and destruction over there.

What this is, is the arrogance that comes from believing that you are smarter than everyone else and always right, and wanting to shut up every other opinion.  People like this never assume that the powers that they demand for themselves will ever fall into the hands of their opponents.

Really they should be reminded of that.

If they like the Chinese system so much, perhaps the president should seize all of Harvard’s $40 billion endowment to fund the PPP and use Harvard’s campus as a convalescent home for COVID patients.

That would provide much more benefit to this nation than the indoctrinating of any more law school students by a professor who things that the Chinese system should trump the First Amendment in the United States.

Then, maybe, we weld the professor into his house until he starves.