Month: April 2020

Masterful job by Trump *chef’s kiss*

Some dumb journalist asked Trump about the allegations of sexual assault against Joe Biden.

Trump pulled the greatest move ever.

The TDS media now has two choices:

1. Do the unthinkable and agree with Trump that false allegations of sexual assault happen.

2. Reflexively disagree with Trump and paint Biden into the corner of saying false accusations don’t happen so Biden must be guilty.

This is just a masterpiece in fucking with the media.  I’m sure talking heads are squirting blood out of their eyes trying to figure out how to respond to this.


And we have data on how bad the lockdown is and it’s more than just the economy

From Oregon Live:

Oregonians have died at rate well above average since mid-March, but tie to COVID-19 unclear, state data show

More Oregonians died the past month than is typical in mid-March and early April, according to data released by state health officials, but fewer than half the excess deaths were officially connected to coronavirus.

In all, 245 more Oregonians died during the five weeks between March 16 and April 19 than during those same five weeks in 2017, 2018 and 2019, on average. During those five weeks, 78 Oregonians died from COVID-19, according to the state health authority’s official count.

What is clear: Nearly all the above-average deaths occurred at home, among Oregonians both receiving and not receiving hospice care.

In the first full week of April, 47% of deaths in Oregon occurred at home, 7 percentage points more than the three-year historical average. As deaths at home rose, the share of residents dying in hospitals declined.

People are not going to the hospital.

I get that. I had an issue a couple of weeks ago and I wrestled with the idea of going to the ER.

Most of the staff was nice but some nurses acted like I was wasting space in the hospital if I didn’t have COVID.  A hospital that just furloughed 2,000 people and was empty.  Empty.

There has been previous discussions about this.  It was noticed by the Cleveland Clinic that ER visits were down.

The New York Times published an article:

Where Have All the Heart Attacks Gone?

It says the same thing.  ER visits for emergencies like heart attacks, strokes, and other illnesses are down.

People are scared they are going to get COVID at the hospital and the narrative that has been pushed a is that only COVID patients are important.

As a result mortality for other conditions are up.

People are dying at home because they are not going to the hospital when they feel chest pains or have some other illness or injury.

This is driving empty hospitals to furlough workers and makes bored nurses post infuriating TikTok videos.

Outside of a few hotspots it seems that more people will die at home of everything but COVID because they are scared or ashamed of going to the ER than will actually die of COVID.

We put so much effort into saving the lives of hypothetical COVID patients that never materialized, we killed a lot of people with heart attacks, strokes, and appendicitis.

This is a nightmare and some decision makers should pay the price for it.


Needless Jew-baiting from the Washington Post because of Coronavirus

This is from the Washington Post:

Israel deems women’s ritual baths essential, leaving some conflicted over virus risk

Oh those stupid Jews, putting their rituals above other people’s lives.

It can’t be a coincidence that this would be published the day after that sentiment was the narrative in New York City following the police mishandling and breakup of an Orthodox funeral.

So tell me more about these dangerous religious Jews.

Even as Israel closed down its public sphere to stem the spread of the coronavirus, the government deemed that some 700 of these ritual baths, or mikvahs, were essential and permitted them to remain open along with supermarkets and pharmacies. When most of the country was completely locked down for the Passover holiday, the women’s mikvahs were not.

How dare Israel try and preserve some religious rituals during COVID.  Don’t those Jews know this is when governments are supposed to stamp the religious communities into the ground and punish them?  Except for Muslim celebrating Ramadan, they get free food.

Dvora Eiferman, the official at the Ministry of Religious Services overseeing public mikvahs, said that even when emergency measures were imposed in mid-March, shuttering stores, restaurants, gyms and ritual baths for men, and later when synagogues and other religious spaces were closed down, it was clear the women’s mikvahs would remain open.

“We are talking about the most important ritual, a basic need, and there was no choice but to keep them open,” she said.

No.  Riding knee deep in a vagrant’s effluvia in a crowded subway is essential.  A religious ritual isn’t.

Those Jews just keep risking people’s lives for their own silly observances.  This is why they keep getting kicked out of countries.


Israel is ranked as the SAFEST country to be in during the outbreak.

For a country of over 8.8 million people, its had less than 16,000 cases and only 219 deaths.  New York City has had nearly as many deaths as Israel has had cases.

That is because international experts agreed that Israel got “ahead of the curve” on fighting the virus.

COVID really makes Max Brooks’s World War Z look extremely prophetic, because in the book Israel survived the zombie apocalypse with fewer casualties than nearly any other nation.

That book really should be required reading because its hit the nail on the head with everything from China’s origin of the virus and spreading it with lies and mishandling to Israel’s survival to celebrity uselessness to rich people needing to learn to scrub toilets to the economic collapse of the nation.  It is perhaps the most accurate and well researched complete fiction ever written.

But I digress…

And here is the kicker from the WaPo article:

The Israeli government, in keeping mikvahs open, issued new safety guidelines. These require women to register in advance, allowing the mikvah attendant to track those entering and have time to clean the bath between appointments. The chlorine levels in the baths must be measured after every two or three immersions. While women would previously shower on site in private bathrooms before entering the mikvah, such preparations are no longer permitted on the premises.

So far, there are no reported cases of women who have become infected at a mikvah in Israel, according to Mitchell Schwaber, director of the National Center for Infection Control.

So they have new safety protocols, allowing only one woman in at a time, the water is chlorinated to disinfect it, and there have been no cases of virus transmission in a mikvah.

So exactly what the fuck was the purpose of this article and why did the WaPo feel the need to publish that headline in the USA?

To make the Jews in Israel and religion Jews by extension look bad.

That can be the only reason.

This is the Left getting out in front of everyone calling Bill de Blasio an anti-Semite by making religious Jews look like they put ritual over safety, and therefore what the mayor did was right.

This is some Jew-baiting bullshit from the Washington Post.

Florida: We didn’t flatten the curve. We paved that *itch.

Reader Dano sent me this great PDF: Safe Smart Step by Step. Plan for Florida’s Recovery.

And I love how they are making fun of the gloom and doom press reports:

“We are gonna be the next New York! ZOMG!

And next, this:

We may need to regulate air travel from both North and South. De Santis is well aware and even Trump asked him if he needed to do shut down of incoming flights, to let him know.  De Santis actually pushed for the Abbot 5 minute testing at airports of origin by the airlines.  I have to give him props: he could have been another asshole like de Blasio or Whitmer, specially with so many elderly, but he chose the best path available to him and rode it well IMHO.

In summary is simply we are opening slowly and according to the data and not a set date. Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach will have to wait a bit longer.

FLORIDA PHASE 1 (Continued)
▪ Schools remain distance learning.
▪ Visits to senior living facilities are prohibited.
▪ Elective surgeries can resume.
▪ Restaurants may offer outdoor seating with six foot space between tables and indoor seating at 25% capacity.
▪ Retail can operate at 25% of indoor capacity.
▪ No change for bars, gyms, and personal services such as hair dressers.
▪ Vulnerable individuals should avoid close contact with people outside the home.
▪ All individuals, when in public, should maximize physical distance from others.
▪ Avoid socializing in groups of more than 10 people in circumstances that do not readily allow for physical distancing.
▪ Face masks are recommended for all those in face-to-face interactions and where you can’t social distance.

Key metrics to consider as we move to next steps:
▪ The state maintains the health benchmarks of the Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step Plan
▪ Maintaining hospital bed capacity
▪ Monitoring COVID-19 test positivity rate
This does not need to take months. It will be based in our health metrics and guided by medical authorities.

Again, I am not happy that I am going to be still under the harder criteria, but I do like that the rest of the state is going to get re-started. It will help us get back on our fit feet faster when the time comes.

I may even allow me a shot of Gentleman Jim.

The situation with the Jews in NYC is so much worse than the de Blasio Tweet

I wanted to follow up on my earlier post about Mayor Bill de Blasio’s channeling of Reinhard Heydrich.

This was his Tweet in question:

I looked into the situation that propagated this response.

A prominent Yeshiva Rabbi known as Chaim Mertz died of the Coronavirus.  Several hundred Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn gathered for the funeral of the Rabbi near the intersection of Rutledge Street and Bedford Avenue.

Some enterprising Karen decided to rat out the Jews hiding in the attic gathering in the street because the group of mourners was going to be larger than approved by the Mayor and Governor.

NYPD was warned ‘big crowd’ would turn out for rabbi’s funeral

Moses Weiser, a longtime liaison between the Hasidic Satmar community and the NYPD, said Wednesday that he “personally spoke” with Capt. Mark Vazquez, commanding officer of Brooklyn’s 90th Precinct, before Tuesday’s funeral of Rabbi Chaim Mertz, 73, who sources said died earlier in the day of COVID-19.

Weiser said Mertz’s Williamsburg synagogue, Tolas Yakov Bais Hamedrash, “originally wanted to have just family” outside “and we would set up speakers down the street a couple of blocks so that people could spread out and listen.

“But an order came from somewhere to cancel the speakers — I’m not sure where the order came from — and so people started gathering close to see what was going on and to hear.”

The Yeshiva released a statement explaining how they were supposed to hold the funeral while maintaining social distancing, but that never happened leading to this gathering.  The news indicates that the NYPD’s mishandling of this from the beginning allowed this situation to occur.

The NYPD then reacted by breaking up the Jews paying their respects with lights and sirens, and generally acting like jackbooted thugs.

IANAL, but I do not understand how a mayor or governor issuing an order that says people cannot be less than six feet away from each other is an enforceable law.

I suspect that after this Coronacrisis is over, the Supreme Court will decide that in the many subsequent lawsuits filed against politicians across the country.

Moreover, a funeral, especially that of a Rabbi, is a religious ceremony and I’m pretty sure breaking up its group with police is a double violation of the First Amendment – both the free exercise of religion part and the peaceably assemble part.

I stand by this for Jews and for Christians.  I really hope that Churches harassed on Easter Sunday get their day in court.

This didn’t stop Mayor de Blasio from going full tyrant.

Then he blamed the entire Jewish community in the aforementioned Tweet.

This brought out the anti-Semites in droves.

Wanting Jews to get sick and die and have any medical care forfeit.


This was a recurring theme.

Then there were the people blaming this funeral for the spread of the virus and propagating the lockdown.

Keep in mind that we just learned that the New York City subway system has become a homeless encampment on wheels and that it has been the number one vector for the Coronavirus infection in the country, making NYC home to half of the nation’s virus deaths.

The city, only yesterday, announced they would start disinfecting subway cars.

Then there have been countless cases of people in NYC out in public not social distancing.

Blaming subway riders or people hanging out in the parks and dispersing them with police?  No, that’s not being done.

A bunch of Jews attending the funeral of a very important leader in their community?  Yes, that is what is really causing the Coronavirus deaths in New York and the reason the lockdown will never end.

This is just a shit-show of anti-Semitism, First Amendment violations, and government incompetence.