Month: January 2021

Florida Legislature 2021: HB 259 – Safety of Religious Institutions (Companion Bill to SB 498)

 by Williamson and Byrd (CO-SPONSORS) Andrade; Gregory; Hawkins; Roach; Shoaf; Yarborough
Authorizes, for specified purposes, concealed weapons or firearms licensee to carry firearm on certain property of church, synagogue, or any other religious institution.
The text is a copy of the Senate Bill. Still has the same issues of Misdemeanor and signage I dislike.
I guess this time they are serious.

Publix is Racist, y’all!

The Media campaign for LESS vaccinations locations in Florida continues.

The Soft racism of Low Expectations strikes again. Black people cannot obtain a driver’s license to vote and they are apparently tethered to 100 yards from their residences.

I had to return a power washer I rented from my local Publix (Rug Doctor! Did you know they had them?) And I truly never paid attention to the color of who goes there to shop so I decided to see if only Latinos and Whites shopped here and maybe even take a picture if a rare black person was to be found.

Must be passing by, right?
Wait? Two? How’s that possible! Publix is the House of Klan!
The Narrative cannot be a lie!
There are more? There is something suspicious here.
Can we now call BS to the Sun Sentinel “article”?

According to Miami Dade Elections, 20% of my neighborhood is White, 5% is Other and the rest almost evenly split between Blacks and Latinos with the Cubans holding a lead. So no, the people pictured above are not just visitors happening by but neighbors.

Maybe the problem is not Publix. maybe the problem is decades of bad policies in Democrat-dominated Broward county that has made Black neighborhoods unattractive to investment. Publix is not legally obligated into opening a store where it will generate nothing but loses. Maybe the Democrats will love to pass legislation to force companies to open locales at a loss, but they have not installed Socialism 100% and going by past precedents in other countries, the ultimate result will be all stores shutting down.

Then everybody will have equal access to Publix.

I agree with Miguel who agrees with me

Gun people often bring up New York’s estimated 5% max of compliance with the NYSAFE Act.

The point is this.

They know they will not get 100% compliance.

Remember your Ayn Rand: “The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them.”

The point is this:

You are your enemy.  They know that even if you try and comply, the rules are so onerous that you probably can’t fully comply.  Did you mail in your $800 insurance check a week late?  Your licence is expired and you are a felon now.

The point is that this is something they can use to hammer any gun owner at any time.

Get on their radar for some reason and they will investigate you and this gives them the ability to stack felonies on you like rocks on Giles Corey, to crush you.

A man in Florida is under investigation for suppressing the civil rights of voters for spreading memes (this will be another post later on).

Now imagine if, on top of that bullshit charge, they have two dozen gun felonies to stack on top of you?

That’s the point, to make each and every one of us will be a felon walking, keeping our heads low not going anything that might attract their attention.