Month: March 2021

Florida legislature 2021: HB 1205 Protection of Constitutional Firearms Rights.

General Bill by Tuck (CO-SPONSORS) Sabatini
Protection of Constitutional Firearms Rights: Designates act “Second Amendment Preservation Act”; declares specified actions to be infringements of constitutionally protected rights concerning firearms; declares such actions to be void & of no effect; provides duties of courts & law enforcement agencies concerning such actions; prohibits public servants & others from certain acts; provides civil liability for such acts; making certain individuals ineligible for employment in law enforcement if they have engaged in specified actions

Read the Text.

Just like in other states, it is a Second Amendment Preservation bill. I want this one to become law so much. Why? Because it comes with some teeth because it allows you to sue the crap out of a violator.

A person who knowingly violates paragraph (a) or otherwise knowingly deprives a law-abiding citizen of the rights or privileges ensured by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and s. 8, Art I of the State Constitution, while acting under the color of any state or federal law, shall be liable to the injured party in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress.

But wait, that is not all!

(a) A person while acting as an official, agent, employee, or deputy of the Federal Government, or while otherwise acting under the color of federal law in the state shall be permanentl ineligible for employment as a law enforcement officer or to supervise law enforcement officers for the state or any political subdivision of the state,

So, if you get all stupid but want to work in Florida after, you should either move to other state, get a real-state license or learn to code because you will be forbidden to get a job in Law Enforcement in our state.

This is a first good step.

(Yes, that was on purpose)

Education in America is dying

Some news from across America.

First, Boston:

Boston Public Schools Suspends Test For Advanced Learning Classes; Concernas About Program’s Racial Inequities Linger

A selective program for high-performing fourth, fifth and sixth graders in Boston has suspended enrollment due to the pandemic and concerns about equity in the program, GBH News has learned.

Superintendent Brenda Cassellius recommended the one-year hiatus for the program, known as Advanced Work Classes, saying the district would not proceed with the program for new students next year.

New students will be admitted in the fourth grade by standards to be determined at the school level, according to a BPS spokesman.

There will be no new students admitted in the fifth or sixth grades, the spokesman said, but those already in advanced work will be allowed to continue.

A district analysis of the program found that more than 70 percent of students enrolled in the program were white and Asian, even though nearly 80 percent of all Boston public school students are Hispanic and Black.

School Committee member Lorna Rivera said at a January meeting that she was disturbed by the findings, noting that nearly 60 percent of fourth graders in the program at the Ohrenberger school in West Roxbury are white even though most third graders enrolled at the school are Black and Hispanic.

“This is just not acceptable,” Rivera said at a recent school committee meeting. “I’ve never heard these statistics before, and I’m very very disturbed by them.”

Avanced academic performance can no longer be allowed if there isn’t equity in the students admitted into the advanced classes.

Why encourage kids to work hard and learn the subject if they are just going to get their legs cut out from under them if they do because someone else’s arbitrary standards of demographic equity are not met?

Over to Buffalo, New York:

Failure Factory
Buffalo’s school district tells students that “all white people play a part in perpetuating systemic racism”—while presiding over miserable student outcomes.

The story of Buffalo Public Schools is a sad and familiar one: a dying industrial town, underperforming inner-city schools, and high rates of failure among racial minorities. Instead of focusing on improving academic achievement, however, Buffalo school administrators have adopted fashionable new pedagogies: “culturally responsive teaching,” “pedagogy of liberation,” “equity-based instructional strategies,” and an “emancipatory curriculum.”

Last year, in her role as director of the Office of Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Initiatives, Morrell created a new curriculum promoting Black Lives Matter in the classroom and an “antiracist” training program for teachers. According to one veteran teacher, who requested anonymity, Morrell’s training programs have pushed “radical politics” and, in practice, become a series of “scoldings, guilt-trips, and demands to demean oneself simply to make another feel ‘empowered.’” Teachers must submit to these “manipulative mind games” and express support for Morrell’s left-wing politics, or risk professional retaliation.

During one all-hands training session, the details of which I have obtained through a whistleblower, Morrell claimed that America “is built on racism” and that all Americans are guilty of “implicit racial bias.” She argued that “America’s sickness” leads some whites to believe that blacks are “not human,” which makes it “easier to shoot someone in the back seven times if you feel like it.”

The new training sessions and curriculum are unlikely to lead to better student academic outcomes. Buffalo Public Schools have been an abject failure: by fifth grade, only 18 percent of students are proficient in math and 20 percent of students are proficient in English; one-third of all students fail to graduate from high school. The numbers are even worse for African-Americans, who constitute 45 percent of the student population. And according to the veteran teacher, despite the new “antiracism” programming, the district’s poor response to the pandemic has accelerated racial inequalities, with virtual attendance rates as low as 30 percent in some classrooms.

In Buffalo, the black student can’t read or do math, but instead of the teachers working harder to educate them, they are teaching them that their failures are because of systemic racism.

Black poverty in Buffalo is probably much more related to young black adults not being able to make change or be able to read an instruction manual and not have even the rudimentary skills for employment than it is racism.

However, it’s easier to teach the kids they are the victims of racism than how to read and do math.

The New York Post published this article:

To stop educational wokeness, force teachers to actually teach

The woke hold that our society is fundamentally unjust and that we must always strive for greater justice. In practice, it translates into to abject foolishness, such as the charge that math is racist.

No, that’s not a joke. A consortium of 25 education organizations has offered “A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction,” which seeks to “dismantle racism in mathematics instruction.” The group detects white supremacy in such insidious practices as focusing on the right answer or having to show your work (i.e., learning).

It isn’t a coincidence that a rise in wokeness in our schools has corresponded with a decline in actual education. Every minute spent on creating fake outrages and punishing Lincoln is a minute not spent on academic subjects. In a year full of those empty minutes, wokesters have found a way to fill the time.

I wrote about Seattle’s anti-racist math in a previous post.

The Left is killing education.  Leftist teachers have no desire to teach.  Teaching helps students.  They want to indoctrinate kids to see racism everywhere and blame it for everything.

This invites more government into their lives.  These kids will demand government fix their lot in life and provide for them because they will lack the skills necessary to take care of themselves.

Clearly, education in Blue areas of our country is dead, the rest of us need to make sure it doesn’t kill education in the rest of Amercia.


Sorry Doc, but we’ve all watched what the media did for the last four years

Substack is a website that allows people to make money with e-mail newsletters.

Apparently, the media is terrified of Substack because they can’t shame people on Substack like they can on Twitter or Facebook.

Consequently, they are attacking the platform trying to keep people off it.

Dr. Sarah T. Roberts is a professor at UCLA and a specialist in commercial content moderation and social media.

She hates Substack because she can’t moderate your content on it.

She took to Twitter with a long thread about why Substack is bad.  I won’t post the whole thing but I want to highlight something she said.



We all watched the media during the Trump years.

Tell me how Russian collusion and peepee tapes fit in with norms and practices and oversight?

Oh, that’s right, the only norm in journalism is “do whatever helps our guy.”

How else do you explain how CNN had the Cuomo brothers do a vaudeville routine before the election when he was making Trump look bad and then report on what Governor Cuomo did to kill the elderly, lie about it, and sexually assault staffers after the election.

One in six Biden voters said they would not have voted for Biden if they were aware of his scandals before the election.  The media attacked the New York Post for publishing a true story about Hunter Biden, calling it “Russian disinformation,” then admitted it was real after the election.

Time magazine published an article on how the Left colluded to “fortify” the 2020 election against Trump by lying.

The media right now is screaming up and down that CPAC was a Nazi rally because the stage was a dog whistle in the shape of an Odal rune.

So tell me how actual journalists have norms and standards that make them trustworthy and some guy with an e-mail newsletter on Substack isn’t.

That’s bullshit and you know it.  You’re just scared of any platform that threatens your information monopoly.

The journalist class becomes more Soviet every day.

This is communism

What Fidel’s grandson drives around Havana:

What the Cuban people drive trying to get away from Havana:


The families of the Communist live in luxury while the rest of the people live in squalor.

On a side note, it really makes you wonder about places like California which more and more look like Communist Banana Republics, where a small percentage of people live in extreme luxury and more and more of the rest of the population lives in squalor and tent cities.

Havana or Los Angeles, Leftist economic policies always lead to this.

Another gun left in a car. And other lessons too.

Via Wirecutter.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Metro Police have arrested a man accused in a road rage and separate armed robbery, both crimes involving a pistol stolen during a vehicle burglary.
According to Metro Police, 19-year-old Tyler Al-Shemari is currently being held in lieu of $145,000 bond on charges of aggravated robbery, vehicle burglary and three counts of aggravated assault

Al-Shemari cut off a pickup truck in a Toyota Yaris causing them to slam on brakes. In the truck was a 36-year-old Portland man, his 35-year-old wife, and their 17-year-old son.
Al-Shemari pulled into the parking lot of the Walmart on Nolensville Pike and the family followed to confront him. They told Metro Police that Al-Shemari pointed a pistol in their direction, causing them to drive out of the lot.

About an hour later, a 42-year-old resident on Legate Court in South Nashville saw a suspicious person, later identified as Al-Shemari, trying to break into his neighbor’s car. Al-Shemari approached the 42-year-old victim; pointed a pistol at him and demanded his money, phone, and wallet. Al-Shemari then fired a shot into the air.

Officers found the Glock .40-caliber pistol that Al-Shemari was carrying showed that it was stolen during a February 19 vehicle burglary on Benzing Road.

Man arrested in road rage and armed robbery involving stolen pistol in South Nashville

Once again:  You are not practicing Gun Safety by leaving a firearm in the car without some sort of protection against burglars.

This last weekend put me and the Missus to the test in this sense. If the truck was carrying the long guns, it was never left unattended. The same applied to the hotel room and even making a pit stop somewhere: Guns were always under the eye of one of us. Only “exception” was at the range, but we figure somebody strange and stupid would not reach very far before being used for moving backstop.

The second lesson is one again of Ego unchecked. I am going to seriously speculate that Portland man wanted to confront Mr. Al-Shemari because he felt insulted by his uncouth driving behavior and wanted satisfaction. The only thing he got was a family member slightly wounded and the need to explain to his insurance company why the car is full of holes. It was not worth it.

OK, carry on. I got guns to clean still.

PS: Yes, I know. I have to take the Missus out for a nice meal to make up for her turns standing guard.  

Dear Jew-haters attacking Israel about Palestinians not getting the COVID vaccine, you all can go f**k yourselves with a chainsaw

Abbas said to veto Israeli vaccination station on Temple Mount
Doses were intended for thousands of Palestinian worshipers gathering for Friday prayers; Abbas said to refuse over concern about an Israeli show of authority in Al-Aqsa compound

Israeli officials reportedly sent a request last week to the Palestinian Authority and the Jerusalem Muslim Waqf asking that the Israeli government be allowed to open a coronavirus vaccination station in the Temple Mount area, but the request was rejected.

The station was meant to vaccinate mainly Palestinian worshipers visiting the area. The Waqf is a Jordan-affiliated religious authority that administers Muslim religious sites in Jerusalem, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound atop the Temple Mount in the Old City.

According to a report by the Kan public broadcaster (Hebrew) on Wednesday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas opposed the idea since, he claimed, the act would give Israeli officialdom a presence in the Al-Aqsa Mosque area. 

The Israeli request came following the repeated publication of photos in which over 10,000 people can be seen praying in the mosque area each Friday, in disregard of COVID-19 protocols.

After Israel’s initial proposal was refused, a second was reportedly made: that the vaccines be administered by Arab Israeli paramedics and not by Jewish ones, and that they be dressed in clothes that bear no markings of Israeli medical establishments. That offer was also turned down, the report said.

Palestinian Muslims gather by the thousands at a Mosque in Jerusalem.

Israel offers to vaccinate them.

Palestinian leaders turn down the offer.

Israel offers to send Muslims to do it.

Palestinian leaders turn down the offer a second time.

The Palestinians hate the Israelis so much they are willing to turn down tens of thousands of free vaccines rather than let Israelis set one foot on the Temple Mount.

But you know that somehow, this is the fault of the JOOOOOOOOSSSS!!!  Because woke Jew-haters will never admit to the reality of the situation in Isreal and Palestine.

Anyone on the Left who still says that the Palestinians not getting vaccines from Israel is evidence of Apartheid or some other bullshit can promptly go fuck themselves with a power tool.