Month: August 2021

This puts me in a refresh the tree type mood

Every normie that voted for Biden because they didn’t like Trump’s Tweets should have his face rubbed in this picture while getting their asses kicked until they break down and beg for forgiveness.


I am actively hoping that one of those dogs belonged to John Wick.

Thread confirms that this is the end of the US military as we’ve known it


The only people who stay in the military after this and are more than a year or so from retirement are Leftist true believers and bureau-weenies who want military experience for political credentializing.

The government will have to get military personnel from somewhere and so the military will be made up of only the people who have confidence in the Biden Administration, and you can just imagine what those people think about you.

That was the whole point all along.

Thoughtcrime patrols roaming neighborhoods and asking questions about Americans. 

Via  Lee Williams @HT_GunWriter

I have always been a strong supporter of law enforcement. As someone who spent 10 years with a badge in his billfold, I’ve always believed it was a citizen’s duty to help out police when asked.

That sentiment ended seven months ago.

The Biden-Harris administration has weaponized law enforcement — especially at the federal level — to support their political goals and ambitions, as these videos clearly illustrate.

The special agents wanted to question the homeowner about a Facebook group he belonged to, which, last time I checked, was protected by the First Amendment.

So, the FBI shows up at your door … (

Click on the link above and watch the videos.

“You may know somebody who put the hair on the back of your head up”

Yep, you.

Judge’s COVID motivated decision crossed a line

A judge asked a mother if she got the coronavirus vaccine. She said no, and he revoked custody of her son.

When Rebecca Firlit joined a virtual court hearing with her ex-husband earlier this month, the Chicago mother expected the proceedings to focus on child support.

“One of the first things he asked me … was whether or not I was vaccinated,” Firlit, 39, told the Chicago Sun-Times.

She was not, she said, explaining that she has had “adverse reactions to vaccines in the past” and that a doctor advised her against getting inoculated against the coronavirus.

Cook County Judge James Shapiro then made what the parents’ attorneys called an unprecedented decision: He said the mother could not see her 11-year-old son until she got a coronavirus vaccine.

The child’s father is vaccinated, the Sun-Times reported.

“The father did not even bring this issue before the court,” Fernholz said. “So it’s the judge on his own and making this decision that you can’t see your child until you’re vaccinated.”

This woman was advised by her doctor not to get vaccinated because the vaccine itself poses a grater risk than the virus.

The woman’s son is 11 and well below the age where there is a statistically significant risk from COVID.

But the judge ruled against the mother anyway because of her vaccination status.

This is well outside of the judge’s purview and is downright malicious.

I think this judge should be thrown off the bench for this.

Unvaccinated people cannot be treated this way in a civil society, but half the country clearly wants them relegated to second class status, even if they have a doctor’s note.