Via Bearing Arms we find out that the NYPD did his traditional Dog and Pony and Destroying Guns show. The video caught my attention because the way of some guns (or artifacts) were carefully displayed for maximum media impact.


I have no idea what the big pipe could be, but it either looks like a home-made vertical mortar (if that makes sense) or some sort of expended tube launcher.


In this one, you could almost hear the theme from Miami Vice playing in the background.



Our fantastic Tube from another angle and another source. I am starting to believe this is nothing more than a carbide cannon.  It also called my attention the gun I highlighted as I do believe that is a very dangerous and very lethal BB Gun.

And no self-respecting impounded gun collection can be without Uzi:



And now, for maximum shock effect: a Tec-Nine next to the Useless Tube!


Now, NYPD rather destroy a source of income that could be used to train its officer to shoot better than waste the PR opportunity.  Their excuse is that they are making things safer for its citizens by taking a great number of guns (2,421) out of circulation. (Average number of guns sold daily in September was 2,766 according to the NICS Checks)

I my opinion, NYPD and the NYC Government just likes to see shit destroyed to appear butch in camera but only results in demonstrating that they are morons. Why do I say that? Because they did the same thing to a bunch of motorcycles and ATVs confiscated for not being registered as they are illegal (among many many many other things) in New York City.   Are you telling me that they could not hold an auction, have the bikes and ATVs sold to an out-of-state dealer and pocket that money? And God knows what other money-making items NYPD destroys without the taxpayers knowing.

Apparently Fiduciary responsibility if not required to run the NYPD.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

20 thoughts on “NYPD Dog and Pony Show.”
    1. YES, it’s a Lewis Machine Gun, unless someone turned a parts kit into a rifle………MG, worth LOTS of money !

  1. “Apparently Fiduciary responsibility if not required to run the NYPD.”

    Or NYC as a whole. If they auctioned off all of those guns, They could have cleared 10,000 +. It’s not a lot in the whole scheme of things, but it would buy the PD a pallet of ammo for practicing.

    1. You’re assuming the NYPD brass want their officers to actually know how to shoot straight. I don’t believe they do.

      The more the “highly-trained and qualified” officers miss their targets, the more dangerous Joe Everyman must be with his guns.

      Also, the more the officers know about firearms, the more they can pass on to non-officers. That’s the beginnings of an knowledgeable and disciplined citizenry (a.k.a. effective militia). Can’t have that in NYC.

  2. That is not a mortar tube. That is a world war one era Lewis Machine gun worth approx 100k. Their ignorance offends me. It should be held back and donated to a museum. GOD THE STUPID HURTS

      1. You can see the taper in the photo. I think it’s real only question is whether it is 30-06 or 303. I’m thinking 303 because there might be an id disc on the stock which is british tradition. Patina on the stock is pretty good so I’m going with real. Lord forgive them for they know not what they do.

  3. Bets on about a third of those guns being airsoft/BB/pellet/prop or simply nonfunctional? I see at least one gun there that looks like it was already cut…

    BTW, does the NYPD do the same thing to the guns its cops use to kill unarmed bystanders? To the badges of NYPD cops caught taking bribes or beating on suspects?

    1. I’m betting that a lot of those “high-impact” weapons (the ones that look extra-scary for media photos) ARE held back.

      Not for auction, but for future photo ops.

      NO WAY the NYPD somehow snags two Uzis, a couple TEC-9s, and various other sub-machine guns in EVERY “buyback”. Yet every PR photo like this has them right on top.

      Every. Single. Time.

      1. My bet’s on that the Uzi, tech-9, and Lewis guns are just props that the cops put front and center on a pile of Saturday night specials to scare libtards.

        1. Back when they were voting on the assault weapon ban in 1994, the superintendent of the Pennsylvania State Police was scheduled to testify to Congress about how unholy and dangerous scary semiauto rifles are. He told his lackeys to pull an AK-47 out of PSP’s evidence locker so he could wave it around during his testimony. There were none in the evidence locker; they had never seized one in connection with a crime. They had to buy one so the supe could wave it around and claim it was the weapon of choice of all enemies of truth, justice, and the American way.

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