They are my FFL so I am giving  Rick a plug just because 🙂

Hello Everyone.

We just wanted to let you know that we have moved our offices. We actually have more space in what is a bit more discreet of an environment – a good thing for firearms handling I think, and we are very happy with how the new space is working out.

It was a bit of an unplanned move so we did not have the time to process the address change request with ATF prior to the move. So we are on hold waiting for them to go through their processes and for DC to send it to FL for handling. Its a bit like starting over – they need to actually come do a visit and compliance check apparently.

So that means we cannot process any transfers or purchases for a while. Hopefully this will happen rather quickly (their form says a month) and come April we will be “back in business”.

Our new office is still inside our CPA firm, at:
5881 NW 151 Street, Suite 115
Miami Lakes, FL 33014

We are still in Miami Lakes, but over behind the original Police Station (as you are heading out of Miami Lakes towards 57th Avenue/Opa Lock Airport). Its a bit “hidden” but we are inside the right (eastern) building of the Corporate Courts of Miami Lakes complex. Our office is all the way to the back – the suite #s are not in order.  Its easy to come in the door at the back of the building as we are just inside to the right.

We can still teach our Concealed Weapons Classes – we just cannot do any sales that require a license to handle until the updated FFL is received.

I will notify everyone as soon as we are back into full operation. We appreciate your patience and understand as we work through the process. We do appreciate your business.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Rick Ewart

P.S. While you are likely aware, there are a number of gun control related bills being proposed in both the State and Federal Congress sessions. While we are hopeful that none will actually pass, we have already seen some Republicans (Mario Diaz-Balart) sell us out, resulting in passage of a bill in the Florida House that will do nothing but make the lives of law abiding citizens more difficult. So please stay up to date and voice your opposition to more gun control. The 2nd Amendment is what protects all the rest and be clear – its not about hunting – its about control of our lives and freedom. Just ask anyone who lives in Venezuela. You can easily contact your Congressmen by clicking here.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.