“Are there any guns in the house?”

And there was the dilemma. How to answer? Do I tell her it’s none of their damn business? Do I lie? Instead, the professionally dressed (yes! A skirt and heels! On FRIDAY, none-the-less), middle-aged mom shot back with “Of COURSE there are guns in the house! How else am I going to keep her safe?”

via Excels at Nothing: Check-up.

I belong to the old school that believed in keeping gun ownership, if not totally secret, greatly censored to anybody but a selected few. I think we are now in the absolute need to be Loud & Proud about being a Gun Owner….although we do not need to be 100% frank and give a complete inventory of what we own to any stranger.(Some things will always need to be private/secret.) But as the Opposition is trying to “shame” us in front of the rest of the nation like we were drug dealers or child abusers, we should make it clear that we are NOT ashamed or afraid of enjoying and participate in the goodness of the Second Amendment.

The second bovine in need of execution is the avoidance of naming the culprit of a Mass Killing with the excuse of having other similar assholes think we are giving them too much importance and seeking the same amount of attention for themselves. Although the sentiment is noble, this creates a vacuum of information as people do what people normally do: seek who to blame. The media and the Gun Control pundits have no problem falsely assigning the guilt to the NRA and/or Gun Owners in general. You’d expect that the majority would see through this simplistic political play, but I’d say many don’t. Besides, the shooter is crazy to begin with and he probably did not need to be pushed by the promise of being famous anyway as that kind of psychotic idiocy is reserved for most politicians and plenty of Hollywood actors who desperately do stupid sh** to have their names appear on camera and print.

Just my humble opinions, that is all.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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