COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. — Uk Thang, 29, was identified as the gunman at the Collierville Kroger shooting. Police say he took his life as police closed in a few minutes after the shooting began.
Police confirmed his identify Friday without saying his name, instead holding up the written words on a legal pad to avoid giving him any notoriety.
He was a third party vendor for Kroger, said Collierville Police Chief Dale Lane.
Witnesses say Thang worked in the sushi department.

Collierville Kroger shooting: What we know about Uk Thang (

And now you know why this mass shooting ahs all but disappeared from the news cycle.  The Media is predictable as the tides, but they smell worse and carry more shit.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “About that White Supremacist Mass Shooter in Tennessee yesterday”
  1. Did they avoid saying his name to deny him notoriety …

    … or because they don’t know how to pronounce Asian names and didn’t want to open that political-correctness can of worms?

    I could see it going both ways … which probably means it’s a bit of both.

  2. Don’t worry, some SJW will use the stats from this killing spree to show that Right Wing terrorism is more of a threat than ISIS, etc.

  3. Something else I have to wonder: Was this related to the Kung Flu?

    Or, rather, to the ridiculous over-reaction to it?

    Could it be Kroger was threatening his job because he wouldn’t comply with a vaccine edict? Or a mask edict? or some other nonsensical compliance training regime?

    A lot of people are getting a lot of pressure over these things. It follows that a few of them are going to crack.

    When you demand that someone compromise their principles or give up their livelihood and ability to support their family, that person may decide you’re putting them in a no-win situation and act accordingly.

    1. Maybe so, maybe no. We had a gent of recent Somali origin (immigrant) shoot his manager and shoot at a few other people at a Mal-Wart here 3-4 years ago. It was your basic “fired employee came back to get even with manager” scenario, apparently. Those things still do happen, even without the Coof making life harder for everyone.

    2. Third party vendor means he doesn’t work for Kroger. Either at a restaurant inside the store or for a distributor who stocks their product — beer or chips.

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