On my last post I made mention about the rumors on what this bill contains. Nobody knows for certain what the text of the proposal says.  Let me repeat that once again: NOBODY KNOWS FOR CERTAIN AT THIS TIME WHAT’S IN THE BILL.

The problem is that some in our side, using the same mental process of the Opposition have declared this bill akin to treason, that has to be rejected and its creators hung from the near light-post.

Now, if you cannot wait for the text to appear and make a final determination on FACTS, you are cordially invited to go …. you know the rest. You are a hindrance to the Gun Rights.

Stop looking at the flash and concentrate on the substance. Then offer an opinion as loud as nasty as you want if the bill is not a plus for our side. Other than that, stop flapping your gums and beating your fists against your chest, you look stupid doing that.

Sorry, I am just a bit sick of the ALL OR NOTHING crowd as their results run over the 99% in the NOTHING ACHIEVED column.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Again on the Manchin-Toomey Bill. Chill your damned asses.”
  1. I may be biased given this is how gun laws in Colorado functioned before our state government shouted “Heil Biden!” but it doesn’t really seem that bad to me.

    It also does give us a rally point to strike back from, chiefly streamlining the background check process to make it less of a nuisance and easier for law-abiding citizens to get our hands on guns.

    1. The gun control folks lose nothing in compromise, so it really isn’t a compromise. It’s only a ploy to see what they can get. It’s tiring, but fight the good fight.

      Living in Colorado, we went to what was to this ridiculousness inflicted on us come July 1. Hell this didn’t pass due to an incident in our own state. This happened because of something happening due to Sandy Hook! Don’t let what happened to us happen in your state or the rest of the country.

      1. The gun control folks lose nothing in compromise, so it really isn’t a compromise. It’s only a ploy to see what they can get. It’s tiring, but fight the good fight.

        Again and with the caveat that we don’t know the exact language, it is a huge loss for them. They stand to lose both face and credibility among the few supporters they have. They promised that for sure “assault weapons” and hi cap mags were going to be banned and if the best they can get is a regulation of something that is already regulated, they become a joke for everybody but us…because we already knew they were a joke.

  2. Sorry, but if Chuck Schumer is involved, I automatically think its a bad bill. And based on the press release, it has some good provisions, but its still a bad bill.

    The problem with waiting to see the bill is that it may be too late. We may never see the language until it passes. I’m not taking the risk.

    The policy must be no new gun control. PERIOD.

  3. I’m on your side and agree with 95% of your positions. I shoot multiple types of competition at least two times a month. I carry a firearm daily, as a free man.

    I’m done with gun control. I find no authorization in the US constitution for gun control as an enumerated power. In fact I find a specifically spelled out Bill of Rights amendment that prohibits any laws concerning infringement on my natural rights of self defense.

    Is this pragmatic with a huge progressive push to disarm me or make my rights difficult? Don’t know. I’ve seen the slippery slope slide into the pool of no rights remaining for too many years. The right side of the spectrum does this too. I vote NO. I will vote for those who represent me in further eroding my rights as a NO.

    No, I have not seen the text to be voted on. But as I beat my chest trying to conserve our rights, this hammering of self defense activism will never cease. I will concede to a constitutional convention amending the Bill of Rights following constitutional law. Otherwise, NO. Go ahead, call me extremist.

    Great blog, Miguel!

  4. Patrick raises a good point. Look at New York, who passed their draconian bill, and Cuomo signed into law, all under cover of darkness. We couldn’t see what was in that bill before it became law. They did that to bypass any opposition.

  5. I agree with reading the of the whole bill.

    But, it’s a “gun control” bill after all. The laws proposed don’t do anything to prevent another monster from doing horrific things with or without a gun. CT already had strict gun laws. Punish the individual, not the whole country. They seem to get that with fatalities with cars.

    Is there any doubt that the only group of people who will have their rights curtailed will be law abiding gun owners? Whether the bill passes or not, the gun control crowd loses nothing. Even if the language of the bill seems to be the same as what is currently law, you KNOW there is some nuance that sets up a toe hold into other legislation. It isn’t paranoia, it’s a matter of historic precedent.

    Vigilance and consistency is the price we pay to keep our rights even if the supposed and dubiously reported 90% of people want something

    We don’t have to thump our chests, we just need to deny detractors incursions into our rights. It’s tiring, but I gladly will continue to be vigilant and outspoken until its not needed.

    1. The laws proposed don’t do anything to prevent another monster from doing horrific things with or without a gun.

      That was never the intention on the original gun control bills from Feinstein or Schummer. Sandy Hook was the excuse and the victims and the parents were only dragged out to the spotlight for advertising purposes. But fighting for a better way to control gun access to deranged individuals was NOT the fight we had at hand.
      Do I want a way to try and reduce nutjobs from getting guns? Yes indeed.
      Do I want violent crimials to have an incredible tough time trying to get a gun from anywehere? Yup, that too.
      Do I want NCIS improved? Yes….and even access to it without the need for an FFL if I were to sell a gun. That has been my proposal all along.

  6. Nutjobs and criminals will always be able to get guns or knives or anything else they want. Passing laws won’t do a thing to stop it. I don’t have to read this bill to know it’s bad.

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