Of all the things that make me want to be a better practicing Jew, it’s not the Rabbinate, especially the Reform Rabbinate that seems to think the 613 Mitzvot come out of Das Kapital.

It’s Mandy Patinkin saying the Motzi (the prayer beforea meal) before feeding his dogs and saying the Mourner’s Kaddish for strangers.

(Dust warning)


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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “All the Rabbis pale to Inigo Montoya”
  1. Patinkin is a fun actor to watch. Nice to see that he’s found peace off the set too.

    One of the more humorous tales from the filming of The Princess Bride: Cary Elwes and Patinkin both got along quite well with Andre the Giant. And Andre, of course, liked to reciprocate — by taking them bar hopping.

    The problem was that Andre was a veteran drinker who could absorb absolutely ridiculous amounts of alcohol, thanks to his mass and experience. Those two mere mortals didn’t have a prayer of matching him. They’d be on the set next day, half-soused or horribly hungover, much to Rob Reiner’s frustration.

    1. Then there was Andre letting out a massive, drawn-out fart on the set, leaving the crew in stunned silence. The director asked, “Feel better?”

      “I do now, chief.”

      Oh, and apparently Mandy Patinkin at least used to hate being asked to say the “My name is Inigo Montoya…” line.

  2. He defined the series _Criminal Minds_ The first season was just very good TV. He left and it just went down hill after that. By the time we stopped watching it, my lady and I would get done with the opening sequence and state who what when and how. It was amazing how often we were right.

    Patinkin left the show because it was affecting him mentally. The week after week of serial bad guy doing evil evil stuff was draining, according to him.

    He left the show and while I miss his acting, I respect him for deciding the show wasn’t right for him.

  3. I understand Alaska’s angst. My younger brother has Mantle Cell Lymphoma. He was diagnosed 2 years ago. Mantle cell lymphoma is not curable with conventional chemoimmunotherapy. Overall, the median survival is approximately 6 to 7 years. The 10-year survival rate is only about 5%-10%.

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