No details. I just saw the video and downloaded it before it got memory-holed. Quick lesson: Never bum-rush at somebody armed, specially with a rifle.


(CNN)Two people are dead and a third was injured in Kenosha, Wisconsin, following a shooting late Tuesday night, police said.

On Tuesday, officers responded to reports of multiple gunshot victims around 11:45 p.m., the Kenosha Police Department said in a news release early Wednesday.
The person injured was taken to the hospital with “serious, but non-life threatening injuries,” police said.

An investigation into the shooting is ongoing and the names and ages of the victims are still being determined, according to the release.
Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth told The New York Times his office is investigating whether the shooting resulted from a conflict between demonstrators and a group of men with weapons who were protecting businesses.

Two people are dead and a third injured after an overnight shooting in Kenosha, police say

Earlier, I watched a lives streaming of an initial exchange of words between protesters and the armed defenders, but it seemed to be over in five minutes with people just talking. By my calculations, I went to bed about an hour before the shooting.

We have video and although I have my opinion, let’s see what the local DA and the politicians decide is Justice.

But we all know it was coming.

Another Update: There is a video that seems to show the shooter being chased and somebody throwing what appears to be a Molotov cocktail at him.

So much for the “innocent disarmed peaceful protesters” narrative.

Hat Tip Mal Roadkill


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “And a shooting happened in Kenosha. (UPDATE)”
  1. That was… oddly satisfying.
    I did not turn into a bad person during the last weeks – these people did and they got what they deserved, trying to attack a person that’s on the ground and was trying to run away.

  2. Well, that’s one way to get the police to respond.

    It seemed to me use of force became justified when someone slugged the rifle carrier from behind, and only had more thereafter.

    And, yeah, tiredWeasel. I think I have changed a little, because I have given much more thought about what I would be willing to do if I wind up in a bad situation. Perhaps that’s just self-discovery, though. I don’t think I’ve become a bad person … but I definitely feel “colder of heart” about a number of things.

    1. Funny how that works isn’t it Rob?? Hopefully this guy wont get bent over like the PB did in NY for defending themselves, charged because They Didn’t run away when the Police showed up.

  3. And amazing, a person, in the dark, with a rifle, after shots fired calls, runs TOWARDS the police and doesn’t get shot. Maybe that’s because he was giving off all the right signals that he wasn’t intending to shoot the cops.

    He even goes so far as to reach for and touch/handle his rifle and still didn’t get shoot.

    Maybe because the cops could easily tell that this person was either running to them for protection or to surrender.

    Of course the second video says a lot as well. “Oh my god! He’s got a gun! He’s got a gun!”

    Not “Oh my god! They’re trying to burn him alive!”

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