By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “And remember…”
  1. Another “work place violence” incident ?

    Obama can’t bring himself to say TERRORIST ATTACK ….

  2. Hey, wait a minute. Weren’t you just tweeting about the Left issuing accusations and forgetting about the victims….and retweeting tweets about stopping the politicization of the bombing? You can’t have it both ways. Or you can, but really, it just makes you look hypocritical.

    I’m sorry man. Just calling it the way I see it.

    1. I think Miguel is in a state of “You fuckers! If you stopped thinking people who love America want to destroy it for 5 fucking seconds you may have saved 3 peoples lives and prevented a terrorist attack.” and has a sick stomach rather than politicizing it.

      I just don’t understand it though. They have all this power to protect us whether it be snooping emails or tracking our movements but they can’t catch someone who makes 3 bombs, sets up timers, and then blows up a heavily populated area?

      Bomb squads blow up sandwiches when they think they are bombs, how exactly did these 3 get by them?

  3. Gun control experts Sen. Shumer, Manchineel and Rep Pelosi, McCarthy today introduced companion bills to shorten the Boston Marathon by 200 yards thereby avoiding any chance of people being injured by bombs being placed at the finish line. Former speaker of the house Pelosi said this common spence measure will save lives and denies extremists an easy target.

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