From CNN, Students in other countries assessing where to study abroad are increasingly scared of coming to the United States because of gun violence, the nation’s top diplomat said Monday.

via Gun Save Lives John Kerry Says Foreigners are Afraid to Come to US Because of Guns.

I had to laugh hard at this one. I wonder how many F1 visa petitions are stuck somewhere in the processing department from students living in the 100+ countries that have a higher murder rate than the USA.
But I am guessing if you do politics at an international level, you must BS with extreme candor to help your boss who is taking a beating on the whole gun control issue.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “John Kerry Says Foreigners are Afraid to Come to US Because of Guns”
  1. If what Kerry says is true, then there should be much fewer problems along the southern border. As things are, though, the situation there immediately proves him a liar.
    Not that truth could be expected to ever have come from him over anything.

  2. Many countries, like those in the European Union, have higher rates of violent crime than the US, but since our media sensationalizes gun violence (because apparently gun violence is much worse than the far more common ,especially in Europe, non-gun violence) that I wouldn’t be surprised if it is true that foreigners CAN BE reluctant to come to the US.

  3. Foreigners afraid to come to America? GOOD!
    We don’t need anymore f**king foreigners including the one in the White House and we DON’T need John Kerry who fought in Vietnam!

    1. Lol, well, not the same way I’d have put it, but I was thinking the same thing when I read the post. I’m growing more and more of the slight-isolationist mindset the more silly sheet I see going on. Time to put a lid on this country, and fix our own homeless, and our own unemployment for a change instead of nation building for countries and people that just want our way of life destroyed.

      1. Amen. Although I dont’ think we need to go full-isolationist. IF someone wants our help cleaning out a tin-pot dictatorship, or establishing order and democracy, I’m all for helping. For a price. I’m tired of our men and women giving their lives for someone else, only to see that country screw over the US. Need help freeing your oil-rich country? Price-per-gallon should not exceed $1 at the pump for the next 50 years. Too expensive for you? Okay. Here’s your dictator back.

  4. Lies and Slander. Story time:

    Had a buddy who worked at a local range. One day, 3 older men from Holland (I think) came in and rented a bunch of revolvers (they were really into the whole Western thing). My friend had to accompany them to the line, where they proceeded to highlight their vacation.
    Apparently whichever country they came from badly restricts firearms but, according to them, one can get into as many bar fights he wants without police intervention. So, uh, I guess violence is differently handled depending on where you go…

    tl;dr- Kerry turns brain off and mouth on. ‘Nuff said.

  5. Funny, I just introduced a family of Chinese Nationals to shooting. The three kids shot .38 Specials out of a Rem Rolling Block. The two adult women stepped up to a Shiloh-Sharps in .45 By God 70. Every one rang steel at 100 yards.

    They loved it!

  6. Well, I’m British, and I’ll travel most places. But I won’t visit the US at the moment because of the number of guns. Yes, in certain parts of Europe we have high levels of violent crime, but then you would have to examine what constitutes a crime under our various countries laws (as supposed to a felony, misdemeanour, etc.), compared with what constitutes a violent crime under US laws, as they are not always the same thing.
    My problem is that there is nowhere I can go in the US that is genuinely gun-free, where I can feel safe to take my children. There are just too many guns, too many permits to carry concealed, and too many idiots who’ve been duped into thinking that carrying a gun gives them security rather than making them a victim.

    1. My problem is that there is nowhere I can go in the US that is genuinely gun-free, where I can feel safe to take my children. There are just too many guns, too many permits to carry concealed, and too many idiots who’ve been duped into thinking that carrying a gun gives them security rather than making them a victim.

      Yes, I’d say you have a problem, actually several. Misinformation, prejudice and a false superiority attitude among them. You are relatively free to travel wherever you want and I hope you have a wonderful life without never having to defend your children against the evils of the world.

      1. Miggy, you’re much too nice. As an ex-Anglophile, please allow me…


        Thank you.

  7. Dear Baroness: you wouldn’t like it here. We’re all rude cowboys. You’ll like it much better if you stay home. Or you might like Rwanda or Zaire or places like that. There’s a whole planet to experience. Nothing to see here. Move along. That’s the polite answer.

    The other answer is that I don’t feel good about visiting England, either. It sounds like a formerly-great country that’s becoming a socialist hellhole. Really. I read it in the papers and online, so I just know it must be true…just like what you’ve read about America. The people who defend themselves with firearms (and it happens more often than you’ve read) don’t think of themselves as idiots. They’re glad they don’t live in a country where the police hold your arms as drunken soccer hooligans beat them to death (which is probably just as true as your viewpoint of us). If you find that it takes more courage than you have to experience America, well, the people who do visit here are welcomed and cherished. Probably because they aren’t like you.

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