Earlier today I said how the how the immigration situation was going to lead us to a national divorce.

That’s the better option, because the other is violent civil war.

Here is Jennifer Rubin channeling the opinion of the Left.

She hates her fellow countrymen on the other side of the aisle so much she wants to deport us, in favor of unskilled workers from Central and South America who do not share a common language or culture with her.

To her, ideology is more important than the nation you were born in or the flag you pledge allegiance to, so getting rid of Americans who disagree with her and replacing them with people who will vote Democrat (in exchange for goverment benefits) is great for her side.

Then there is Occupy Wall Street.

That is them advocating for the murder of ICE agents.

Now, I believe in the Second Amendment because I believe it is a bulwark against tyranny.

ICE is not dragging American children out of their beds at night to send them to death camps.  They are detaining people who are crossing the border into the United States against our laws.  They are being sheltered and fed.

But because OWS supports open borders, the idea that anybody can walk into America at any time under any circumstances and be given all the privileges of citizenry, they see those who want to protect America as Nazis.

It is the same ideology as Rubin’s.  They have more love for the “oppressed” poor than hard working fellow citizens, and are advocating killing American Citizens in favor of illegal immigrants.

This is how you start a Civil War.

When you look at 60 million tax paying Americans and say “I want you to die or be banished from the homes you build and paid for so I can bring in poor people to pun on the welfare roll without you opposing me” those are fighting words.

If this goes on much further, it is going to end in violence.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “And they call the GOP Nazis”
  1. Read the Kindergarden of Eden by Evan Sayet.


    The mindset of the average “progressive” basically boils down to:
    1. The world is not perfect.
    2. The world should be perfect.
    3. The world must be destroyed and rebuilt. Maybe the new world will be perfect.

    Idiots like Jennifer Rubin and OWS have no idea what they are really saying. They just know that something they do not like is happening, and the system that allows it to happen must be broken. Therefore, it needs to be destroyed.

  2. I wonder, if you ran for some office and based your entire platform on the serenity prayer (give me the courage to change what can, the serenity to accept what cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference), how long before you would be labeled a “Nazi” and how much longer before thr threats of violence?

  3. You know, by the way, that Jennifer Rubin considers herslf to be center-right on the political spectrum. She is Wapo’s token “conservative” voice. Her beef is probably less with the immigration policy than that its Trump’s policy. She is really far gone in the Never Trump camp

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