This is the third time I’m going to touch on this today because this shit shot past 11 earlier today and is headed for blows.

The new attitude on the extreme left is to openly attack Federal Law Enforcement and their families and children.

This is how you risk getting shot by an off duty ICE agent.

Remember when the Left said they didn’t hate the troops, just the war.  That was a lie.  This proves is.

Here is a call for doxxing Federal LEO’s.  It’s not like criminals won’t target them for revenge.

And here is taking the anti-cop and anti-military thing full circle.

This is their big idea.  Harass and attack law enforcement until they quit.  This will only make America safer.  Safer for any criminal, gang member, and drug dealer than wants to come into the country smuggling contraband and sex slaves.  For the rest of us, it will turn America into north Mexico.

Turning America into a narco-state war zone to own Trump.

This is what they want.




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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “The Left is going to destroy America over illegals”
  1. Grr… do they think that ICE only keeps out “innocent mothers and children”? They think that if we had no border controls, there would be a rush of sweetness & light coming into the country.

  2. Well … free speech and all that. (But as Twitter is a private platform why is this hate speech being left up? Anyway.)

    actions and words both have consequences. The Internet has a long memory, that makes it possible that words typed now in a fit of pique / passion / frustration / (insert lame excuse) will be returned to later. While our government as it stands wouldn’t be legally able to act on them, the government they want, likely could and would. The same is true of individuals.

    This is not a threat, merely an observation, as I am one of those who can deplore what you’re saying while defending your right to say it.

    1. Twitter APPROVES of this material. The moment they started censoring based on politics, the stuff they leave up became their official stand.

  3. “Cops, prison guards, ICE, Military personnel”

    “Who are people likely to have guns on themselves for protection.”

    I wonder if they actively try to be this dumb or if it’s natural. I can not wait for the first article posted where some idiot tests this and earns a free dirt nap. The schadenfreude would be unbearable.

    1. They have no idea. They don’t have any grasp of how unbelievably fortunate they are, or WHY. They have been mal-educated into living in a fantasy world, and refuse to understand how reality works.

  4. How many of these twitter commandos will have the BALLS to try this..
    Nice to know thousands of soldiers gave their life so a$$holes like these can have “free speech “. and hide behind the 1st amendment.

  5. Oh, my. They really don’t understand that what keeps them from being lamppost garlands is the rule of law.

  6. BTW — anyone else remember when the left would argue, as one, that the stories of GIs being spit on were mythical, or at most a handful of isolated incidents?

    Are they now admitting it not only happened, but was “policy”?

  7. Honestly, it seems more and more like they want Civil War II. I wouldn’t be surprised if it did occur, with the Left blaming everybody else for being “Too rigid!” when simply trying to uphold laws and make people safer.

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