By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “And while Dave Bautista was calling us stupid…”
  1. Magpul has a great reputation for many things but I have broken several MBUS sights. Always in the same place. Metal only for me.

    1. Note the middle two letters in the acronym … my take is you put them there in case your primary sighting system (probably an optic) has a failure.

      In which case, either you’ve checked that the BU sights can be seen through the optic, or you’d best have a QD mount on said optic…

      (And I will freely admit this is more of a do-as-I-say sort of thing as far as I am concerned.)

  2. I’ve picked up a Kalashnikov pattern pistol. I pray it is only a range toy, but anticipate it may have utility as an antifa-swatter.

    Because few things say “get out of my car” quite like 123 grains at 2,000 fps. With 29 more to come.

      1. This is just an echo of yesterday

        Oregon online voting

        One can invalidate any vote just by knowing the name and birthday. Easy to write a script to automate the process.

        Also can change address for ballot to be sent to. In theory can change vote for military and disabled.

        Perfect doxing system, too.

        Discovered by 4chan last night, 1 hour before I posted here.

        Oregon just shut down the online voting system.

        Twitter shot the messenger.

  3. If you like Magpul – why is there no Magpul handguard on the rifle? 😀

    Imho the best handguard around – my biggest problem with “free float” ARs is, that I can’t put the Magpul handguard on them ^^

    (Not a Magpul-fanboy but “Ehre wem Ehre gebührt.”)

  4. “why is there no Magpul handguard on the rifle?”

    Budget! It was either that or the website. I reckoned you guys were first 🙂

    I do want to upgrade the pistol grip. But probably before anything else, I want to change the furniture of my old WASR. The only crap available back when I bought it was TAPCO (stop laughing, you bastards)
    Zhukov folding stock, MOE handguard and M-LOK MVG Vertical Grip is in my whish list. And the gun deserves it, for a long time it was the only thing I had post hurricanes. It is fairly accurate and it has never hiccupped. It deserves an upgrade

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