You are gonna tell me that these kids who cannot stand somebody saying something nasty against them  on Twitter are gonna spend 60 days inside a bus travelling across the nation? I am gonna bet that after a few photo shoots, they will send the bus ahead and fly people to locations nearby their destination.

The Gun Control loves a long tour bus. Five years ago, Michael Bloomberg, the Parkland Brats financier, sent what he called a No More Name bus on a tour across the nation that fizzled out rather quick. I did change its name for something more appropriate:

I figure we need to do the same thing as before: Get the schedule and just stop by wearing the appropriate gear like NRA hats and other accouterments while smiling at the passing vehicle.

So let’s go ahead and find the schedule, shall we?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Another Gun Control Bus Tour (The Parkland Brats Tour)”
  1. I bet the bus only stops in large, liberal cities, at which point the organizers of this farce will be preaching to the choir again. The news will fawn over it, proclaiming it a sign that the tour is effective. Meanwhile, actual gun owners in real America won’t see the bus. Which is why this will fall flat and do nothing to help the cause of the anti’s – echo chamber theatrics aren’t going to change anyone’s minds.

    Not to mention a much more simple reason. The first march/walk out occurred on a school day, and kids love rebelling and walking out. Good luck getting kids to flock to the bus during summer.

  2. “I bet the bus only stops in large, liberal cities…”

    Considering that libtard-run cities are cesspools of crime (Chiraq, Oakland, Baltimore, etc.), you can bet they will have lots of bodyguards and/or police escorts armed to the teeth protecting them delicate snowflakes.


  3. Back in the day I made my own ‘meme’ with that photo of the Bloomberg bus however I used the term “fueled by the blood of dead children” instead. Bad taste, but kinda accurate.

    Maybe the parkland bus can use the slogan “eco-friendly, designed to run on the blood of teenagers since we’re done dancing on it” or something like that.

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