I saw Miguel’s post Pathetic Little Liars and it got me thinking.

I’m going to shoot USPSA this weekend.

I was getting my stuff ready and my Limited 9mm has decided it is trans-cylinder and trans-caliber, and identifies as a Revolver shooting Major.

The fact that it is a 21 round 9mm is just it’s engineering, a big bore wheel gun is it s “gunder.”  It should be allowed to compete just the way it is in the division it feels like, and be scored accordingly.

If you disagree, you are a bigot.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Because I feel like it…”
  1. My stainless Security Six feels it really a blue steel Python. Somehow. my 1911 does NOT think is a Glock.

  2. Watch out, J Kb. Your doublestack 9 may neuter itself and force you to shoot production instead of limited. Mine does this to me all the time.

  3. My Beretta 92D identifies as a S&W Model 19.
    The trigger does feel like a K frame in double action.

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