From The Nation:

A House Bill Would Require Feds to Identify Themselves
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will introduce the legislation, following controversial arrests in Portland.

The bill would require on-duty federal agents to display not just the name of their agency but also the individual agent’s last name and identification number. It would also mandate a new form of oversight for the Justice Department, requiring its inspector general to conduct routine audits to ensure compliance with the legislation. The results of these audits would then be reported to Congress.

Why not require federal law enforcement to make their social security numbers and address public info too.

The secrecy has been the direct result of, doxing, SWATting, and harassing officers families.

Law enforcement should have some protection when they do their job and not having to worry that in the middle of a riot your family is going to be threatened or your credit ruined by some protester with internet access is part of that protection.

AOC wanted to abolish ICE.  She didn’t get that so now she’s going to unleash the mob against federal Leo’s.


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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “AOC drafts bill to make it easier to doxx law enforcement”
    1. She just won a decisive victory against her Democrat primary opponent. I’m sure there was probably cheating involved, but in the district she’s in, no one with an R after their name stands a shot in hell of winning anyway. Adding insult to injury, almost every penny of donations to her campaign comes from wealthy liberal elitists outside of her district. People on our side like to make jokes about how nice her tits are, but I find her repugnant, morally and physically.

      If people like her take over the country, stuff like this will continue until the last remaining decent members of law enforcement are purged. But believe me, the identities of the thugs that will take their place won’t be given up. AOC and the rest of the communists will keep the new generation of “law enforcement” happy as a means to impose their will.

      1. Correct on all counts.

        Even Pelosi acknowledged it when she said a glass of water with a (D) behind it would get elected in her district.

  1. They are already doxxing the Chicago Police Department in real time:

    Bottom of the post. “They then started grabbing officers names and badge numbers and using the internet to grab personal information about the officers, disciplinary history, time on job, salary, and other personal information. They then used their bull horns to broadcast our personal info to the crowd.”

    Couple that with the threats to rape their children the Chicago Police were threatened with.

  2. I think there should be a bill requiring all protesters to wear name badges as well. If the police need to be open and transparent, so should the protesters.

    Let’s see how quickly the bill dies as soon as their protected class starts getting doxxed.

    1. It’s a terrible idea under the principle of never providing yourself a political tool/weapon you don’t want turned on you, but….

      “Stop and Identify”

      Give the police the power to stop anyone behaving suspiciously and demand identification, and make it a criminal offense to refuse.

      Find someone who looks like an Antifa “protester” heading to a “protest”? Stop and Identify, including photographing the suspicious person (to document the suspicious appearance). Then post that information online, seeing as “police transparency” rules require all such stops to be public record.

      Doxxing can go both ways.

      But again, it’s a terrible idea. As soon as Leftists take over (more than they already have), “walking while conservative” will become a suspicious behavior, and forget any chance of “1st/2nd Amendment audits”.

      Alternatively, they’ll just stop and ID everyone (“Papiers, bitte”, anyone?), throw it all into public record, and someone will make an online tool and/or app to track everyone’s movements.

      Terrible idea.

  3. We want to be sure that the cure is not worse than the disease. IMO, the best remedy for AOC’s crap (and Pelosi’s, and Schumer’s, and… and .. and.. ) would be to insist that our elected officials had to obey the same rules as the rest of us. Especially with regard to self defense, obamacare, insider trading, etc.

    It’ll probably never happen, short of the increasingly appropriate use of Henry Bowman’s solution, but we can add it to the wish list….


  4. I would suggest every police officer should post a sign on his front yard or by the front door saying in large letters “WARNING: family members are skilled gun users, ready and able to use deadly force for lawful self defense”.

  5. Funny how this lunatic brays something and some think she and her ilk have already won and took over America. Has anyone actually LOOKED at how big America really is?? And the fact that We the People are well armed AND pissed off. Little pockets of morons might MIGHT get there way, but “fly over” America will be full of Americans

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