J. Kb

The Olympics and the NFL

The Olympics delegation is supposed to represent America to the word.

Boy-howdy is it doing that in spades this year.

Back in Rio in 2016, the US Olympic delegation selected Michael Phelps to be their flag bearer.  Why?  Because it was his last Olympics before retiring, he was hugely popular, and he had won the most medals of any Olympic athlete in history.  He was a winner and the pride of America’s summer team.

There were people there who though that Ibtihaj Muhammad should have been the flag bearer.  Why?  Because… she was the first Muslim woman to compete while wearing a Hijab.  She’d never won an Olympic medal before, because this was her first Olympics.  She was pretty much unknown to the American people.  She is also an Israel hater.

But she’s Muslim and that better count for something in the current year (of 2016).  So when Phelps was picked for flag bearer, CNN thought that Phelps should have passed the honor to Muhammad because he’s a rich white man and she’s a Muslim woman.

Muhammad got her revenge through, by saying how “she didn’t feel safe” in America – the same country that paid for her training and sent her to the Olympics – because of anti-Muslim sentiment.  She lost the vote for flag bearer, she needed more victim status.

It was embarrassing is what it was.  In 2016, the Olympics was still about the success of the athletes.  But social justice was closing in on its heels fast.

Only two years and the election of Donald Trump later, the Olympics have become a social justice shit show to make the 2017-2018 NFL season look like and episode of All In The Family.

The only thing I know about the 2018 winter team is how diverse it is.  Fuck if I know how good they are or if we are favored to win any medals.

Erin Hamlin and Shani Davis were both nominated to be flag bearer.  Hamlin is retiring this after this Olympics so this is her last chance to bear the flag.  Davis is the first black athlete to medal in the winter games.  The vote was a tie.  They flipped a coin, which is according to the rules.  Hamlin won.

Davis decided to boycott the opening ceremony and not come out with the rest of the US team.   He pissed and moaned to the media how it’s Black History Month and he should have be picked over a white woman 

Now Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson has gotten involved and wants a more social justice way of picking future flag bearers.

Who gives a shit about the skills or appeal of the athletes anymore.  We have officially made the Olympic flag bearing pick an oppression Olympics.  Great.

If 2016 was embarrassing, this is God damn embarrassing.

What else do I know about the Olympics before they even started?

Oh yeah, openly gay figure skater (which is a redundant statemnt) Adam Rippon decided to snub a meeting with Vice President Mike Pence.  This was over Rippon believing the myth that Pence funded gay conversion electroshock therapy.  Woopie Goldberg on The View backed Rippon in this saying that it would be like a Jew meeting with a Nazi.  Because we all know that Pence ordered gays be dragged from their beds at night and taken in box cars to death camps where there were gassed.  Oh wait, that never happened either.

Fellow gay athlete Gus Kenworthy decided to send a Tweet to the 1992 Winter Olympics.

Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

I’ve been hearing this since 1991.  Will and Grace is in its 9th season.  Being openly gay is so mainstream it’s boring.  If you want media attention for your non-conforming sexuality you need to be a transgender, kindergarten, drag queen.

I have no idea what event Kenworthy is competing in, but I know what his sexual proclivities are.  I guess if he fails to win a medal he can fall back on victim status to get TV interviews when he returns to the US.

Thanks Olympics.  You are off to a disinterring start.

Fast forward the Olympics actually starting.  No more pregame show, this is the real event.

The Left, never having met a Communist dictator they didn’t love, immediately fell in love with Kim Yo-jong, Kim Jong Un’s younger sister, and the North Korean Minster of Propaganda and Agitation.

She gave VP Pence a dirty look and they all went “Squeeeeee!”



CNN decided to go full Walter Duranty on her.

You’d think it was Trump and Pence that were starving millions of their people to death, imprisoning countless Americans in work camps, torturing American citizens, and that the Kim family was standing up against that.  But since these are Progressives, the defenders of Freedom are bad and the mass murdering tyrants are cool.

The North and South Korean teams came in united as one.

Pence did not stand for the united team.  I don’t blame him.  Over 33,000 Americans were killed and 90,000 Americans were wounded helping South Korea from being “united” by Kim Il Sung.  We still spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to defend South Korea from the North.  A united team is a thumb in our eye.

Personally, I’ll never own a Hyundai, so after that I wouldn’t care if Trump pulled our troops out of South Korea.  Fuck ’em.  Let’s see how the South Koreans and their $30,000 per capita GDP like having their economy redistributed by the NORKs and their $700 per capita GDP.  Maybe a little starvation will make them more appreciative of our sacrifice.

The Left jumped on Pence for being a “hypocrite” for not standing.

This from a United States Senator.

Then from the peanut gallery.


A multi millionaire black man, raised in a privileged white household, took a knee protesting the National Anthem of a nation that gave him the opportunity to succeed, on a social justice crusade is exactly the same thing as the Vice President not respecting the Olympic team of a tyrannical dictatorship that has threatened the United States with nuclear attack.

To the unthinking, Trump hating, Left, of course it is.

The media’s desire to take Kim Jong Un balls deep didn’t end with the dictator’s sister.  There was nothing but fawning for the entire show that the country put on.

We can’t forget Duranty’s own New York Times.  If you thought they loved Stalin, just wait until you see how much they love NORK dictatress glaring at Pence.

A woman who has ordered the mass murder of her own people is charming.  A mild mannered VP and former Governor from Indiana is the evil one.

Michel Moore, who for some reason thinks he is still relevant, got a very tiny and impossible for him to see, boner over what we saw as an anti Trump opening ceremony.

The whole thing so far has been a total dumpster fine of progressive honesty.

The very people who should be representing the best of America can’t focus on winning Medals because they are busy in front of the camera wanting victim points for racist coin flips and their penchants for man-on-man ass fucking.

The media has demonstrated their absolute love for despotism.  Knowing deep in their hearts that being propagandists for despots is easier and more financially rewarding than actual journalism.  You can’t be called “fake news” by the leader when Dear Leader is feeding you the news, and if someone else calls you “fake news”  Dear Leader will send his secret police to have them shot.

NORK Ministry of Propaganda: America sucks, North Korea is awesome, we hate Trump/Pence, and a united Korea is great.  

US Liberal Media: Hold Our Beers!

In a way, this cluster fuck is an honest representation of America, this is the best that deep Blue, Progressive America has to offer.

I’d say I can’t wait until this is over, but then I’m going to be hammered by every media outlet with interviews from our strongest and fastest gayest and blackest how how discriminated against they feel in America and how great it was being that close to North Korea.

Maybe for the 2020 Olympics we should send two delegations, one from “Trump’s America” and the other from “Progressive America” so at least those of us who are proud of our country and care about actually winning on merit and effort, can be represented too.

Just stay there

This is the most racist thing I’ve seen this week.  It’s pretty bad.

WOW!  A retreat for black women to “get away from white people.”

Holy, shit, that is awful.

If I ran a vacation group that advertised:

“Take a vacation from black people on our white only retreats.  The music is pleasant and you won’t have to worry about securing your valuables because there will be nobody to steal them.”

I’d probably be burned alive.  That would be it.  It would be called a Klan rally or Nazi retreat or something like that.  No way would HBO and VICE treat it they way it treated this group of women.

“My blackness is…” is one of the most irritating phrases I’ve heard.  “Blackness” should not be a character defining characteristic.

“My whiteness is…” is a terribly racist sentiment, except maybe in the context “my whiteness is relevant to my qualities of a person.”  When “blackness” become a core descriptor of who you are, that’s a problem.  Ethno-identification leads to fractionation, not unity.  Just as Archduke Ferdinand about that.

The first woman interviewed shocked me.  I used to live in Omaha, actually Bellevue because Omaha has handgun registration, but I worked in Omaha.  “Nebraska nice” is real.  Nebraskans were the nicest people I’ve ever met.  Southerners have hospitality.  Hoosiers are polite.  But Nebraskans are nice.

I can’t claim to have that first woman’s “lived experience” but my Nebraska experience suggests the problem is her, not the people of Omaha.

The woman in the red bikini and blue braids was just openly prejudiced.  I happen to like my Trump tax cuts.  I also support his policy towards Israel and the UN.  I’m glad to know that she now assumes that I’m a racists and she can’t trust me on any level.

The owner of the retreat is just a bigot.  There is no other way of saying it than that.

I decided one day to eliminate black people from my personal life and ever since then my life has been way more breezy.”

See how awful that is?

She only gets worse, saying that “white people shouldn’t even have passports” because they do nothing but spread misery around wherever they go – “they’ve done enough damage.”

She is a radical, racist, black separatist/segregationist.

I can honestly say, I’mg glad that woman has moved to Costa Rica, and when she starts her little commune all those women decided to move there.

Not because they are black but because their attitude is harmful.  It is victicrat identity politics cranked to 11.

Welcome to Balkan American.


Having with with people – Chinese Food Edition

When you find out that a person eating at a Chinese restaurant takes her fortune cookie fortune seriously and then her cookie doesn’t contain a fortune, what do you do?

The right answer is:

You tell her that it means she’s going to die soon.  If she had a future, she would have a fortune, so no fortune means no future.  It’s only logical.

Bonus points if you can get the other guys at the table to back you up on this like it is a well known fact.

Greatness Defined by Bill Maher

The life expectancy in Haiti is 63.5 years and is ranked No. 148 in the world. 

Haiti has a literacy rate of 60.7%.

Haiti has a per capita GDP of  $729.30, and is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with 80% of the population in poverty.

More than 2% of Haiti’s population has HIV.

Haiti has a human development index score of 0.493 and is ranked No. 163.

The only think Haiti scores towards the top on is corruption, where it is 159 of 176 countries for most corrupt (the higher the number the more corrupt).

In Haiti’s capital of Port Au Prince, they don’t have a functioning sewer system, so workers haul away human shit from the streets by hand in buckets.

To be fair to Haiti, this puts it on par with San Francisco. 

According to Bill Maher, this means that Haiti is “Great Already.”

This is the same Bill Maher who on his show (which earned him a $6 million/year salary) said that Americans are stupid, America isn’t great, and when pressed, can’t help but mock America.

Bill Maher is the Colin Kaepernick of HBO.  He makes a huge salary to do nothing but suck and disrespect America, then explain why some HIV infected, illiterate, corrupt, third world, shithole – litter a place with puddles of shit in the streets – is better than America.  But they refuse to out of their multi million dollar mansions on the California coast.

I, and seemingly a substantial part of the rest of America, is tired of this bullshit.  Unfortunate there are enough hypocritical liberals who enjoy them shitting on America to keep these assholes rich for a long time.


MSNBC’s blonde beast

From the network that brought you George Zimmerman the “white Hispanic” comes Nancy Pelosi the “ethnic” white, millionaire.

I think Chris “the Blonde Beast” Matthews is MSNBC’S very own Reinhard Heydrich, deciding people’s race and whether or not they should be saved or have there character executed on live TV.


I remember reading that a woman became a witch when she had congress with the devil. I didn’t know that meant sharing party leadership with Harry Reid.

No way in hell

So I’ve been thinking about that SpaceX thing.  What’s the harm in doing an interview.

Then I looked at California gun laws for real.

Fuck.  That.  State.

Pursuant to Penal Code sections 17000 and 27560, any person who moves into California with a firearm is considered a “Personal Firearm Importer” and is required by California law to do one of the following within 60 days:

Complete and submit a New Resident Report of Firearm Ownership (BOF 4010A), pdfalong with $19.00 to the California Department of Justice, Bureau of Firearms;Sell or transfer the firearm to a California licensed firearms dealer or to another individual using a California licensed firearms dealer to conduct the transaction; orSell or transfer the firearm to a California police or sheriff’s department. Persons choosing this option should contact the law enforcement agency for instructions prior to transporting the firearm to the agency.

In Illinois I had to get a FOID before possessing my guns, but a least I didn’t have to sell them to a dealer and buy them back to get them.  With my FOID I could just bring them across from Indiana in my truck.

At this point Elon Musk could offer me a million dollars a year and my choice of UCLA coed interns as my own personal dick washer, I still wouldn’t take thr job.

I’d end up in prison as someone else’s dick washer, and I just don’t need that.

Liberal journalist makes the case for campus carry

It’s been a while since I visited the issue of campus carry.

I’ve covered idiot professors claiming that campus carry infringes on free speech because they are afraid that gun carrying, conservative students would hear that Mao was a good guy and shoot up the place.

Of course, what we’ve actually seen is progressive students and student groups threaten conservative students with violence.

This time it was writer* Jesse Farrar who made a clear and compelling case for campus carry.

*Farrar has written articles for garbage online magazines like Deadspin as The Beer Idiot.  Technically, he gets paid to write, so that makes him a writer, but his work, just like soul, is utter shit.

Grabbed by snipping tool from Charlie Kirk, because the original tweet has been deleted.


Yes, you read all of that right.  This person is actually advocating that professors murder conservative students over ideological differences.

I see now why professors are scared of campus carry.

Prof: “Mao was the good guy.”

Student: “Professor, Mao starved 50 million people to death and murdered millions more in show trials.”

Prof: *Attempts to murder student for challenging Communist ideology.*

Student: *Shoots professor who is trying to strangle him.*


At least Farrar had the balls to admit that he’s for the mass murder of people he disagrees with.  It allows the rest of us to understand exactly what kind of person he is.

Nothing says Progressive like convincing people your ideology is right by filling graves with everybody that disagrees with you.