J. Kb

Ballistic Beatification in Saint Louis

In December 2011, white St. Louis PD officer Jason Stockley shot and killed black suspect Anthony Lamar Smith after a short police chase, originating at a Church’s Chicken.

The details of the shooting and just how much of a good shoot it was are dubious.

Note: don’t get caught on video saying you are going to “kill that motherfucker” before a shooting then claim self defense afterwards.  Even if you are right, it looks bad.

 The not guilt verdict made by the judge in the murder trial of Jason Stockley has resulted in protests.

On Friday, the Saint Louis Board of Alderman honored Anthony Lamar Smith with that highest honor they could bestow.

That almost brings a tear to your eye.

However, they left out a few details.

Smith pled guilty once in January 2010 for possession and intent to distribute marijuana.        

Earlier, in 2007, he pled guilty to illegal possession of a firearm.

In 2010, he was sentenced to prison for five years on the drug charge and three years on the weapons charge, to be served at the same time.

He served 14 months and was released on parole in May 2011, almost seven months to the day before he was shot.

It has also been said that Smith was “known to have a gun on him.”

In fact, Judge Timothy Wilson even wrote in his ruling that “an urban heroin dealer not in possession of a firearm would be an anomaly.”

During the trial, we learned that a baggie with capsules of heroin were found in Smith’s car, and that only Smith’s DNA was found on the drugs.

So, it is true that heroin was found in Smith’s car, but he was not convicted of dealing heroin.

So… a drug dealer with a criminal record and history of illegal firearms possession, who had heroin and possibly a gun on him at the time of the shooting – according to the city of St. Louis – was a nice boy who worked at McDonalds and won awards for sportsmanship and wanted to be a clothing designer.

Way back in 2014, I coined a phrase in the comments of this blog that Miguel turned into a post.

The Board of Alderman has officially beatified Anthony Lamar Smith.

Saint Lamar Smith of Church’s now joins the canon of Saint Brown of Ferguson and Saint Martin of Sanford.



Sunday Funnies Kids Songs

My son love to listen to his Sharon, Lois & Bram CD while in the car.

One of the songs is Sur le Pont d’Avignon.  These are the lyrics:

Sur le Pont d’Avignon
On y danse, On y danse
Sur le Pont d’Avignon
On y danse tous en rond

I don’t speak French.  So I sort of made up my own lyrics that sound close when done in a terrible Simpsons-esque mocking French accent.

Two lemons
Haw Haw Haw
Horny dancer, horny dancer.
Two lemons
Haw Haw Haw
Horny dancer toot your horn.


My wife finally heard my version of the song.

I am now banned from singing kids songs without pre screening of the lyrics.

The War Will be Fun

Apparently, there were some armed Lefty protesters outside the courthouse in Saint Louis, MO, who were part of the Jason Stockley demonstration.

This was reported by Rick Meyer, a photographer with KSDK, the St. Louis NBC affiliate, on Twitter.

Look at this bunch of sad sack “revolutionaries.”

From left to right, or maybe more accurately, radical left to far left: Ginger Arafat, Stickmag, Emo Hawkeye, and Tactical Coolio.

These are some shitty, Scooby Doo level revolutionaries.  I think I am going to call them: Che and the gang.

I get they they are trying to be intimidating and all, but they just can’t pull it off.

Stickmag looks like a back row backup dancer in a Bruno Mars music video.

I wonder which gangsa rapper he stole that Glock from?

Ginger Arafat may be trying look tough and show solidarity with Palestinian terrorists in his keffiyeh (another Lefty anti-Semite), but I’m sure he spent more money on his pre-worn hipster boots than his Sevens 320, made in China shotgun.

My absolute favorite is Emo Hawkeye.

First, budget cuts must have hit the Avengers program hard, because he’s barefoot.

Second, his arrows.  Those are the cheap, fiberglass practice arrows you get at the sporting goods store for the bow you shoot at Scout Camp.  I’m not sure if they would survive being launched in a compound bow.  He has no broadheads either, those are round nose target points.

Third, and this is the best part, THAT’S NOT REAL INTERCEPTOR ARMOR.  He’g going to be mighty surprised when he learns the hard way that the $99 he spent on eBay actually bought him an Airsoft Interceptor OTV clone, which is about as bulletproof as a windbreaker.

I will give Emo Hawkeye this, his three Scout Camp arrows are – technically – reloads.  Which means that he has a little more forethought than his compatriots.

Seriously, that is going to be one short lived firefight.  Especially for Ginger Arafat.  I guess he couldn’t find a way to carry spare ammo that color coordinated with his outfit.  Mag pouches just don’t fit the revolutionary chic aesthetic.

If this is the people we are going to have to fight in the next Civil War, I say lets get this shit over already.  It will be fun.

Wonder Woman

This article is from June of this year, but it took awhile to drift into my field of view.

From Ms. Magazine: When Will Wonder Woman Be a Fat, Femme Woman of Color?

They go on to make their argument:

Now that the female superhero has finally made it to the big screen, critics and audiences are asking whether Wonder Woman is a feminist film. But the question itself is problematic. For one, it makes “feminist” a subjective adjective. Also, it suggests there’s a monolithic Feminism, when really feminist movement encompasses innumerous feminisms in motion. The more inciting questions are: How does this film represent Wonder Woman? What’s missing from this representation? And, what does it say about this particular moment in time?

Why couldn’t Wonder Woman be a woman of color? When it was announced that Gadot would play Wonder Woman, audiences went wild body shaming her for not having large enough breasts. One can only imagine the white supremacy that would have emerged had the announcement said instead that she would be played by a Black woman. On Paradise Island, there are Black warriors in addition to white ones, which is a good start, but other women of color are missing. Also, while the female warriors are strong and ass-kicking, they all have tall, thin body types and they all could be models on a runway. In fact, in a pivotal battle scene, Wonder Woman struts across the battlefield as if on a catwalk. As a result, their physical strength plays second fiddle to their beauty, upholding the notion that in order to access power women must be beautiful in a traditional way. Especially with the body positivity movement gaining steam, the film could have spotlighted female warriors with fat, thick and short body types. While people have said that warriors can’t be fat, some of our best paid male athletes are, particularly linebackers on the football field, and no one doubts their physical strength.

Let me answer their question.

“Dear Sugar Tits,

Wonder Woman debuted in 1941.  She is from the island of Themyscira, and her full name and title is Princess Diana of Themyscira, Daughter of Hippolyta.  Themyscira is an island of female warriors governed by Aphrodite’s Law.

In the 2017 movie, Wonder Woman is played by Gal Gadot.  Gadot is from Petah Tikva, Israel, on the Mediterranean.   She served in the Israeli Defense Forces during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war, kicking terrorist ass.  Before enlisting in the IDF, she was a beauty queen winner as the 2004 Miss Israel.

So, Wonder Woman is a Mediterranean warrior princess, being played by a Mediterranean warrior (beauty) queen.

She’s about as authentic to the character as an actor or actress can be in a super hero movie.  Except perhaps for Robert Downey Jr. playing a wealthy, womanizing, celebrity, with substance abuse problems.

For people who can’t tolerate whitewashing of characters in movies, what justification do you have to alter this.

Despite your social justice preening, you will never convince people to see a movie in which a black, trans, Trigglypuff tries to stop the apocalypse by making a German madman check is white male privilege.


Sincerely, J.Kb.”


Hell of a new year

Yesterday was Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year, and my god, it was a hell of a bad news day for the Jews.

The worst predictions were right, Donald Trump has emboldened the anti-Semites.  It turns out, most of them are on the Left.

Where to being…

How about with Valarie Plame Wilson.  Way back during the G.W. Bush administration there was a scandal called the Plame Affair, or as often reported “Plamegte” (because most journalists are retards with no imagination who think of themselves as Woodward and Bernstein while being little more than shit-peddlers).  Valarie Plame Wilson was an officer with the CIA, married to an ambassador.  Her cover was blow, she was outed, by people within the W. Bush administration, possibly in retribution for her husband’s not backing the WMD justification for war with Iraq.

This made her a martyr and a cause celebre for The Left.  A big Hollywood movie was made about her, she got a book deal and speaking tour.

She’s also a vicious anti-Semite who promotes the “the Jews are disloyal to America and only loyal to Israel” trope.

She posted a link to an OpEd in UNZ.com, which is a radical Leftist magazine that promotes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.  This is a capture from their homepage.


Yep, that is an article about how it was Da JOOOS and not Muslims who celebrated 9/11.

She tried to back peddle, but that was even worse.  A short search of her history shows that she has linked to this same website at least nine times and has a history of anti-Semitic tweets.

She is also a member  of the board of the Ploughshares Fund, which is a group pushing the Obama-Iran nuke deal that will eventually allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon.

With no surprise, the author of the Iran nuke deal sales pitch, came out against Netanyahu’s support of Trump’s UN speech.

I don’t believe this casual acquaintance of anti-Semites is a coincidence.  Obama’s foreign policy towards Israel has always been “blame Israel first.”  The principle is “everything is Israel’s fault and Muslims are just reacting to it.”  This Leftist, Obama admin, anti-Semitism is really starting to show, unfortunately too late.

Next we have the Women’s March proving they they are just a bunch of Lefty Jew haters.  Rasmea Odeh is a convicted terrorist.  She bombed people in Israel.  She lied on her immigration forms to come to the US illegally.  She was caught.  She agreed to being deported to avoid jail time.

This is how the Women’s March chose to announce that.

Not “Illegal immigrant who committed fraud on immigration paperwork and murdered two students in Israel is deported” that would be too honest.

The Women’s March supports women, women who bomb market places where Jews shop.


In New York City, Thomas Lopez-Pierre is running for city council again.  He’s doing so with a fundraising e-mail that says “SAVE HARLEM from Greedy Jewish Landlords.”

The man he is running against is Jewish.

Lastly (and this one has nothing to do with Trump, just general European Leftism) Heckler & Koch has decided to stop selling guns to “crisis regions” were governments are corrupt and nations support terrorism.  This includes Israel.

Yep, according to H&K, Israel is tantamount to Iran and Afghanistan.  This is just run of the mill Leftism which argues that Israel is a terrorist state.  Socialist Bolivia actually made that official state foreign policy.

I guess, according to H&K, I do suck and they do hate me because I am a fitly untermensch.

I had no plans to buy any of H&K’s overpriced tactical Tupperware any time soon, but I guess it will never happen.

It was just a shit show of far Left Jew hate the last few days.  This year is not starting off well.

A bridge too far in the culture war

I read liberal websites and I read conservative websites.  I try to maintain a balanced viewpoint to the best of my ability.  Sometimes I’ll read something that is so outlandish, so conspiratorial, that I have to say “no way this is real.”

I’m having a moment where one of those “no way this is real” moments is becoming plausible.

Gay marriage wasn’t on the political radar when I was a kid.  Under President George W. Bush, the idea of a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage was still being floated by the Far Right.

Obama was anti-gay marriage in 2008 then pro-gay marriage in 2012.  The Supreme Court ended gay marriage bans in 2015 and the cultural shift on that was rather sudden.  All of a sudden, handed a huge legal victory The Left had to win in the popular culture as well.  Forget about individual beliefs.  If a religious person so much as answered the hypothetical question “would you cater a gay wedding” in the negative, they will receive death threats, have their business destroyed, and be run out of town in hiding.

I could care less about gay marriage.  I happened to agree with SCOTUS in Obergefell, the 14th Amendment does provide equal protection under the law and gay couples are entitled to all the LEGAL PROTECTIONS, RIGHTS, AND PRIVILEGES, of a sate issued marriage licences.  Forcing religious people to accept that, was a step too far.  I try to be tolerant, but I firmly believe that people should not be forced to participate in something they have a moral objection to.

As little as five years ago, there was nothing on the radar in the wider pop culture about trans rights.

Then we got Bruce Jenner turned Caitlyn Jenner on TV with his own TV show I am Cait.  Woe beith unto the person who didn’t think that Jenner was stunning and brave and the most beautiful woman in Hollywood.  Jenner won an Arthur Ashe Courage Award for being trans on TV.

Jeffry Tambor then played a woman on the TV show Transparent and everybody near that show was nominated for an Emmy.  Laverne Cox was raised up and down for being a trans person on Orange is the New Black.  A transgender child wrote a book and got a reality TV show called I Am Jazz.  Another trans child got a part on Modern Family.  

North Carolina had the temerity to go against the pop culture on this and say that just maybe, biological men shouldn’t pee in women’s bathrooms and the backlash was YUGE!  The NBA pulled the All-Star game.  Liberal states enacted travel bans to North Carolina.  The NAACP staged a boycott of of North Carolina and the backlash in general cost North Carolina almost $4 Billion.  North Carolina was broken.

This is where my tolerance starts to wane.  I don’t hate trans people.  I see it as a mental illness, no different than schizophrenia.  It is a delusion from reality with an egregiously high suicide rate.  What I refuse to do is let someone else’s delusion dictate my reality.

That is the next step.  For the real Progressive, it is transphobic (the new zenith of bigotry) to not want to have sex with a transperson because you don’t think her penis is a woman’s penis.  Yes. That’s.  Real.

I didn’t think my “genital preferences” were the result of cultural norms or transphobia, but of 1.2 billion years of evolution of sexual reproduction.  But that’s just me.

So what’s next.  Gay marriage is a thing.  Trans is being forced down the nation’s throat.  How much further can we go.


“No way,” you say.  That’s some Far Right paranoia.  Then I saw this over at Gay Patriot.

That’s a little much.

This is where I become an intolerant fucker.

The Hollywood pedophiles who try and drive the pop culture may try and make this socially acceptable.  Among the wide swath of mainstream America, it will never be.

For those Progressives who don’t get this, and saw the victory of gay marriage and transgenderism in the mainstream, they are playing with fire.

Let me put this in terms they will understand.

The use of Rorschach here is appropriate because he was a vigilante.

In a civil society, civil people expect the law will exist to protect them.  If the law stops doing that, they will protect themselves.

Right now, the law exists to protect children.  If that changes.  If the Progressives make it so the law protects the monsters that pray on children, we will protect our children.

The day The Left makes is socially acceptable for some 40 year old man to hit on my 3 or 5 or 7 year old in public is the day I find it social acceptable to stick a knife in a pedophile’s throat in the checkout line of the Kroger.  Cleanup aisle 2.

When the day comes that the Police cannot arrest an adult for having sex with a child is the day Middle America starts lynching pedophiles.

We won’t be trapped in here with those perverts.  They will be trapped in here with us.