J. Kb


I caught this article over at Campus Reform, Hawaii prof demands that colleges ‘stop hiring white cis men’.

I had to confirm that the subject was real, and it is.  The professor in question, Piper Harron, wrote a piece for the American Mathematical Society’s official blog stating that cis-gender, white men should quit their jobs and new cis white men not be hired because they are a problem.

Not to alarm you, but I probably want you to quit your job, or at least take a demotion. Statistically speaking, you are probably taking up room that should go to someone else. If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) you almost certainly should resign from your position of power. That’s right, please quit. Too difficult? Well, as a first step, at least get off your hiring committee, your curriculum committee, and make sure you’re replaced by a woman of color or trans person. Don’t have any in your department?  HOW SHOCKING. 

And it just gets worse from there.

From the AMS blog I was linked to Piper Harron’s personal website, aptly titled The Liberated Mathematician.

From her CV it says she received a Ph.D. in math from Princeton.

She claims her thesis won all sorts of awards.  She was interviewed about it for a math blog called mathbabe.

Describe my thesis? My thesis is this thing that was initially going to be a grenade launched at my ex-prison, for better or for worse, and instead turned into some kind of positive seed bomb where flowers have sprouted beside the foundations I thought I wanted to crumble. My thesis is that thing I got sick of just when I should have been fine-tuning its organization. It’s where I find typos that have already gone to print. I am a writer; don’t ask me about my writing.


She goes on.

Then there was the actual math. Funny story, I was exceptionally behind my peers when I got to Princeton. I’m tired of talking about it. I should have made myself a Tshirt that said “I only took 7 math classes before coming here, and my peers took 20 – 30, so that’s great.” Funny story, my brain is evidently unusual among mathematicians. Namely, I don’t understand anything they say.

That is the first thing she said that made any sense so far.

In my second year, my body temporarily lost the ability to properly deal with sugar. I don’t know if this is a thing. My doctor never really figured it out even after she got “really scientific about it.” Whatever it was, I realized stress had sent me to the hospital and I was thoroughly against that on principle, so I gave up stress.

I got cancer in grad school.  The doctors had a name for that: malignant neoplasm of the kidney resulting in partial right nephrectomy.  I wrote the first draft of my thesis in recovery from kidney surgery and cancer.

This decision seemingly cost me everything. I escaped without graduating in 2009. I had my first child in 2011. I became a conscious feminist. After decades and years of absorbing all the rules, a black teenaged boy was shot dead for no reason and his assailant was found not guilty because black boys are scary. I became consciously anti-racism. Two months later I threw out my previous draft and started on my thesis grenade.

What is a thesis grenade?

Anything else I want to say? I hope people read my thesis. I hope people who don’t know what research math is like will see that it is not so alien, that it can be accessible, and will make fewer assumptions about who should go into math.  I hope graduate students will read it and realize that they are not alone. I hope it could help them be more aware of various and unfair pressures they might be under, so that they could navigate the waters without internalizing things too much (not too much to ask, right?!). I am thrilled at the idea that mathematicians might read and enjoy my thesis, but I didn’t write it for them.

I’d like to say something really important about how to make everything better. Can I get back to you on that?

For her entire post she never talks about the subject of her thesis once.

I read it, or at least tried to.  Here is the actual abstract and prologue from her thesis.  In full.  I know it is long but I want you to read it.


A fascinating tale of mayhem, mystery, and mathematics. Attached to each degree n number field is a rank n − 1 lattice called its shape. This thesis shows that the shapes of Sn-number fields (of degree n = 3, 4, or 5) become equidistributed as the absolute discriminant of the number field goes to infinity. The result for n = 3 is due to David Terr. Here, we provide a unified proof for n = 3, 4, and 5 based on the parametrizations of low rank rings due to Bhargava and Delone–Faddeev. We do not assume any of those words make any kind of sense, though we do make certain assumptions about how much time the reader has on her hands and what kind of sense of humor she has.


Respected research math is dominated by men of a certain attitude. Even allowing for individual variation, there is still a tendency towards an oppressive atmosphere, which is carefully maintained and even championed by those who find it conducive to success. As any good grad student would do, I tried to fit in, mathematically. I absorbed the atmosphere and took attitudes to heart. I was miserable, and on the verge of failure. The problem was not individuals, but a system of self-preservation that, from the outside, feels like a long string of betrayals, some big, some small, perpetrated by your only support system. When I physically removed myself from the situation, I did not know where I was or what to do. First thought: FREEDOM!!!! Second thought: but what about the others like me, who don’t do math the “right way” but could still greatly contribute to the community? I combined those two thoughts and started from zero on my thesis. What resulted was a thesis written for those who do not feel that they are encouraged to be themselves. People who, for instance, try to read a math paper and think, “Oh my goodness what on earth does any of this mean why can’t they just say what they mean????” rather than, “Ah, what lovely results!” (I can’t even pretend to know how “normal” mathematicians feel when they read math, but I know it’s not how I feel.) My thesis is, in many ways, not very serious, sometimes sarcastic, brutally honest, and very me. It is my art. It is myself. It is also as mathematically complete as I could honestly make it.

I’m unwilling to pretend that all manner of ways of thinking are equally encouraged, or that there aren’t very real issues of lack of diversity. It is not my place to make the system comfortable with itself. This may be challenging for happy mathematicians to read through; my only hope is that the challenge is accepted.

I’m not a math major, but I have taken a lot of math courses in my life, and I didn’t understand any of that.

I have a Ph.D.  Mine is in Materials Science with a concentration in physical metallurgy.  What that means is that I understand metal.  I know why you add various elements to steel in various quantities and how to heat treat it accordingly.  I know how to make steel hard or tough or shock resistant or wear resistant.  It’s what I do.

Now I am not so bold as to suggest that I am the be-all-end-all of thesis writers.  But I’d expect a thesis in a serious field like math, to be something more than “I really don’t know math like I should but here is some nonsense that makes it seem like I do.”

She got her Ph.D. from Princeton.  This is the US News and World Report #1 ranked university.

And this woman TEACHES.

Back in 1996, a physics professor at NYU named Alan Sokal published a piece of contrived bullshit in an academic journal of social studies.  Then he came out and said that it was a contrived piece of nonsensical bullshit and that the academic rigor of the discipline was non-existent and these so-called intellectuals would publish anything that sounded good as long as it hit all the right political buttons.  To quote Alan Sokal:

The results of my little experiment demonstrate, at the very least, that some fashionable sectors of the American academic Left have been getting intellectually lazy. The editors of Social Text liked my article because they liked its conclusion: that “the content and methodology of postmodern science provide powerful intellectual support for the progressive political project” [sec. 6]. They apparently felt no need to analyze the quality of the evidence, the cogency of the arguments, or even the relevance of the arguments to the purported conclusion.

This was called the Sokal Affair.

Well in 2017, academia is beyond parody.

Piper Harron is a walking, talking, teaching, tenure-track Sokal Affair.

Except that I don’t expect her to come out and say “ha ha, this is a bunch of bullshit that I made up like a Tumblr Mad Libs.

She believes her own bullshit, and so did Princeton, and do did University of Hawaii at Manoa.  She uses her position to peddle more intellectually lazy, racist, sexist, hateful bullshit.

The saddest part is the potential that some poor engineering student will be subjected to her bullshit class, and then go off and design a bridge that collapses or an airplane that falls out of the sky because he was being taught meaningless drivel instead of actual Newtonian calculus.

Because Sir Isaac Newton, Leonhard Euler, and Joseph-Louis Lagrange were all cis white men, they have no place in calculus.

Recycled Crap

The more I listen to the far Left on the issue of the environment, the more I realize they don’t love the planer or the environment, they just hate human beings.

The Left daydreams about genocide, and the will use whatever argument is most convenient or prudent in the zeitgeist to justify a genocide.

From an interview with Gloria Steinem:

People argue that climate change and other issues are also feminist issues. What do we lose by broadening the meaning of the term?
“Are you kidding me? Listen, what causes climate deprivation is population. If we had not been systematically forcing women to have children they don’t want or can’t care for over the 500 years of patriarchy, we wouldn’t have the climate problems that we have. That’s the fundamental cause of climate change. Even if the Vatican doesn’t tell us that. In addition to that, because women are the major agricultural workers in the world, and also the carriers of water and the feeders of families and so on, it’s a disproportionate burden.”
This is just malthusianism recycled, again.
When Paul Ehrlich published The Population Bomb in 1968, he advocated for a one child policy, with forced abortions, and had been calling for it ever since.
This idea that humans would eventually use all of earth’s resources and starve was pushed by the likes of Ehrlich on the world in the 60’s so by 1973, Soylent Green was made of people.
But by this time there was a second green revolution, Norman Borlaug invented the first drought resistant genetically engineered crops, and won a Nobel Prize for saving a billion lives from famine.  Now China is suffering the fallout from its one child policy.
Ehrlich didn’t care about the earth.  He just hated people and wanted them to die.  Overpopulation was the justification he needed to call for the killing of billions.
Today, global warming or global climate change is the same thing.
If people like Gloria Steinem and Bill Nye really cared about the planet, they would be demanding the construction of thorium breeder reactors for energy, and building of dams and reservoirs in California to save water during the wet seasons for use in the dry seasons.
But they are not.  They just want to exercise their authority through bloodshed.
Hitler killed millions justified by eugenics popular in the early 20th century.
Stalin and Mao killed millions using collectivist economics as their justification.
Ehrlich wants to kill billions because he things there are too many people and they are suffocating the planet.
Steinem wants to kill billions because it is too warm.
All these Leftists want to do is create wanton carnage.  The only difference is the justification they use to get there.

Denying my RTKBA

The Left is going apoplectic over the fact that Ms. USA says health care is not a right, which they assure us it is.

The Left also says that if the government does not subsidize abortion providers and fund Planned Parenthood, it is denying women ther abortion rights.

To Progressives, a right not funded by the government is a right denied.

Here’s what I want. 

I have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. 

I want a Republican Congressman to put forward a bill for an EBT like card that I can use at any FFL for the purchase of guns and ammo.  I want at least $255 per month, which is the average monthly benefit for SNAP recipients, and should be enough to feed my IDPA habit. 

I don’t see it passing.   I just want Liberals to argue against it while Conservatives keep saying “it’s a right and if you don’t pay for it you are denying people their rights.”

Turn about is fair play.

Bad to Worse with Congress

The good news is I haven’t heard about a big Antifa attack or protest this past week.

The bad news is the trend seen in three stories from the last week.

In order of increasing seriousness.

In North Dakota, a town hall Republican Congressman Kevin Cramer, protester got “hands on” with the Congressman over the health care bill.

Republican Congressman Tom Garrett has received a number of death threats, including threats against his wife and children, as a result of the health care bill.

MONETA, Va. — “This is how we’re going to kill your wife.”

That’s the message Rep. Tom Garrett (R-Va.) said he received in a series of recent threats that targeted him, his family and even, at one point, his dog. And it’s the reason, he said, that his town hall here in this sleepy Virginia community on Tuesday night was ringed by law enforcement.

The high security presence, Garrett said later, was the result of threats that Capitol Police, state police and intelligence officials “have deemed to be credible and real.”

A woman in Tennessee recognized Tennessee Republican Congressman David Kustoff driving on the highway and tried to run him off the road.

The woman was arrested.  Since then, she has become a hero to Progressives.



The antis used to love calling gun owners insurrectionists.  We were always the threat to the public and democracy.

Yet I can’t find a story through Google of a NRA member trying to run Diane Feinstein off the road or getting handsy with Chuck Schumer.

We’re 114 days into Trump’s presidency and some on the left have begun attacking, actually physically attacking, Republican politicians.  From social media, what we’ve seen there are many more people who support this, if they don’t engage in physical violence themselves.

Again I am forced to ask, what is the end game here?  Do they think they can force Republicans in deep red districts to change how they vote  through threats?

I believe that is is such a lack of respect for our government system that they would rather destroy it if they can’t control it.

I’m just not sure if they have though about what the ultimate result of that looks like.

Homo Nonhabilis

Today we turn to the city of San Francisco.


Because when you want to study the degeneration of Liberal man in his natural habitat, you head off to San Francisco like Jane Goodall going to Tanzania.

In San Francisco, foodie hipsters have been hacking open their own hands trying to make guacamole at such a high rate of occurrence, that local ER’s have dubbed the injury “avocado hand.”


She’s not going to be giving any southpaw happy endings for a while.

My first thought when I saw this picture was “that had to hurt.”

My next thought was “who tries to stab something that they are holding in their hand?

In terms of safety, not stabbing something that I am holding in my hand comes right after not pointing the gun at my foot while I clear and make safe.

Then I realized something.

I have cut myself plenty of times.  My hands are a reticulation of scars of cuts and scrapes and scratches of a life using knives and tools.  I learned how to carve a steak and bone a chicken without cutting myself by cutting myself slicing a tomato.

Making the mistakes when I was young tackling small tasks taught me what not to do the hard way.  Now, as an adult, using a power saw or a handgun, the common sense on what not to do with a dangerous tool was developed by experiencing minor injuries as a child.  Seven year old me might have tried to stab an avocado pit, 34 year old me know that’s some stupid shit to do.

I was able to make the minor mistakes when I was young for two reasons.  I have been carrying a pocket knife pretty much every day since I was a Cub Scout and got my Whittling Chip, and my parents allowed me to carry a pocket knife.  From this, I developed a respect for tools and how to use them properly.

These people who are sticking knifes through their hands are skinny-jeans wearing hipsters.  These are coddled adult-children.  They have hands that have grown up holding video game controllers and not tools.

This is what happens when society that demonizes inanimate objects.  First they try and ban guns.  They the put in place very restrictive knife laws.   Then whey they ultimately have a culture that assumes every pocket knife is a weapon and good people don’t carry knifes, the first time a hipster wants to show off at a cookout he ends up having to have several fingers re-attached.




We’re taking a road trip from Huntsville to just south a Birmingham for the day.

We pack up all the necessitates, diaper bag, snack bag, etc.

I grab my mini bug out bag and summer weight EDC gear.

My mom asks me “Do you have to be to heavily armed?”

I replied “What do you mean heavily armed?  It’s only two handguns and neither is a .45.”