We’re taking a road trip from Huntsville to just south a Birmingham for the day.

We pack up all the necessitates, diaper bag, snack bag, etc.

I grab my mini bug out bag and summer weight EDC gear.

My mom asks me “Do you have to be to heavily armed?”

I replied “What do you mean heavily armed?  It’s only two handguns and neither is a .45.”


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Perspective”
  1. Different perspectives. It fascinates me .

    My mother notes the pistol under my shirt: “Do you expect trouble”? This is a frequent half-way joke.

    “No mam. But if we encounter trouble while we are at Dillard’s, I’ll be ready.”

    She has health insurance, life insurance, long term care insurance, car insurance, house insurance.

    After more than 20 years discussion, she does not understand the concept of “self-accomplished personal protection insurance.” She’s not against it, mind you, she just doesn’t understand the potential utility.

  2. Right.
    I had a thought flash thru my head the other day. I ran into a buddy outside our building. We’ve shot at the range together and frequently talk guns n gear. He carries every day, same as me. And, He smokes. It suddenly hit me–you want to be able to defend yourself from a killer, but you willingly pay money to buy deadly products and smoke them? I dunno. Never thought about it before. It just seems weird. I guess it’s just the incredible power of addiction. Is there some parallel to be drawn? A lesson here?

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