J. Kb

Watts is always wrong, this time not about guns

Shannon Watts’ inability to be right was all over my news feed today.  Surprisingly, it wasn’t about guns.

Shannon Watts was in an airport waiting to board a flight, when she witnessed an interaction between some passengers and a representative from United Airlines.

Rather than wait for all the fact to come in, she took to Twitter to espouse her opinion, grounded heavily in the witch’s brew of ignorance and indignation.  Her two favorite intellectual states.

This hit every possible Social Justice outrage button.  Policing women’s bodies and clothing, sexualizing women and children, big corporation vs. the little guy/girl, racism, are leggings pants, etc.

Within hours it have become #leggingsgate.

United Airlines did what any rational actor  would do any try to explain themselves.

As it turns out, the passengers in question were not paying customers.  They were flying gratis as per the United Pass program.  As such, specific rules – such as dress and behavior codes – applied to them.  They are flying on United’s dime, and are seen as representatives of the company.

I’ve been to company outings before.  We had to abide by company rules because even though we were off the clock, we were still representing the company.  I used to work for The Official Fuel of NASCAR as a petroleum engineer.  I got free tickets to the Dover International Speedway.  When I went on the company dime, there were rules about what I could do, including how much I could drink and which drivers I could wear apparel supporting.  Can’t wear a t-shirt for a driver sponsored by a competitor.

In my job now, people other than me have a say in what guns and ammo I shoot competitively under certain circumstances.

The person paying sets the rules, I think most people understand that.

The righteous anger tasted too good to the mighty conquering Social Justice Warriors of the Internet.  Facts be damned, virtue had to be signaled so that it could be seen from space.

Travel blogs gave advice how to fight Untied.  Celebrities threatened to pull half-naked stunts on United flights.  Other celebs threatened boycotts or just cursed out United.  People fucking Magazine made this into a human interest piece.

This was a holocaust of the vanities.  A bacchanal orgy of self–righteous preening.

I can’t help but feel sorry for the poor social media person at United, who defended a not-irrational or unusual corporate policy applied under a specific condition, only to be overrun by hordes of unthinking, uncaring, Social Justice activists hell-bent on destruction.

Of course, there is no telling just yet how this will affect United Airline’s financials.  People may yet lose their jobs over this.

Shannon Watts owns it all.

She Tweeted from ignorance.  Condemning something she didn’t have all the information on, that was none of her business, and doing untold damage as a result.

This is her modus operandi laid bare.

This time, it wasn’t a gun company, gun owners, or potential victims of crimes that paid the price.

Maybe soon rational people outside the gun world will see her for what she really is: an instigator of mob-mentality destruction.

On chicks with di*ks

I’ve poked the trans issue a little bit, but never did a real post about it.  My wife often acts as my conscience.  She knows people who are trans and is a little bit more “open minded” about trans right.

Then this morning, making my usual rounds through the news, I came across an article that just about hit the nail on the head about all the points I’ve made to my wife, and so decided the time has come to post.

First of all, when it comes to trans people, I don’t hate them.  I don’t consider myself to be transphobic.  I feel nothing but sympathy for them for how hard their life must be living with a mental illness like that.  I know that this is a politically incorrect belief to have, but all the SJW virtue signalling in the universe won’t change some facts.  Among trans people ,the rate of attempted suicide is 41%, this makes it double the rate of suicide attempts among veterans with PTSD.  In fact, the only group in the US that tries to kill themselves as much as trans people are people with schizophrenia.

Trans people also have issues with drug and substance abuse that is three times the rate for non-trans people.  Drug and substance abuse is considered a co-morbidity of metal illness as people tend to “self medicate” with narcotics.  The highest rate of people with HIV is trans people.

The evidence indicates that trans-genderism is still a mental illnes, and the changes made to the DSM V are more political than scientific.  These people need help.

That said, if you want to dress a certain way, cut your hair a certain way, or look a certain way, that’s on you.  You have the freedom to do it.  I don’t care.

The issue is what right do you have to make other people acknowledge your delusion.  If you are a man who thinks you are a woman, and you make your self up to look like a woman, do you have the right to make me agree that you are a women.  I don’t think so.

I have the right to say:

Then you have people like this clearly insane human being who is arguing a man – with a penis – is a woman if he identifies as one, and if (s)he identifies as a lesbian, and other lesbians refuse to have sex with him/her, they are trans-phobic.  Because a woman with a penis is still a woman.

For the most part, this is an academic debate.  What does it matter.

One word: bathrooms.

Progressive companies like Target decided to let trans-people use the bathrooms they identify with.  Obama made the same policy for schools.  North Carolina went the other way, and the NCAA threatened to pull their championship from the state, and California prohibited official travel to states with similar laws.

Yes, I know, trans people need to pee.

But it’s not that simple.

We live in a world where “if you see something, say something.”

Transgender protection laws make us become intentionally stupid.

Incidentally, this is the same thing Liberals do when it comes to saying Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

If you are one of the privileged* trans-people that is passing, i.e., other people can’t tell you are trans, and you use the bathroom of the gender you identify as, and nobody notices, and you just do you business and leave… I don’t care, no harm no foul.

*This is just another reason I hat SJWs so much.  Trans-people who pass are more privileged than those who don’t and therefore are slightly less oppressed and that’s problematic.  They can’t help but destroy each other.

But what happens if when a man, that is obviously a man, goes into the ladies room?

When something makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, that is a deep, primordial part of your brain screaming “something’s going to eat me” and puffs you up to make you look bigger towards a predator.  Gut feeling is instinct.  It knows things carried in our DNA from a million years of human evolution that our conscious mind ignores.   Our gut is a much better lie detector than our rational brain.

Women who have been told “if you see something, say something,” “trust your instincts,” and “trust your gut,” to keep themselves safe are suddenly being told, that if they are uncomfortable with an Adam’s apple in a wig in the ladies room, when they are at their most vulnerable, they are transphobic bigots.

They have to suppress every instinct of personal safety to be politically correct.  That can’t be anything but dangerous.

That’s been my argument from the beginning.  If a woman, a real woman, or several women, real women, are uncomfortable about the obvious man in the ladies room, he needs to GTFO.

It’s nothing personal.  These women are listening to their guts and their guts are saying:

So when I found this blog post: A MAN IN THE WOMEN’S RESTROOM AT DISNEYLAND.  It was a woman saying everything I’ve been saying for nearly a year.

I didn’t know if I was going to write this blog or not. A part of me was scared it’d be shared as some transgender hot piece about yet another homophobic mom lashing out at Disney and then I’d have to deal with the wrath of the internet telling me to kill myself. So let me be clear. This isn’t that story. This is a story about a biological man in the women’s restroom, but we need to discuss some gender issues…

I was off to the side waiting with the two boys, when I noticed a man walk into the restroom. My first thought was “Oh shit, he’s walked in the wrong restroom by mistake. lol” He took a few more steps, at which point he would’ve definitely noticed all the women lined up and still kept walking. My next thought was, “Maybe he’s looking for his wife…or child and they’ve been in here a while.” But he didn’t call out any names or look around. He just stood off to the side and leaned up against the wall. At this point I’m like, “WTF? Ok there is definitely a very large, burly man in a Lakers jersey who just walked in here. Am I the only one seeing this?” I surveyed the room and saw roughly 12 women, children in tow, staring at him with the exact same look on their faces. Everyone was visibly uncomfortable. We were all trading looks and motioning our eyes over to him…like “What is he doing in here?” Yet every single one of us was silent. And this is the reason I wrote this blog. 

If this had been 5 years ago, you bet your ass every woman in there would’ve been like, “Ummm what are you doing in here?”, but in 2017? The mood has shifted. We had been culturally bullied into silenced. Women were mid-changing their baby’s diapers on the changing tables and I could see them shifting to block his view. But they remained silent. I stayed silent. We all did. Every woman who exited a stall and immediately zeroed right in on him…said nothing. And why? B/c I and I’m sure all the others were scared of that “what if”. What if I say something and he says he “identifies as a woman” and then I come off as the intolerant asshole at the happiest place on earth? So we all stood there, shifting in our uncomfortableness…trading looks. I saw two women leave the line with their children. Still nothing was said. An older lady said to me out loud, “What is he doing in here?” I’m ashamed to admit I silently shrugged and mouthed, “I don’t know.” She immediately walked out, from a bathroom she had every right to use without fear.

 1,000% yes.  Every woman in that bathroom was afraid of the man, but more afraid of being called a transphobe for being afraid of the man.

If I were there watching a man go into the ladies room after my wife and child, I’d be pondering if I could make a prison shiv out of the wooden stick from my Mickey’s Premium Ice Cream Bar.  I’ve never killed a man with a Popsicle stick before, but I sure as shit would have ready to try.

Each and every one of us is our own last line of defense.

Creating protected classes of people, where any suspicion of anyone that looks like them is bigotry, makes us more unsafe.



Through the 2016 election we had to listen to people, including Hillary herself, claim that she should be President because “it’s her turn.”

Now, with the nomination of Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, the same people are griping that the SCOTUS seat he has been nominated to fill was “stolen” from Judge Merrick Garland.

Stolen, as is taken from its rightful owner.

Hillary was not entitled to the Oval Office.  Judge Garland was not entitled to a seat on SCOTUS.


Now, The Hill has been pushing Chelsea Clinton on us, fueling the idea that she is being groomed for public office.  Why not?  She’s accomplished nothing but being born to a political family and having everything in life handed to her as a form of payment to her parents.

The attitude has become “if we didn’t get Hillary, we could at least get the next best Clinton.”

Chelsea’s not entitled to public office either, no matter who’s loins she was birthed from.

Connected Democrats are not owed, entitled to, or have a turn to hold positions in government.

They don’t.  Nobody does.

We fought one war to stop living under a Monarchy.

This shit has got to stop.



Why I love trucks and hate the media

Last week, President Donald Trump met with the CEOs of some trucking companies and members of the American Trucking Association.  In typical photo-op styling, some 18-wheelers were parked on the White House lawn and President Trump climbed into the cab and honked the horn of a Semi.

Since then, every media outlet and their mother has been making jokes about Donald Trump and trucks.

Buzzfeed, not to be outdone, is releasing a book making fun of Trump and his love of trucks.

Since nobody else has said this, let me say it:

Dear Media,

Fuck you all.  Fuck your mothers.  Fuck your ancestry and progeny for a thousand generations. You sacks of shit have abdicated your responsibility to the truth in favor of partisan hackery.  Shame on you all.

Here’s the truth, I love truck too.

Trucking is A $1 TRILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY, representing more than 10% of the US GDP.

Over 70% of all freight tonnage in the US is moved by Truck.

There are over 3.5 million truck drivers in the US, with an average salary of $57,000.  That is 3.5 million people making a solidly  middle class, living income.

Trucking is overwhelmingly small business, with 90% of Trucking companies having 10 trucks or less, and is one of the fastest growing small businesses in America.

Trucking is co critical to the US economy that trucking is used as a metric of economic performance.

There is a reason a common refrain of the American Trucking Association is:

The reason that some asshole from Buzzfeed, in New York City, is having a latte while writing a book mocking Trump is that coffee beans from South America delivered to the port of Miami, milk from a farm in Upstate New York, sugar from central Florida, and a mug from Ohio, all were shipped to NYC in a truck.  If he had a blueberry scone with that latte, we can add California, Kansas, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and a whole host of other states to that list.

That the President of the United States met with representatives of the trucking industry to celebrate trucking, instead of doing what Obama did and try to fuck it to death with EPA regulations,  is good for the American economy.

It’s good for the American Economy.


But the shit-for-brains, Leftist fuck-wits with the media won’t let that penetrate their bubble.

You know what?

I heart trucks too, you miserable, dishonest, sons-of-bitches.



More thoughts on Gorsuch

I’ve been watching the Judge Gorsuch confirmation hearings.

The takeaway I have from Judge Gorsuch is that he is a man that believes in the letter of the law.  He has no interest in being an activist or making his decisions based on the direction that the winds of politics blow.

This has Democrats apoplectic.

Compare Gorsuch’s statements with that of Judge Sotomayor.

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

She never mentioned the rule of law once.   For her, a law was mutable to conform to her sympathy for the participants in a case.  Probably on the grounds of identity politics.

This hearing is about much more than confirming Gorsuch.  It is a battle of the rule of law versus the rule of feelz. 

This battle is being fought on every front in this administration.

Can cities ignore federal immigration laws because they have the sadz for drug dealers and rapists from Mexico and terrorists from the Middle East?

Is the right to keep and bear arms something that shall not be infringed even if it gives Democrats the scaredz?

If the Republicans waffle on Gorsuch, it will show the people that we have chosen to a nation that cannot rely on the law to be applied equally, became the interpretation of the law will be applied in a capricious way.

Senate Question

I wish I could ask Judge Gorsuch one question during the Senate confirmation hearing today:

“Judge Gorsuch, when we break for the day, I’m going to go home, sit on my couch, and put together a little YouTube playlist of videos of you and Congressman Trey Gowdy just absolutely demolishing Democrats with your brilliant legal acumen.  What do you think would go better with that, single malt Scotch or Kentucky Bourbon?”