
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Targeted Political Fashion War.

OK, let’s do that. Let’s allow attacking anybody who is wearing a political garment, why don’t we?

That means anybody wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt gets a thorough beat down. Anybody dressed as Antifa, get kneecapped. You parading with a Nazi armband, rotate  the offending limb 90 degrees the wrong way at the elbow. Let’s up the ante, shall we? A Hillary or Bernie bumper sticker and the vehicle gets torched. Do you have lawn sign for some Left Wing candidate? Oh well.

I seriously ask, Is the MAGA hat a hill you want to make your last stand on?

The very unsual foodie post.

We are having black beans to-day!

Mom forces me to help her every time she cooks. She knows she ain’t a spring chicken (86 y/o) and wants to make sure her recipe gets memorized. Funny part is that she resents the heck out of me if I try to do anything other than what she orders asks  me to do.  She is not ready to relinquish command of the stove!



Mom saves kids from carjacking. She should not have according to Gun Control.

You must have read about this by now:

A Texas mother said she didn’t think twice about shooting a would-be carjacker when the man jumped into her vehicle at a Dallas gas station while her two sons were in the backseat.

“I proceeded to jump in my backseat and told the gentleman to stop, to get out the car. He would not get out of the car. He turned around and looked at me. I reached over the armrest to get my glove compartment and that’s when I fired at him once I got the gun from my glove compartment,” Booker-Hicks recalled to the news station.

Booker-Hicks shot Wright in the face while he was allegedly trying to drive away. He crashed the vehicle into the fence.

Texas mom shoots man trying to take car with her kids inside at gas station: ‘I hope that woke him up’

A mom defending her kids is a long time-honored event. Nobody in their right mind would dare to criticize a woman violently making small pieces out of anybody or anything that threatens her offspring. That is if you are not a member of the Enlightened Left for Gun Control.

And we even have a member of the Main stream Fake Media not being very delicate about what they think about what mama did and marks it with less than optimistic tags and a video that is unrelated to the news item:

We know that our Despicable Opposition hates defensive uses of a gun, that is nothing new. But usually they have a smidgen of common sense not to go after mother defending their children which makes these attacks almost baffling. Maybe Shannon Watts got mad because a Mom instead of demanding action, took action and saved her kids lives.  Then again, I have the gnawing suspicion that the reason might be another one altogether worse:

Michelle Booker-Hicks with police officers at the final scene of the carjacking.


Maybe the vicious attacks are due to the fact that Michelle Booker-Hicks  is black, and she committed the sins of not being a victim plus escaping the Liberal Plantation with her actions. Instead of being a victorious  other, she was supposed to be a wailing image of despair, crying for her kidnapped children and becoming another example of what’s wrong in America for the Glory of the Liberal Reich.

The Left needs victims, she refused to be one and that cannot be forgiven.

Media sezs “We Be Not Lying Evah!”

You are gonna love this. Here is the header:

I am gonna call this Op Ed a nice piece if fantasy literature. . It has all the elements we all come to love: She worked in the Land of The Rednecks but she moved to there is safe and open-minded. But before moving, one night she was chase by evil doer rednecks and…

I blame TV where you see a crime show where the characters are holding Glocks and you can hear(loudly) the ghost safety being flipped.

It is OK Ms. Lavin. You work for the Media, our default position is not believing you. But you sure gave us a chuckle.

It is NOT Trump who is giving Media a bad name. They are doing a fine job themselves.

Scumbag media is deep scum.

The editors that appear to have sent the two morons have been fired. Still, these two idiots should have nodded to the bosses and spent the afternoon 5 miles away sipping coffee at a Starbucks rather than actually go to the rape victim’s house. That they even went, tells you they are pretty much the same shot as the bosses that sent them.

PS: the officer in the video is the actual Police Chief for Newburgh Heights, John T. Majoy. He was professional to the hilt, I would have use much salty language.

Why we carry. (update)

Because very violent Domestic Abuse gets stopped not by restraining orders and wishful thinking, but the assurance that bodily harm will be inflicted.


The idiots at YouTube have tagged the video as “Harassment and cyberbullying.” and gave me a strike. I have appealed.
In the meantime.

And I opened an account in LiveLeak.

UPDATE 2: My appeal went through, the ban on the video was removed, my account is free from strikes. The video has been age-restricted which I had already done the first time around.