
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

And suddenly School Safety is racist.

Scrappycrow sent me this story.

Eleven percent of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School’s 3,000 students are black, but you wouldn’t know it from the media coverage of the school’s horrific mass shooting in February or the gun control movement that sprung up in the aftermath.
Black students gathered in Parkland Wednesday said they felt overlooked and underrepresented by both the media and their peers leading the charge for more gun control. And some of the solutions meant to keep them safer in the wake of a gunman slaughtering 17 of their classmates leave them feeling more afraid than before.

Black Marjory Stoneman Douglas students want the movement to include their voices too.

It is them transparent back packs, isn’t it?

Kai Koerber, a 17-year-old Marjory Stoneman Douglas student, returned to school after the shooting to see his slain classmates’ empty desks turned into memorials — and a campus swarming with police officers. To him, extra cops around doesn’t mean more people to protect him; it means more chances to become a victim of police brutality.

This is getting good.

Kai worries that police will racially profile students and treat them as “potential criminals,” particularly students of color.

Paraphrasing what Gun Controllers say about us: “Every student is Law Abiding until they are not.”

Including black students in the gun violence conversation means broadening the topic from mass shootings to police-involved shootings, said Tifanny Burks, a community organizer with Black Lives Matter Alliance Broward, which helped gather the students on Wednesday.

Black Lives Matter? How come I am not surprised? Oh yes, they are integral part of the Gun Control movement and blessed by Shannon Watts and Michael Bloomberg. Now, they shouldn’t be biting the Billionaire hand that feeds them, should they?

“Is the solution to less gun violence more guns, just with police officers’ names on them?” she said. “We have to have that conversation.”

Is it me or are they asking for  100% nobody carries a gun in school mode?
If it wasn’t for the innocent kids that are not and do no want to be involved with Hogg und Emma Jugend, I’d say to remove anything that reeks firepower and authority presence in Stoneman Douglass High.

OK, not lets’ be real. This is not that they want to be safe from police brutality. This is just that they are pissed nobody from CNN interviewed them or did not appear in Good Morning America or were taken to DC to a nice hotel and all other expenses paid to speak in front of an adoring crowd of middle-aged women in pussy hats and spiking in Xanax.  But since the only script they have is police brutality, they get to throw sand in the gears, the complain and make it a racial issue. Sorry, an Anti Black issue as Gonzales is not quite the Nordic name.



Cheap & Easy Cammo for Societal Breakdowns

Today’s lesson is about a wee bit of social engineering that should be a part of your glove box in your vehicle, or your bug-out bag.

It is: the Media Pass.

This little darling has been used as far back as the 1970s to smooth the way through more than one coup d’etat.

Professor LawDog’s School of Mayhem and Survival

I want to add a comment to the following:

As soon as you get to a point where you can duck, disengage, and Beat Feet Away From The Stupid, do so. If there’s a barricade in front of your Newest Favourite Alley, waving your Media Pass at the cops manning said barricade will frequently get you past it.

Heed that advice. Even if you are Media, your welcome mat has a quickly fading expiration date. It would not be the first time that a Journo got his ass kicked or a hole in the head for failing to see the winds of change. Mobs have no logic.

If you live in an area where mob and looting may happen more than usual, you may want to invest on fake blood. Thanks to the general fear of blood-borne pathogens, people may want to stay the hell away from you if they think they can get contaminated with AIDS and/or Hep C. Keeping a little vial handy may give you another tool to get the hell out of the Crazy “Party.”




The elections will be here soon enough.

A little bit I could afford.

I am already getting polling calls about the Florida Primaries, so we need to start getting the info and helping around.

And it is not that I want to scare you, but one of the named bandied around as a candidate for the Democratic party is Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Katherine Fernandez Rundle who was brought up serving under Janet Reno and universally hated by almost every single cop in the county.


BSO Sheriff refuses to answer questions about Parkland.

Only in Florida you can get away with this crap.


However, if the Media is starting to sniff behind your trail, one of two things will happen: A) You have been deemed expendable by your political masters and being prepped for sacrifice or B) After a brief call by the powers that be, the reporter will be reassigned to cover restaurant health violations and in-depth stories about funny pets.

We’ll see.

You know you are doing it very wrong.

When the chest-thumping  “No Compromise!” lobby and the Gun Control Lobby have the same message.

“Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

Animal Farm – George Orwell.