
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

And now the NRA is against Hunters. Oy!

Another rambling idiocy cooked by a Liberal:

The best thing for hunters would be the erosion of the National Rifle Association’s clout, which suddenly looks possible amid widespread protests calling for new gun laws.
This past fall, I needed a specific tool for my muzzleloader and blackpowder season was a few days out. My friend and I were running errands and finding said tool became a bit of an odyssey. We stopped at no less than four gun shops before giving up.

Alexander: NRA is a threat to hunting


He manage to brutally contradict himself in the first paragraph. Or more likely he is betting his readers are uninformed enough that his lies go unnoticed.

Let me start with the tool for his muzzleloader. Mr. Alexander apparently has not hear about this magnificent invention used by many to locate both items and people: The Telephone.  I don’t know you guys, but If I am gonna try to find some item locally and I know there are specific stores that may carry it, I rather dial the digits that jump in my car with a friend in tow and run around town looking for it. You know, the whole “Let your fingers do the walking.”? That one!

Next, raise your hand if you have gotten NRA notifications in your Email regarding Federal and State attempts to restrict or ban hunting… OK, Y’all can put your hands down.

From 1,000% tax on ammunition to banning any ammunition that uses lead, the Left has been trying without success to outright kill  hunting and the NRA has fought it every time. The continuous push to get lead regulated by the EPA under the Toxic Substances Control Act has come snake eyes every time because of the efforts of the NRA and not the goodness of the hearts of the D.C. politicians.

So, is there an issue with hunting? Are the numbers down from previous years? Yes. But the explanation lies somewhere else rather than the alleged secret campaign by gun store to drive hunters away according to Jon Alexander. I am just going to give you two reasons as not to make this post too long.

Population has shifted from rural areas to urban/suburban areas. According to the Census Bureau, in the 1910s, the population was almost evenly split between urban (45.6) and rural areas (54.4). By the 1990, it had turned 75.2% urban and 24.8% rural and now we stand at 80.7 percent urban versus 19.3 rural. Last I heard, hunting in Urban areas (although tempting in some cases) is forbidden by the law.  So a combination of lack of opportunity and descent of the rural population has influenced the decline in hunting. That unless Mr. Alexander wants to blame  the NRA on the abandonment of our rural areas.

Refrigeration, Supermarkets and an overall elevation of the standard of living. For many years hunting was not just a sport but the means to put protein on the family table. If you wanted to eat turkey at Thanksgivings, you had to get your shotgun and be lucky out there in the field rather than chasing Butterball in the aisles of your local supermarket.  Refrigeration meant your meat took a long time to spoil. The prices for steak and ground chuck dropped when it was no longer necessary to rush the transfer and processing of a cow to serve before it became a bed for maggots.  And the same applied to game caught in the hunt: once butchered, it no longer had to be processed (salted/smoked) but neatly packed and put in the bottom of the freezer and consume leisurely. And then come the lazy people like me that do not hunt and will obtain animal protein via the supermarket because it is more convenient.  Last I heard, the NRA does not have a stake in supermarkets nor sell refrigerators or freezers.

But hunting is not dwindling as much as they are trying to make it look. The members of Gun Culture 2.0 are starting to discover hunting and enjoying it. And not only doing so with muzzleloaders and other old-school military-style weapons, but with the evil AR 15 also.  There is a reason why AR-15 receivers are marked as multi caliber, right? And I hear the .50 Beowulf round will take most of the game found in the US.

We will never have the same percentage of hunters as we had 100 years ago, but I do predict (if the antis’ friends of Mr. Alexander do not get their way) that we will see their numbers increase but it is going to take time.


Hat Tip 


David Hogg was in two places at the same time during the shooting? UPDATE: Explanation given.

Chris, a certified asshole, after accusing me of ripping the content of the post, proceeds to share a link from Red State where the an explanation is given about the contradictory statements.

My apologies for the confusion. It is not the first time we got stuff wrong here and (this is for Chris) every time we make a correction and apologize to our readers because we have a sense of decency and do not wish to be confused with journalists.

Interview with Time Magazine on Feb 15, 2018

David Hogg, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, knows what gunshots sound like: His father worked in law enforcement, and taught him about weapons and how to handle them. So when Hogg heard a “pop” while sitting in an AP environmental science class around 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, he told his teacher it sounded strangely like a gunshot. But there had been a fire drill that very morning and talk of a “Code Red” exercise to prepare for an active shooter. This must just be a surprise drill, he reasoned.

A Student Started Filming During the Florida School Shooting. He Hasn’t Stopped

But then for a CBS interview he states that on the day of the shooting, he rode three miles from his house to the school to take video.

There is something rather fishy here.  But we would not dare say Junior Goebbels is lying, would we?

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
― Joseph Goebbels
Hat Tip Josh F.

HIDDEN AUDIO: Broward County Teachers Caught Indoctrinating Students, Planning Illegal March

To me I have confirmation of why this time we are having such a rough time. We know that money and organization is coming out from the Joyce Foundation and Bloomberg’s Everytown. But seeing the Giffords group involved means that whatever infighting Gun Control groups had before, they managed to stop it and are now working together with the big gorilla Bloomberg at the helm. And I wouldn’t be surprised that Brady is also in there, specially since suddenly they have money again for another lawsuit.

In other news, some Pro-Gun Groups find it a matter of pride to show their alleged independence by crapping all over our Gorilla.

No wonder we appear weak to the legislators and they went with the Opposition. .


“Nobody needs Military-Style (fill the blank) Updated.


And just add all the rest of the goodies developed for the military and now in use by civilians.

Here is my contribution:

From Reltney McFee:
(trauma dressings) (trauma systems) (Advance Trauma Life Support) (hemostatic dressings) (traction splinting)

From MiniMe:
1. GPS
2. Freeze drying
3. EpiPen
4. Cargo pants
5. Duct tape
6. Jerrycan
7. Jeep
8. Computers
9. Microwave

From scrappycrow:
Oh, let’s not for get that DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) fomented the Internet. All those anti-gunners need to get off it, then.

From crawford421:
Canned goods and margarine.

Youtube and Samizdat in the United States.

I just saw this in Facebook:

And it hit me: Samizdat

For the younger readers, allow me to explain, Samizdat (Self-Publishing) was a form of dissidence used in the former Soviet Union to reproduce and pass along documents that the State deemed dangerous and were censored. Obviously this was back then a 100% underground enterprise and if caught, you would end up in a “re-education” camp in Siberia and later exile while enjoying the benefits of deep freezing weather for a decade or more.

Books like Animal Farm (and pretty much anything George Orwell), One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and even Anna Karenina were targeted by the Soviets and reproduced by people in the underground using typewriters, mimeographs and even by hand.

But if there was a Samizdat  that Soviet Apparatus hated and prosecuted with undue fervor were the Periodicals. Anything that was some sort of weekly or monthly publication dealing with the current life in the USSR was considered “Anti-Soviet Agitation and Propaganda …with the purpose of undermining or weakening of the Soviet power or with the purpose of committing or incitement to commit particularly grave crimes against the Soviet state.

So, what we are watching right now is the beginning of our Samizdat in a Brave New World Media. We have been labeled criminals by the private-powers-that-be and I we are refused to use their access to our consumers, we shall see and produce our media, our “illegal” media by other means.

Desktop Publishing, once considered a benefit for all of us will become a cancerous pain in the side for those who seek to shut us down.

Biuletyn Dolnośląski (The Lower Silesian Bulletin). Polish Samizdat.

PS: Spell checker did not know what a mimeograph was, I am old.
I added a link to a YouTube video for those who have not heard the term either. 


The Biggest Sniper Corps in the World

As seen over at Wirecutter’s

That would be the American Hunters, all 16.9 million of them.

Granted, these shots are taken by masters in their craft with damned good equipment, but the principle is the same.

Some in the Opposition are trying their utmost to create an event that would lead to a police and/or military response against Gun Owners. That would not be a wise course of action.