Chris, a certified asshole, after accusing me of ripping the content of the post, proceeds to share a link from Red State where the an explanation is given about the contradictory statements.

My apologies for the confusion. It is not the first time we got stuff wrong here and (this is for Chris) every time we make a correction and apologize to our readers because we have a sense of decency and do not wish to be confused with journalists.

Interview with Time Magazine on Feb 15, 2018

David Hogg, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, knows what gunshots sound like: His father worked in law enforcement, and taught him about weapons and how to handle them. So when Hogg heard a “pop” while sitting in an AP environmental science class around 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, he told his teacher it sounded strangely like a gunshot. But there had been a fire drill that very morning and talk of a “Code Red” exercise to prepare for an active shooter. This must just be a surprise drill, he reasoned.

A Student Started Filming During the Florida School Shooting. He Hasn’t Stopped

But then for a CBS interview he states that on the day of the shooting, he rode three miles from his house to the school to take video.

There is something rather fishy here.  But we would not dare say Junior Goebbels is lying, would we?

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
― Joseph Goebbels
Hat Tip Josh F.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “David Hogg was in two places at the same time during the shooting? UPDATE: Explanation given.”
  1. So you ripped a story that has been floating around a couple right wing websites and posted it on your blog without attribution. Nice.

    “After reviewing all of this, it appears that the problem was that CBS included a very confusing quote without context. Hogg was on campus during the shooting and returned several hours later to interview people across the street. The original story remains below, in strikethrough. I am sorry for the error and have updated the post accordingly.”

    If I were you, I would delete the post to avoid any further embarrassment.

    1. 1) Not without attribution. Time was linked in the first video and the YouTube video is its own attribution. And no, it did not come to me from RedState.
      2) If there is an explanation, then I will take it. However, a simple “Hey, here is why there is a contradiction in the statements.” would have been nice… but you had to act like a certified asshole about it.
      3) If I were you, I would learn some manners. My issue is easy to fix, yours is longer and shows a distinct lack of decent parenting and hugging.

  2. We all know that the media and lefties ALWAYS tell the truth..its NRA members who lie…. I for 1 will be glad when these useful idiots go away.

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