
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

An Opinion on Suppressors and the Hearing Protection Act – Monster Hunter Nation

That’s right. Congress wants roving bands of redneck ninja death squads, silent but deadly, offing delicate Bambi-like progressives who were just standing on the corner minding their own business. It was that stupid line which caused me to write this blog post. I like Moon’s books, but that line took the gold in the thousand meter moron.

Source: An Opinion on Suppressors and the Hearing Protection Act – Monster Hunter Nation

Larry on Silencers and then doing some Fisking…. Priceless.

Stop Enabling Assholes. Stop Benefit of the Doubt

So I was taken to task by a Liberal friend in Facebook for the picture and comments of the Scum Bucket taking a knee during the playing of Taps at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. I was both told to give him the benefit of the doubt and that I was racist.  Why I was racist? Because the Kneeling Jackass appears to be black and without giving me the benefit of the doubt, the critic immediately stamped me with the racist badge. Irony? Contradiction? You decide.

Ms Critic double down saying that indeed we were racist because a White Man would have never been questioned about his reasons for kneeling. Of course the Liberal Schmuck seemed to be unaware that for the playing of Taps, the Old Guard announces to spectators to stand up and to place the right hand above their hearts as signal of respect. The Old Guard soldiers do not have a soft voice nor you get confused by their message when they mean to give you one:

I am gonna close this quoting myself from the reply I gave her in Facebook:

“And you know what? I am sick of “giving the benefit of the doubt.” I am tired of having to be the one that keeps giving up and let others get away with shit. I am sick of my willingness to seek a peaceful compromise being used as a tool to win a political point. 
Fuck that guy and the ones like him.”

I am done with being the nice one.

F*** your rights and F*** the law.

If you need to concentrate all that fs wrong with SJW and Antifa, here is the video:

By her speech pattern, I am hazarding a guess our Social Justice Fighter is of Mexican extraction, Aztec to be precise and it is hilarious to me that she talks about genocide when her ancestors celebrated mass sacrifices at the drop of a dime. We are talking more killings in one weekend than all the persons executed by the Spanish inquisition during it existence.

For her and her political kin, you have no rights, property is what they tell you can have (if any) and I am sure she thinks your life can be forfeited in the altar of Socialism so the Little People can have what she thinks they should have.

So basically, she will follow her ancestors’ traditions and cut your heart out if given the chance.

And that is why we own guns and a shitload of ammo.

He kinda reminds me of somebody infamous…

J.Kb. already touched on Lt. Spenser Rapone.

He reminded me of another famous military man who was secretly a “Rojo”  (Red as in communist), Hugo Rafael Chavez.

At least Hugo was smart enough to remain in the political closet till he got to power.

Then again the selfies had not been invented when Chavez was trying to overthrow the democratic government of Venezuela.


Hillary 2.0 not running for office.

I found via Sebastian that Shannon Watts is not running for that congressional seat in Colorado where she got her new very expensive home.

“Ultimately, I decided my work with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Rise to Run is more important than ever, given the election of Donald Trump, and right now I’m going to stay focused on helping to shape the laws and elections that impact women,” she said.

Source: Shannon Watts not running for Congress

Sebastian makes the point that she is not backed because she is associated with Gun Control which is a very low preoccupation now, and it is a fair analysis. To me it is also the carpetbagger effect and I am willing to bet the local Dems made it clear she is not welcome yet as she is just a recent arrival and only has notoriety because of her patron Michael Bloomberg.

This is also telling. the Dems have pretty much rejected Bloomberg’s millions for their coffers. The particular seat that Shannon was lusting after is firmly Democratic to the point there is not even a Republican registered for the primaries. I am sure that they could have used the cash for other races, but they seem to have  slapped his face and told him to go away. Then again, Bloomberg’s investments have not quite given the results they have wanted.

Now, I do believe we will see more dissension within Moms Demand. If they were getting pissed at the honchos when Shannon was thinking to become a Congresswoman, having her around mad as a wet hen and taking it out on everybody is not gonna help the internal Kumbaya of the organization.

I wonder if she really likes snow.

Taking a forced break

So this happened to my laptop’s screen earlier today.

Something or somebody ethereal decided to take a swing at the screen and it is gone. By the time I wrote this, nothing could be discerned but funky lines and shades.

I have a secondary monitor, but I am having a tough time trying to make it the main. It was a chore just to get the browser on that side and I am not gonna lose my mind trying to  get it one way just to revert it back.

Good news is that a replacement screen is available and it is easy enough to fix, I can do it.

The bad news? Reputable places are asking $97 to $109 for the screen which is another pounding my pocket was not expecting and after Mom’s hospital visit, the expenses are mounting high . You can find it cheaper in Amazon ($70 or so) and Ebay, but it gives me the willies because they do not look like stable operations.

And, I have a little procedure on Friday. Some exploratory thing to see if I can get rid of my back pain. Yup, it keeps piling up.

So, till I get it fixed, I will leave this blog in the capable hands of J. Kb.

PS: This is what it looks like now.


And my headache is back…Oy!