
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Gun Control Saves Cops! (No, not really)

So it seems they are back again trying to drive a wedge between us and the cops. And I say “trying” because the rank and file LEO does not buy the crap of gun owners are the same as armed criminals. And let’s not forget that Gun Control took the side of Black Lives Matter and crapped all over police officers across the nation.

And, of course, these are headlines we never see:

Good Samaritan with a Moms Demand/Everytown sign saves wounded cop.”

Dramatic moment hero CSGV Member insults a suspect who was battering police office and saves his life.


Texas Brady Campaign Man Saves Cop’s Life with a Long Speech against guns.

You will find the real headlines following the links.

The “We’ve Always Been At War With Eastasia” files: Time Magazine Cover.

As a Baby Boomer (of sorts) and even down south, I was always bombarded by the Left about we should not piss off the Russians (specially during the Reagan Years) and that we should be more like the Russians, yada-yada-yada. And that their security services had us infiltrated at different levels including arts was just baloney

All of the sudden, Russia is bad. Its former KGB-now-President cannot be trusted, and Trump is some sort of either Sleeper Agent or Bribed national. Russia is bad… Russia has always been bad.


Little Bird told me… OK, Michael Bane announced it.

A new season of Gun Stories is being filmed. I am a  big fan of the show and I don’t think I have missed an episode. Joe Mantegna is not only a great actor and narrator but also a Gun Guy. Check him out and what he carries in Criminal Minds.

Click to enlarge

And I am guessing we will be having an episode about the Guns of the Rough Riders and/or San Juan Hill by the picture.

Am I an expert on the guns of the Spanish-American War? Hardly. But I know them because of a Made-For-TV movie. You may want to check out the two-part TV movie Rough Riders directed by John Millius, a stickler for authentic and period guns.  The whole thing is well acted and well produced. Not available in Amazon but if DVD form, no idea if it is available in other sources, but I promise you it will be a good time.

This is how you get Tin Foil Hats and Black Helicopters.

Not saying one way or the other, but the information coming out of the Times Square Vehicle attack has been so mishandled, even I am starting to think cover up.

First they said (and rather fast, literally within 30 minutes of the event) that it was just a drunk driving incident. When it came out that the suspect blew a big fat zero in the BAC machine, the story changed to an armed robbery getaway gone wrong.

Not a video has been released and it looks like an aimed attack.. screw that, it does not look, it was.

The latest version is a Suicide by Cop attempt under the influence of Synthetic Marijuana.

Dear NYPD: Shut the hell up. shut the hell up of the assholes talking crap, do the investigation, present the evidence.

And take your time, we will wait.

National Gun Victims Action Council: Gay cousins eating burgers in Indiana or something like that.

The National Gun Victims Action Council is the Gun Control version of the Westboro Baptist Church… but without the media attention or class.  From time to time I love to bring you some example of the stuff that goes on in their Facebook page.

And I am not 100% sure, but I think that picture is not from Indiana but from Texas. The only person I have seen wearing the Cuban Pimp hat and a gun is Kory Watkins who is kinda our version of the same church. So, it evens out.

Anyway, enjoy the collage of idiocy.

Brushfire Plague 1 & 2 on sale!


R.P. just dropped me an email letting me know that the first two volumes of his saga are 99 cents each in Kindle format.

And since I am such a nice person, I give you the links.

Brushfire Plague (Volume 1)

Brushfire Plague: Reckoning (Volume 2)

They are great reading and now that summer is coming, you can’t go wrong by adding them to your vacation list.