The National Gun Victims Action Council is the Gun Control version of the Westboro Baptist Church… but without the media attention or class.  From time to time I love to bring you some example of the stuff that goes on in their Facebook page.

And I am not 100% sure, but I think that picture is not from Indiana but from Texas. The only person I have seen wearing the Cuban Pimp hat and a gun is Kory Watkins who is kinda our version of the same church. So, it evens out.

Anyway, enjoy the collage of idiocy.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “National Gun Victims Action Council: Gay cousins eating burgers in Indiana or something like that.”
  1. “Indiana law states: ‘Two (2) individuals may not marry each other if the individuals are more closely related than second cousins. However, two (2) individuals may marry each other if they are: First cousins and both are at least sixty-five (65) years of age.'” – Michigan City News-Dispatch

    I would presume this is a fairly old law and that the allowance for older marriages was put in place to (ahem) “grandfather in” those marriages from the early 20th Century when cousin marriage was still regularly (albeit not commonly) practiced.

    (Source: )

        1. You need two URLs to trigger the filter permission filter, but you did not get held but sent directly to the spam Can.
          Weird. You appear to be a rather polite person 🙂

            1. If you got tagged as Spam in another blog using Askimet, you will get sent to the Spam Can in other blogs using it too. Unfortunately some a-hole bloggers will do that rather than just ban you from their blog.

  2. I got married in Indiana. The county clerk did a background check to make sure we weren’t cousins. Seriously. Also to make sure we weren’t already married to other people or using different names. Cost me $100.

  3. So – just out of curiosity – how exactly is how one carries a firearm, in this case “like that”, come to be “correlated to racism?”

    I’m confused. What exactly is the correlation?

  4. I thought the Westboro Baptist a-holes were extremely anti-gay. Aren’t they the folks with the “God Hates Faggots” signs? Blaming everything wrong in the US on our tolerance of homosexuality?

    This doesn’t seem like it would be message they’d put up.

    1. These are not anti guy unless required to call some gun person a faggot.
      But my take is that they are OUT there in the same rarefied ionosphere of stupid as Westboro.

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