
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The mango did not fall far from the tree.

Son steals car from mom to get dad from jail and go do crime, get shot for breaking into a house running from the cops.

MIAMI – Gloria Castillo told Miami detectives that her teenage son stole her black 2013 Nissan Altima to pick up his dad from jail…

…Fallat said police officers caught up to Sanchez, 45, first. The teen ran faster than his dad and broke into a nearby home. But the 82-year-old homeowner was armed, and after hearing the noise he confronted the teen, who pushed him.
“There was a scuffle,” Fallat said. “The elderly man was forced to fire.”Alexander was limping away when police officers caught up to him too. His pants ended up falling when he was in handcuffs.

Mom’s nightmare: Son steals her car, ends up shot and arrested

I swear we need COPS to stay in South Florida for at least 2 years, the episodes would be just amazing. And to add insult to injury:

Miami Fire Rescue took him to Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Ryder Trauma Center with a non-life threatening injury to his buttocks. His dad was at the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on Saturday.

Dad is on Felony Probation for insurance scam (In SoFla? Unheard of! /sarcasm) and he was arrested and set to jail for reasons unknown but I am guessing not enough to violate his parole.

The mango did not fall far from the tree.

Sometimes I do love Miami. You can’t make this shit up.

Shannon Watts celebrates useless Pacifism

I made this screen cap on May 9. It caught my attention because at first I thought it was Anna Frank and when I found out it was not, I had to Google who Sophie Scholl was and why it was so important. Mind you, I have been a WWII buff since my early teens and I had never heard of her. Then again the information still coming out of that era is mind-boggling.

Sophie Scholl was a member of the German resistance during the Nazi era (stop laughing, it gets better.) Not only Resistance but Pacifist, Non-Violence resistance, in a country that had a government with no morals.  Her group was called the White Rose and they lasted about six moths before she ended with her neck in the guillotine.

Accomplishments by her and the rest of the White Rose organization? Zilch, nada, kaka, bupkis, etc.

The Germans were disarmed by the time Sophie got the bug of non-violent resistance. And a very efficient Gestapo getting rid of undesirables, wrong-thinkers and rebel-rousers made for a very “stable” and “peaceful” Germany.  Pacifist at best are only accomplices of the powers that be because they only seek peace for peace sake’s and they are willing to forego Freedom to achieve it. Peace movements only work against a government that has some semblance of morality of fears punishment. A government that expects neither, can not only ignore Pacifists but actually get medieval on their asses.

“Gandhi and Stalin.” “What?” John asked. “I used to tell Monica that when we’d get into politics. She’d always talk about how great Gandhi was. I’d tell her the only reason Gandhi survived after his first protest was that he was dealing with the Brits. If Stalin had been running India, he’d of been dead in a second, his name forgotten.”
One Second After by William R. Forstchen.

If peaceful marches and sit-ins would work, Venezuela would be a free country by now. But the Socialist Regime has safely ignored the “Non-Violent and Peaceful Demonstrations” for close to a decade now.  He is still in power and not really in any danger from outside forces to lose the presidency.

And Venezuela is only the latest example of the failed Pacifism Fashion. In my opinion, Pacifists fall in two categories: Agent Provocateurs for a group seeking power or Useful Assholes (the old soviet term of Useful Idiots is too benign) that are unknowingly helping a sinister group achieve power.

The fight against Tyranny is bloody and people will die.  But Pacifism and  has two unacceptable results: A very high body count and a total lack of achieving Freedom. Peace however is achieved, slaves do not get to protest or have opinions and therefore are very quiet.

I think Patton was a skosh more effective that Sophie against the Nazi evil. But that is just my opinion.

Ebola: Here we go again.

A new Ebola epidemic has been declared in the Democratic Republic of Congo after the deaths of three people thought to be linked to the virus.

The country’s health ministry confirmed one person has tested positive for the virus.

The World Health Organisation confirmed that the DR Congo had informed them of a lab-confirmed case of the disease.

Ebola: Three people killed in Democratic Republic of Congo as new epidemic declared by WHO.

I know, nobody gives a shit….Old fake news same as Bird flu:

“The disease was first identified in 1976.
The largest outbreak has been the recent epidemic in West Africa from December 2013 to January 2016 which killed more than 11,000 people.
In 2014, a three-month outbreak of Ebola in the DR Congo killed 49 people.”

I just wanted to add a bit of perspective: From 1976 till 2013 there were 1,948 deaths Ebola or 40 per year in average. From 2014 till 2016 the number jumped to 11,080 for 2,750 deaths per year. And that is with the medical advancements we have including epidemiology protocols.

I have the feeling that crap gets out of Africa in half assed numbers and we get to face up the 21st Century version of the Black Plague.

They have not thought this all the way through, have they?

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71/videos/10155264914736171/” width=”600″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″]

Although the video is from formerly known as Great Britain, it applies here in the US too

Again we are seeing two conflicting set of rules being played: Our side believe in the discussion of all ideas and to battle in the arena of civil arguments. The other side wants to shut down anybody that expresses an idea they deem offensive and they are more than willing to use force to do so.

So what happens when our side decides: “Fine, we will play it your way. We will shut down anybody who is spouting ideas we don’t like by any means necessary.

And our means may come with a 1 MOA or better.

Not even Moms like Shannon Watts?

“Staff who worked for Shannon quit or are fired faster than the organization can replace them. She’s a nightmare,” the source told TheDC. Another source close to the organization said in a written statement, “Two beliefs unite nearly all gun control supporters: background checks save lives, and Shannon Watts is a self-promoting tyrant.”

Source: Major Gun Control Group Is Riven By Leadership Dispute | The Daily Caller

I am afraid that I am enjoying the whole article just because confirmation bias. Go read it.

I have noticed some changes within the organization but the access to internal information on a vacuous astroturf  group is not easy. I know that the Moms chapter in Florida is now being run by Michelle Gajda out of Tampa and some other laces have seen changes in leadership, but I did not know that there was that level of disgust within the organization.

I highlighted the “self-promoting tyrant” part because it fits with I have been thinking regarding Shannon becoming Hillary 2.0 and seeking higher office.  Effective lobbyists stay away from the running of political office. You may get one foot in, but rarely go farther up the chain, specially if you gained entrance via Gun Control as parties demand you properly get your ticked punched and asses kissed in order to raise up the ladder.

I don’t see Shannon waiting to do all the right steps within the Democratic party. She will want to bulldozer her way in and it may take her only so far before somebody torches the bulldozer from inside.  This spells good for us and Moms is her creation and will probably collapse (even more) without her attention.  Everytown is associated deeply with Michael Bloomberg whose name is pretty much poison past the Holland Tunnel and Mayors Against Illegal Guns has become a joke.

Again, take the report with a huge grain of salt, but enjoy it nevertheless.


Hat tip John R.