
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

How can you mend a broken heart… apparently with Tylenol

Answering a question that the BeeGees posed many years ago, it seems that Tylenol might be the solution.

On the good side, we should see a reduction in chick flicks, romantic paperbacks with Fabio-look-alikes in the cover and women complaining that we are insensitive plus reduction in the price of beer, spirits and chocolate since the supply will far exceed the demand.

On the bad side…… I’ll have to get back to you on that one.

Equipment check please.

I check my sidearm every time I am not in direct control of it. 99.9% of the time I am not “in control” it means it is in a secured location such a safe or lock box. Even then, every time I take possession back, I perform a press check to see if the gun is loaded and a round is chambered. We all have heard the standard comment after negligent discharges “I thought it was unloaded!” but sometimes the opposite happens and can be as dangerous as the first one. We get this story from TheNewsTribune.com

Lopez, who has a concealed weapons permit, pulled out his pistol to use in self-defense, but there were no bullets in it. After Reyes allegedly shot at Lopez several times, Lopez loaded his gun and fired back, hitting Reyes twice.

The intended victim was lucky that the bad guy did not connect and he was able to do so. But why ride on luck when preparedness is so much nicer? Make sure your firearm is loaded, otherwise is just a very heavy belt accessory.

Why I hate the NRA (Not really but let’s jump in the bandwagon for a spell)

Here we go again with the NRA bashing. Somebody said that somebody in Texas said that the NRA is going to back some representative that they don’t like or belongs to a party or another that does not like and the blogosphere once again is filled with NRA-Sucks posts even though the NRA has not issued yet a single report/support for anybody for the upcoming November elections. But let’s not get the facts get in the way of a well traveled post that can generate thousands of hits, shall we?

Since facts are out of the way, allow me to explain my reasons why I won’t support the NRA anymore:

  1. Somebody told me that the postman that delivers the mail to NRA HQ is a junkie for Ben & Jerry’s Ice cream, notorious anti gunners. How can the NRA allow somebody like that into their office space is unforgivable.
  2. My hairdresser posted in her Facebook Page that the NRA endorsed Che Guevara as Governor of Puerto Rico. Since my hairdresser is puerto rican, it must be true.
  3. The NRA failed to stop the appointment of the City of Davie’s new Dog Catcher. He’s been to know be anti gun and comment about the need for sensible gun control.
  4. The NRA also failed to stop the Obama Administration from passing the Health Care Reform, bailing out the Car Companies and stop Global Warming. You know the NRA is in cahoots with the White House!
  5. The NRA is doing a damn thing about lowering the price of ammunition. I am sure they are getting money on the side from the ammo manufacturers against us poor shooters.
  6. I emailed the NRA last month demanding they pass Open Carry in the State of Florida within 30 days. Not only they haven’t done it, but they haven’t even bothered to answer my email.
  7. The NRA should focus more on Second Amendment issues and less on hunting.
  8. The NRA should focus more on hunting and less on Second Amendment Issues.
  9. I feel that my $35 a year NRA membership should include free guns, free range time and a date with Angelina Jolie.  I think they are wasting my money.
  10. I won’t support the NRA because it is the latest meme/trend/ Net fashion thing to do. Common sense has nothing to do. The truth even less.

There… I can breathe now knowing that i have satisfied the thoughtless masses. I shall now return to the logical areas of my brain.

PS: If you think I wrote stuff over the top and hard to believe,I actually saw a demand on a private forum of somebody who this morning posted another bashing to the NRA and calling for an immediate boycott of Ruger Firearms because of long time deceased Bill Ruger ‘s letter supporting the Clinton AWB and High Capacity Magazine Ban.  Shit you not.  Reason had left the building.

AK Hate… Get over it dudes!

Posted with jest in mind… do not take too seriously.

Say Uncle can’t help but shiver in horror at the thought of somebody actually pimping up an AK. I know many proud owners of AR systems that cost more than an upper class third world home (with hot tub and walk-in closets) and have no trouble adding tons of their own overpriced bling all over their safe queens.

AKs are like plain girlfriends: They will always be there when you need them. Yes, many men will try and date the hot looking redhead that every guy is drooling after and spend countless monies for her upkeep, but eventually she will disappoint you and leave you to suffer at the worst possible moment… just like an AR.

And yes, AKs are robust compared to the skinny ARs and the recoil is greater. You need to be a stronger fella to hold on tight and control the love taps of an AK and its weight, but ARs have a funny thing: they start skinny but suddenly they get heavier and heavier with new gadgets to then shed them, lose the weight and later gain it back with “new and improved” stuff in a sort of Tactical Bulimia. AKs are hefty girls that won’t make much difference what kind of gadget you will throw on, they will still take you for a wild ride. And AKs are like Gretchen Wilson’s Redneck Woman: You shop for them at WalMart and they are still sexy. With ARs you have to spend Fifth Avenue type and still might not get what you want since they are so picky and delicate.

How much delicate? Go to a range and try to catch a rifle/carbine match  or practice whenever rain threatens. At the first sign of water in the atmosphere, AR owners run for cover as if their baby girls will rust or shrink. Yet AK owners will remain on the line knowing that their ugly sticks will perform flawlessly. Heck what other people call mud we call lubrication!

“But…but..but we can shoot 1/4 MOA at 200 yards with an AR and you can’t!” and that is absolutely true, but I really don’t care if you can precisely shoot the pulmonary semilunar valve of the heart from the other county with a round designed to stun hedgehogs, an AK will shoot within the general area of the heart and end the discussion since what it does not have in “precision” it makes up in a caliber that lets the individual know he’s been shot and that he should now lay down and stay down till Rapture comes.

And yes, the AR is a platform that is constantly advancing and coming up with new improvements. And the latest one is the Piston ARs which make them more effective and reliable… which we AK owners have known and shoot for 60 plus years. 😉

C’mon AR guys, drop the fancy girl and get yourselves a Dirty Woman in the form an AK.

PS: As I said earlier, this is all in jest. And my apologies to all the ladies that might find the comparison to rifles and different female genotypes somewhat disgusting and insulting, that was not my intention. I was just “insulting” ARs. 😉

Gallery of Scumbags: Harry Reed Race Baiting Hispanics.

“I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, okay. Do I need to say more?”

Nope, it is pretty clear you the kind of low-life “patron”  (Do use the Spanish meaning for this word) type of politician you are.
This picture immediately reminded me of another “patron”… damn they look like brothers of something!

Francisco Franco Bahamonde, Dictator of Spain. Another charming SOB.

And that is why I, of Hispanic origin is a Republican.

Patron: A master in ancient times who freed his slaves but retained some rights over him/her. The word is still used  as an augmented version of boss.