This one could have gone wrong 7 different times, but the stars aligned for the victims.

And masks are no longer indicators of somebody suspicious, but personally I treat everybody suspicious if I don’t see a full face.

Keep your head in a swivel and carry everyday and everywhere.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Awareness and be armed”
  1. A balaclava is perceived differently than a face mask (by me, anyway). I would not view a person dressed as such as someone wanting to sell magazine subscriptions. 😏

  2. Sadly, Christian deLaRosa will still say carrying a gun makes you and me bad people.
    He used to be more logical. I guess he was around too many liberal reporters to keep his perspective.

    1. Yes, but… There are three ways of dealing with a violent threat. (1) resist with a firearm, (2) don’t resist at all, (3) resist without a firearm. That is the order from best to worst, from most likely to leave you alive and in good shape to least likely.
      In other words, if you aren’t suitably armed, meek surrender is statistically the less hazardous option.

      1. Statistics/ Odds/ Probabilities don’t matter if at the end they have you tied up face down in the living room as they pour gasoline on you.

        The thug already tried to shoot the woman once, and thankfully like most stupid criminals, he messed up. The best response she could do in this case was to charge the scumbag, and prevent him from clearing the jam, or otherwise put the gun back in working order. Give him no room and no time to make his firearm work.

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