By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Back then when Entertainers refused to be cancelled.”
  1. If you ever wonder why people don’t like LGBT, this is why.

    They are a guest in the house and they want to dictate rules to the host. And worse yet, it’s over sexual proclivities. They get pushback because they put their sexuality in our faces.

    One thing is consistent as dirt; they ruin anything for everybody. They’d rather burn whatever it is down rather than simply leave people be. Who cares who the guests on a show have sex with?

    Worse yet, I find it funny and sad that the LGBT activists basically poached the Blacks and Jews action. It’s positively absurd when they equate their self inflicted issues with Jim Crow or what Jews suffered at the hands of Nazis.

    I’ve seen it in real life, as a company I work with started an ED&I program (after george floyd) to help blacks get into the business. I have no issue with this if it’s to foster career discernment and talent starting in high school. I think it’ll be a tough road, since that well is pretty dry. But it is what it is. The effort was ostensibly to get more women and actual minorities into technology.

    A year later I’m viewing an ED&I panel discussion with the ‘team’. One black woman, two trannies, and an old lesbian. It was sad and disturbing and I lasted maybe halfway through it. Funny as it was, I felt sorry for the black lady. She had the look of a woman who found out she was duped.

    The LGBT crowd inserted themselves into the effort (like in the clip) and, at once there, totally poached the effort.

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