Nasty affair, info still coming in. Initial reports say he had a knife, attacked the female officers, got their guns and killed them. Here is a link to a photo, graphic content and note that bad guys understand the concept of body armor.

And next is video of the bad guy being taken down by the police. Notice an Accidental Discharge by the cops after the subject was down. Adrenalin, I am sure was at very high levels.

I wonder what kind of holsters were the officers wearing. Truthfully I am afraid of the answers.

Sad day in Belgium.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Belgium Shooter: 2 cops dead with their own guns.”
  1. Christ. Bad day all around. Notice that after Paris even the local cops break out the long guns in Europe now.

  2. But . . . I thought open carry scared off the bad guys! WTF?!
    My thoughts go out to these fallen officers.

  3. But I’m sure that nobody in the media will question why these stunningly and bravely dead wymynz, who didn’t need no man, were even allowed to do the job of men. Never question the Narrative that teh wahmen are totally equal to men in every way, unless they benefit from not being equal.

  4. Most police forces here in Europe do use level 3 holsters.
    Sometimes old leather duty holsters with at least a thumb snap are in use.

    It’s not rocket science to disarm a cop, if you know how modern holsters work.

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