Here is the picture from Day Life Photos.

The story behind it?

A hooded man holding a gun stands guard in the entrance of the Castanas neighborhood, in the southern outskirts of Guatemala City on July 19, 2011, to prevent an attack of the Salvatrucha gang. The residents of Castanas have been threatened and extorted by members of the Salvatrucha gang, and as a way to defend themselves, they decided to organize their own armed gang.

Really? You have to arm yourself and group with fellow neighbors to defend against one of the worst gangs ever to walk this planet and you get branded the same as the criminals? Whoever wrote that obviously has not seen what kind of urban renewal Mara Salvatrucha does to innocent people’s bodies with a set of machetes.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Bias Much?”
  1. Been to Guatemala City in the early 80’s once, on the way up-country to Tikal and on the tourist circuit to Chichicastenango and the old city of Antigua. It was pretty hairy back then too, but it seemed the Army had all the guns, except for the ones the Insurgents had – there were a lot anyhow…there was a sandbag pill-box with a M1919 at the crossroads leading off to “ChiChi”.

  2. “Whoever wrote that obviously has not seen what kind of urban renewal Mara Salvatrucha does to innocent people’s bodies with a set of machetes.”

    They don’t care though. To anti’s it is better that you and your family get chopped up with a machete than to defend yourself with a *gasp* firearm. As far as they are concerned the moral high ground more resembles high tide on a sea of innocents’ blood.

  3. Reference the riots occurring now in Great Britain. It’s exactly the society the leftist gun grabbers want.

    Everyone, including most of the cops, are disarmed. Leaving a bunch of thugs free to rape and pillage at will.

    And don’t try to defend yourself because then you’ll get charged with assault and possibly violating the looters’ civil rights.

  4. The problem is the old Lefty romantic notions of “class” are melted-away by the growth of the Leviathan Bureaucratic State which serves mainly itself.
    The asshole rioters burning buildings and businesses in Notting Hill are not a part of any “Class” system that Marx and his sycophants ever envisioned, his so-called “workers of the world” – because they don’t work!. They TAKE. Hand-outs from the .Gov who place greater and greater demands on the actual workers to PAY for/off this Parasite Class of permanent .Gov-Voters – so the ratchet continues.
    And it works-out for the Bureaucratic Class that have taken over the top of the dunghill in the formerly Great now slumlord Britain.

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