The Occupy Wall Street idiots scaring little kids on their way to school. But check at 00:58

That tall SOB would have ended up staring at the wrong end of my sidearm and with the rest of his life quantified in seconds, not years. I am a patient man who tolerates abuse from stupid people almost everyday, but to stoop so low as to terrorize children for your “political” reasons is just one step above Chechen terrorists killing the kids at Beslam.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Bless God I am not a parent.”
  1. Brass knuckles. I don’t care if I go to jail, someone heckle my baby sister like that it’s a good old imitation of Manny Pacquiao from this pinoy.

  2. read Larry Corriea so I’m gonna guess your a baen barfly. I’m thinking of a Mike Williamson title in response to that video and what I and I suspect you would just love to do to these people.

  3. I am sure the only Baen books you’ll find in my library are Larry’s. However I am reviewing old Inquisition techniques that I am sure will apply to morons like that.
    I think The Judas Cradle will sit well with him (pun intended)

    1. in that case the title of the book was “Better to Beg Forgiveness” As in ‘sometimes it’s better to beg forgiveness than to ask for permission’

  4. This whole video started off wrong for me- that prissy grinning reporter made me want to bitch slap her face twice. And that father with his kid… that bag should have hit the ground two seconds after that beanpole turd.

  5. They do this kind of crap in places like NYC where they know they’re pretty safe. Let them try that crap where the penalties are a little more severe.

    Sigh. They’re just gonna keep pushing until the killing starts. The problem is I don’t think they really, truly understand what that means.

  6. If anyone wants proof that an armed society is a polite society, just note how the liberals don’t do this in rural areas where this would have ended very badly for the protesters.

    I do believe, however, that they are actually wanting a “Kent State” incident to occur, so they can use it for sympathy and propaganda purposes.

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